The IdePix Processors provide a pixel classification into properties such as clear/cloudy, land/water, snow, ice etc. The processing options/parameters as well as the underlying classification algorithms are instrument-dependent. Actually, SNAP IdePix plugins for the following satellites/sensors are available:
Satellite | Sensor |
Sentinel-2 | MSI |
Sentinel-3 | OLCI |
Envisat | MERIS |
Landsat-8 | OLI |
Proba-V | Vegetation |
SPOT | Vegetation |
Terra/Aqua | MODIS |
OrbView-2 | SeaWiFS |
Suomi NPP | VIIRS |
IdePix is continuously being improved for already supported sensors and extended for further sensors in the frame of various projects, such as the ESA LandCover ([1]) and OceanColour ([2]) CCI projects.
To learn more about the latest version of each IdePix plugin, refer to the Supported Plugins section of SNAP Online Help and
[1] LandCover Project Web Site[2] OceanColour Project Web Site:[3] LandCover CCI ATBD Pre-processing
LC-CCI ATBD Pre-processing[3] IdePix Release Notes
Release notes on GitHub