→ Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform

Sneak Preview: An exclusive glimpse into SNAP 10

Dear valuable users,

We are pleased to share an exclusive sneak preview of the new features and enhancements of SNAP 10. Here is a glimpse of what you can expect:

API and Architectural Changes

For SNAP 10, the toolboxes are reorganized by sensor type.

The S2, S3 and the Proba-V Toolboxes now form the new Optical Toolbox. The S1 Toolbox including the RadarSat Toolbox now forms the Microwave Toolbox.

If you are a developer wishing to use SNAP in your own programs or to extend SNAP by new plugins, please note that several modules have been renamed and the packages have been changed to reflect the new structure. Some modules have even been moved elsewhere and others have been fully removed.


The new SNAP 10 is now compatible with Java 11. The NetBeans platform and the 3rd party libraries are also updated to the latest version. GDAL library has been updated to 3.7.2.

Compatibility with AARCH64-bit platforms: the Open-JPEG, NetCDF, and GDAL libraries have been updated to run on AARCH-64 MacOS.

The SNAP-Python interface which is now called esa_snappy is compatible with Python 3.10 and its installation has been improved.

GUI new features:

  • The SNAP Plugin Dialog has been enriched with new browsing, voting, and commenting functionalities.
  • The Copernicus DataSpace has been integrated into SNAP Product Library and SciHub has been removed.

New features added to Microwave toolbox

  • Support for updated Sentinel-1 format and for Cosmo-Skymed Second Generation
  • Updated support for ALOS-2 and SAOCOM
  • Support for ETAD product reading and viewing
  • Application of ETAD corrections for GRD and SM SLC
  • New PyRate SBAS workflow

Optical toolbox

Some of the operators and readers have been reorganized in the new Optical toolbox:

  • Meris operators are merged into a single module
  • OLCI pre-processing operators are merged into one module
  • GDAL Reader and Writer and some general-purpose implementations from the old S2TBX toolbox are moved to SNAP Core
  • snap-ndvi & spectral-unmix operators are now part of the Optical Toolbox.

We’ve also focused on optimizing performance of the Sentinel 2 Reader.

The SNAP Team

Sneak Preview: An exclusive glimpse into SNAP 10

Notable Replies

  1. Will esa_snappy be available via pip?

  2. When the new release is scheduled for?

Continue the discussion forum.step.esa.int
