→ Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform

Sentinel Toolbox Hackathon on 15-16 Oct 2015 in ESRIN

The  European Space Agency (ESA) is organizing the first Hackathon on community coding of open-source toolboxes for Sentinel missions. The event will be held on 15-16 Oct 2015 in ESRIN following the community consultation meeting on Earth Observation Open Science 2.0. Developers are welcome to apply before 10 Sep 2015 following indications available on http://www.eoscience20.org.

Sentinel Toolbox Hackathon on 15-16 Oct 2015 in ESRIN

Notable Replies

  1. Can I join the hackathon over the web?

  2. Probably yes. The event is not yet planned in detail. We’ll let you know via the STEP website how the actual organisation will look like.

    – Norman

  3. I have seen the agenda for the Hackathon on http://www.eoscience20.org/

    Is any of the sessions going to be web streamed or recordings provided after the event?
    Is there any other way to join this event remotely, as asked above?

  4. Yes, we actually would like to allow for remote participation. But we don’t have the details yet how ESA will establish this. We’ll keep you informed here and on the EOScience 2.0 webpage.

Continue the discussion forum.step.esa.int

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