All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AboutAction |
Displays the AboutPanel in a modal dialog.
AboutBox |
An annotation which generates AboutBox file objects.
AboutBoxProcessor |
AbstractAdapterEditor |
A dialog window used to edit an operator, or to create a new operator.
AbstractAssistantPage |
AbstractDiagramGraph |
AbstractDialog |
The AbstractDialog is the base class for ModalDialog and ModelessDialog ,
two helper classes used to quickly construct modal and modeless dialogs.
AbstractExportImageAction |
AbstractImageInfoEditorModel |
Unstable interface.
AbstractLayerConfigurationEditor |
Base class for editors allowing to modify a layer's configuration.
AbstractLayerEditor |
Base class for layer editors.
AbstractLayerSourceAssistantPage |
Note: This API is not public yet and may significantly change in the future.
AbstractLayerTopComponent |
Layer manager tool view.
AbstractModalDialog |
Created by jcoravu on 18/12/2018.
AbstractOverlayAction |
Monitor the state of overlays to either be enable or disable.
AbstractPlacemarkTableModel |
AbstractSnapAction |
AbstractStatisticsTopComponent |
The window containing all statistics.
AbstractTimerRunnable<OutputType> |
Created by jcoravu on 31/12/2018.
ActionContextMonitorTopComponent |
Displays the state of SNAP's global action context.
AnchorLabel |
Simple hyperlink-like label that navigates to the given tab index and component.
AngularBand |
AngularTopComponent |
Angularview |
AngularViewChooser |
AngularViewShapeProvider |
AngularViewStrokeProvider |
AppContext |
AssistantPage |
An AssistantPage is part of a sequence of pages.
AssistantPageContext |
Instances of this interface provide the context for
implementations of AssistantPage .
AssistantPane |
AttachPixelGeoCodingAction |
AutoCompleteTextArea |
Extension of JTextArea that allows autocompletion of entries, based on
operator's system variables and parameters.
AxisRangeControl |
BandChooser |
A dialog which lets the user select from a product's bands and tie-point grids.
BandMathsAction |
BasicView |
The base class for application view panes.
BooleanPreferenceKeyAction |
An action which sets a boolean preference value.
BorderLayoutUtils |
A utility class providing helper methods for JPanel s with a BorderLayout layout manager.
BoundaryOverlay |
This class is an overlay that draws products from a WorldMapPaneDataModel and lets client decide how to
render the selected product.
BoundaryOverlayImpl |
This class extends a BoundaryOverlay by the ability to draw a selected product.
BoundsInputPanel |
Component which provides a panel where lat/lon bounds may be entered and bound to a given
BindingContext .
BrightnessContrastData |
The BrightnessContrastData class is used to store the initial image info of the band and slider values.
BrowserUtils |
Methods for opening a URL in a browser.
BrowserUtils.URLClickAdaptor |
BundleForm |
Form for editing the bundle properties for an adapter
ButtonOverlayControl |
A navigation control which appears as a screen overlay.
ChartPagePanel |
A common class for chart based panels
CircularProgressIndicatorLabel |
Created by jcoravu on 28/12/2018.
CircularProgressPainter |
Created by jcoravu on 28/12/2018.
CloseAllProductsAction |
Action which closes all opened products.
CloseOtherProductsAction |
This action closes all opened products other than the one selected.
CloseProductAction |
Action which closes a selected product.
CloseSessionAction |
CollapsibleItemsPanel |
CollapsibleItemsPanel.CollapseListener |
CollapsibleItemsPanel.DefaultItem<T extends JComponent> |
CollapsibleItemsPanel.Item<T extends JComponent> |
CollectionLayerAssistantPage |
CollectionLayerSource |
This layer source creates a new and empty collection layer.
ColorChooserPanel |
A color chooser panel.
ColorChooserPanelFactory |
A factory for color chooser panels.
ColorCodes |
ColorComboBox |
A combo box for color values.
ColorComboBoxAdapter |
ColorEditor |
A value editor for colors.
ColorFormModel |
ColorLabel |
A component for displaying color values.
ColorManipulationChildForm |
ColorManipulationController |
Panel handling general layer preferences.
ColorManipulationForm |
ColorManipulationTopComponent |
ColorSchemeLookupInfo |
Contains all info for a color scheme lookup
ColorSchemeManager |
Manages all the color schemes
ColorSchemeUtils |
Panel handling general layer preferences.
ColorTableCellEditor |
A table cell editor for color values.
ColorTableCellRenderer |
A table cell renderer for color values.
ColorUtils |
Utility class containing methods to the Color Manipulation Tool.
CommunityPluginVotePanel |
Panel containing the Community Plugin vote dialog
ComponentsEnabled |
Created by jcoravu on 28/12/2018.
ComputeMaskAreaAction |
ConsoleConsumer |
ConsolePane |
Console-like panel for displaying tool output.
ContextGlobalExtender |
Allows to dynamically extend the contents of the global lookup.
ContextGlobalExtenderImpl |
ContextWebSearch |
Adds contextual search support to Snap.
ContextWebSearchAction |
Provides context-sensitive web search.
Continuous1BandBasicForm |
Continuous1BandGraphicalForm |
Continuous1BandSwitcherForm |
Continuous1BandTabularForm |
Continuous3BandGraphicalForm |
ConvertComputedBandIntoBandAction |
Converts a virtual band into a "real" band.
CopyPixelInfoToClipboardAction |
CreateFilteredBandDialog |
The dialog that lets users select existing or define new image filters.
CreateFilteredBandDialog.DialogData |
CreateGeoCodingDisplacementBandsAction |
CreateSubsetAction |
This action opens a product subset dialog with the initial spatial bounds
taken from the currently visible image area, if any.
CreateSubsetFromViewAction |
This action opens a product subset dialog with the initial spatial bounds
taken from the currently visible image area.
CreateVectorDataNodeAction |
CrsForm |
CrsSelectionPanel |
CsvEncoder |
An encoder for CSV.
CursorAngularViewPixelPositionListener |
CursorSpectrumPixelPositionListener |
CustomButton |
CustomComboBox<ItemType> |
Created by jcoravu on 10/2/2020.
CustomCrsForm |
CustomCrsPanel |
CustomFileChooser |
Created by jcoravu on 11/1/2019.
CustomLogarithmicAxis |
A logarithmic axis representation with improved scaling and labelling
CustomParameterClass |
Enum-like class holding the possible types of operator parameters
CustomSplitPane |
Created by jcoravu on 20/8/2019.
CustomTextField |
DateCellRenderer |
DateCellRenderer to render a date in a table cell.
DatePickerComboBox |
DateTimePicker |
DateTimePickerCellEditor |
DecimalCellEditor |
A DecimalCellEditor which is able to validate the entered value.
DecimalFormatter |
DecimalTableCellRenderer |
DecoratedNotEmptyValidator |
DefaultAppContext |
This trivial implementation of the AppContext class
is only for testing.
DefaultBandChoosingStrategy |
DefaultConfigController |
Abstract superclass for preferences pages.
DefaultCursorSynchronizer |
DefaultDiagramGraph |
DefaultDiagramGraphStyle |
DefaultImageInfoEditorModel |
Unstable interface.
DefaultLayerSourceDescriptor |
The DefaultLayerSourceDescriptor provides metadata and
a factory method for a LayerSource .
DemSelector |
DensityPlotTopComponent |
DesktopVersionCheck |
DesktopVersionCheck.OnStartup |
DetachPixelGeoCodingAction |
Diagram |
The Diagram class is used to plot simple X/Y graphs.
Diagram.RectTransform |
DiagramAxis |
DiagramCanvas |
The DiagramCanvas class is a UI component used to display simple X/Y plots represented by objects of
type Diagram
DiagramChangeListener |
DiagramGraph |
DiagramGraphIO |
DiagramGraphStyle |
Dialogs |
Utility class which is used to display various commonly and frequently used message dialogs.
Dialogs.Answer |
Discrete1BandTabularForm |
DisplayableAngularview |
DisplayableSpectrum |
Disposable |
DragScrollListener |
Listener to allow for iPhone like drag scrolling of a Component within a JScrollPane.
DrawEllipseToolAction |
DrawLineToolAction |
DrawPolygonToolAction |
DrawPolylineToolAction |
DrawRectangleToolAction |
EmptyImageInfoForm |
EntityForm<T> |
Generic form for simplified binding of an object instance.
EscapeAction |
Convenience Action to dispose of a Swing Window by using the Escape key.
ExecuteToolAdapterAction |
Action to be performed when a toll adapter menu entry is invoked.
ExportColorPaletteAction |
This action exports the color palette of the selected product.
ExportEnviGcpFileAction |
This actions exports ground control points of the selected product in a ENVI format.
ExportGeometryAction |
ExportImageAction |
Action for exporting scene views as images.
ExportKmzFileAction |
ExportLegendImageAction |
ExportLegendImageAction.ImageLegendDialog |
ExportMaskPixelsAction |
ExportMetadataAction |
ExportProductAction |
Action for exporting a product.
ExportTransectPixelsAction |
ExpressionEditor |
A value editor for band arithmetic expressions
ExpressionEditor.BooleanExpressionEditor |
ExpressionEditor.GeneralExpressionEditor |
ExpressionPane |
The expression pane is a UI component which is used to edit mathematical expressions.
FakeUncertaintyGenerator |
FakeUncertaintyGenerator.StartOp |
FeatureCrsDialog |
Dialog for selection of a feature CRS in CSV import
FeatureLayer |
A layer that renders a feature collection using a given style.
FeatureLayerEditor |
Editor for placemark layers.
FeatureLayerType |
FieldChangeTrigger<S,T> |
Models a relation between two entity fields such that, if one field changes, the other may change based on the new
value of the first field.
FileArrayEditor |
An UI-Component which represents a product file list with the ability to add and remove files.
FileArrayEditor.EditorParent |
FileArrayEditor.FileArrayEditorListener |
FileChooserFactory |
A factory which is used to create instances of JFileChooser .
FileHistory |
FileHistory is a fixed-size array for the pathes of files opened/saved by a user.
FileListEditor |
Editor for properties of type File[].
FilePanel |
Created by jcoravu on 10/6/2016.
FilePathListCellRenderer |
A ListCellRenderer which replaces the beginning of the file path
by "..." to ensure the given maximum length..
Filter |
Filter.Listener |
Filter.Operation |
FilteredBandAction |
FilterEditor |
Filter editors are used to get/set a filter and can be displayed.
FilteredListModel<T> |
FilteredListModel.Filter<T> |
FilterKernelCanvas |
A canvas that displays the filter's kernel matrix.
FilterKernelForm |
A form containing a {link @FilterKernelCanvas} and components to change size and fill value of the kernel.
FilterPropertiesForm |
A tabular editor form for a filter's properties.
FilterSet |
FilterSet.Listener |
FilterSetFileStore |
Class used to store/reload user-defined image filters.
FilterSetForm |
A form used too edit and display a single FilterSet in a JTree .
FilterSetForm.Listener |
FilterSetsForm |
A form used too edit and display multiple FilterSet s arranged in a JTabbedPane .
FilterSetStore |
FilterWindow |
Represents a window that lets users inspect and edit a single image Filter .
FolderEditor |
Folder picker editor.
FormatedFileHistory |
FileHistory is a fixed-size array for the pathes of files opened/saved by a user.
ForwardFocusAction |
GcpManagerTopComponent |
GcpTableModel |
GcpToolAction |
GenericRunnable<ItemType> |
Created by jcoravu on 29/3/2019.
GeoCodingTopComponent |
GeoLocationController |
The preferences panel handling geo-location details.
GraticuleLayerController |
* Panel handling graticule layer preferences.
GraticuleLayerEditor |
Editor for graticule layer.
GridBagUtils |
A utility class providing helper methods for JPanel s with a GridBagLayout layout manager.
GridLayout2 |
A grid layout which allows components of differrent sizes.
GroupByNodeTypeAction |
GroupedBandChoosingStrategy |
HelpAction |
Basic help action.
HelpDisplayer |
Helper class to invoke the help system.
HistogramPlotTopComponent |
HistoryComboBoxModel |
Note: This API is not public yet and may significantly change in the future.
HSVImageProfilePane |
ImageCursorSynchronizer |
ImageFileLayerSource |
A layer source for images.
ImageFileLayerType |
ImageInfoEditor |
Unstable interface.
ImageInfoEditorModel |
Unstable interface.
ImageLayerController |
* Panel handling image layer preferences.
ImageLayerEditor |
Basic editor for image layers.
ImageViewController |
Panel handling general layer preferences.
ImageViewSynchronizer |
ImportProductAction |
Generic configurable action for importing data products.
ImportTrackAction |
Action that lets a user load text files that contain data associated with a geographic position,
ImportVectorDataNodeFromCsvAction |
ImportVectorDataNodeFromMermaidAction |
ImportVectorDataNodeFromShapefileAction |
InformationTopComponent |
InsertFigureInteractorInterceptor |
InsertGcpInteractor |
A tool used to create ground control points (single click), select (single click on a GCP) or
edit (double click on a GCP) the GCPs displayed in product scene view.
InsertGcpInteractor |
A tool used to create ground control points (single click), select (single click on a GCP) or
edit (double click on a GCP) the GCPs displayed in product scene view.
InsertPinInteractor |
A tool used to create (single click), select (single click on a pin) or edit (double click on a pin) the pins
displayed in product scene view.
InsertPlacemarkInteractor |
Interactor fort inserting pins and GCPs.
InsertWktGeometryAction |
An action that allows users to insert a Geometry from WKT.
ItemRenderer<ItemType> |
Created by jcoravu on 7/2/2020.
KeyStrokeConverter |
LabelListCellRenderer<ItemType> |
Created by jcoravu on 19/12/2018.
LayerEditor |
An editor for a specific layer type.
LayerEditorTopComponent |
LayerManager |
Either 'editor' or 'editorFactory' must be given:
'editor' must be a LayerEditor
'editorFactory' must be a com.bc.ceres.core.ExtensionFactory that produces
instances of LayerEditor .
LayerManager.Runner |
LayerManagerTopComponent |
LayerSource |
A layer source can add one or more layers
to an already existing root layer.
LayerSourceAssistantPane |
Note: This API is not public yet and may significantly change in the future.
LayerSourceDescriptor |
The LayerSourceDescriptor provides metadata and
a factory method for a LayerSource .
LayerSourcePageContext |
LoadingIndicator |
Created by jcoravu on 31/12/2018.
LoadingIndicatorPanel |
Created by jcoravu on 28/12/2018.
LoadSaveRasterDataNodesConfigurationsComponent |
LoadSaveRasterDataNodesConfigurationsProvider |
MagicWandInteractor |
An interactor that lets users create masks using a "magic wand".
MagicWandModel |
Utilities for the magic wand tool (interactor).
MagicWandModel.Listener |
MagicWandModel.PickMode |
MagicWandModel.PixelTest |
MagicWandModel.SpectrumTransform |
MagicWandToolAction |
ManageToolAdaptersAction |
Action for launching the form that manages the existing
tool adapters.
MaskLayerController |
Panel handling mask layer preferences.
MaskManagerToolTopComponent |
MaskSelectionToolSupport |
MaskToolTopComponent |
MaskViewerTopComponent |
MessageDialog |
Created by jcoravu on 7/1/2019.
MetadataPlotTopComponent |
The tool view containing a density plot
MetadataTableInnerElement |
MetadataViewTopComponent |
MetadataViewTopComponent.StringDecimalFormatRenderer |
ModalDialog |
A helper class used to implement standard modal dialogs.
ModelessDialog |
A helper class used to implement standard modeless dialogs.
ModuleSuiteDialog |
Dialog for creating a module suite nbm package
MoreOptionsForm |
MultiSizeIssue |
This class is not part of the public API.
NavigationCanvas |
NavigationTopComponent |
NbResourceLocator |
A resource locator service for the NetBeans platform.
NewBandDialog |
NewProductDialog |
NewWorkspaceAction |
NoDataLayerController |
Panel handling no-data layer preferences.
NoDataLayerEditor |
NodeExpansionManager |
NumberPlainDocument |
The NumberPlainDocument class can be used to allow only digits in the input text field.
OpenHSVImageViewAction |
This action opens an HSV image view on the currently selected Product.
OpenImageViewAction |
This action opens an image view of the currently selected raster.
OpenImageViewAction.ProductSceneViewImageUpdater |
A method used to update a ProductSceneView .
OpenMetadataViewAction |
This action opens an Metadata View of the currently selected Metadata Node
OpenPlacemarkViewAction |
OpenProductAction |
OpenQuicklookViewAction |
This action opens a Quicklook View of the currently selected Quicklook Node
OpenRGBImageViewAction |
This action opens an RGB image view on the currently selected Product.
OpenSessionAction |
OperationType |
Created by dmihailescu on 17/03/2016.
OperatorParametersTable |
Table holding the operator parameter descriptors
OperatorsTableModel |
OtherOptionsController |
Preferences tab for handling the UI behavior preferences.
OutputGeometryForm |
OutputGeometryFormModel |
OverlayGcpLayerAction |
OverlayGeometryLayerAction |
OverlayGraticuleLayerAction |
OverlayNoDataLayerAction |
OverlayPinLayerAction |
OverlayWorldMapLayerAction |
PagePanel |
A general page within the statistics window.
PairRunnable<First,Second> |
Created by jcoravu on 19/2/2020.
PannerToolAction |
PinManagerTopComponent |
PinTableModel |
PinToolAction |
PixelInfoTopComponent |
Experimental top component which displays information about selected pixel.
PixelInfoUpdateService |
PixelInfoView |
The pixel info view component is used to display the geophysical values for the pixel at a given pixel position
PixelInfoView.DisplayFilter |
PixelInfoViewTableModel |
PixelInfoViewUtils |
Utility class to compute pixel value in any raster
PixelPositionListener |
A listener interrested in pixel position changes within a source image.
PixelPosStatusLineElementProvider |
Displays current pixel position in the status bar.
PlacemarkDialog |
A dialog used to create new placemarks or edit existing placemarks.
PlacemarkManagerButtons |
PlacemarkManagerTopComponent |
PlacemarkUtils |
PlacemarkViewTopComponent |
PlotAreaSelectionTool |
PlotAreaSelectionTool.Action |
PlotAreaSelectionTool.AreaType |
PNode |
A node that represents a Product (=P).
PointConverter |
PopupMenuFactory |
A factory for pop-up menues.
PopupMenuHandler |
A handler which can be registered on components as a mouse listener.
PredefinedCrsForm |
Preference |
Annotation for user preferences.
Preference.NullValidator |
PreferenceUtils |
Contains some static helper functions.
ProductAdvancedDialog |
Created by jcoravu on 17/2/2020.
ProductChooser |
ProductCrsForm |
ProductExplorerTopComponent |
The product explorer tool window.
ProductExpressionPane |
An expression pane to be used in conjunction with Product s in order to edit and assemble band arithmetic expressions.
ProductFileChooser |
ProductGroupNode |
A node that represents a Product (=P).
ProductLayerSource |
A layer source that adds band or tie-point-grids
from compatible products as new bands.
ProductNodeView |
An interface which can be used to mark a visible component as a view displaying a product node.
ProductOpener |
ProductPlacemarkView |
A view component used to display a product's metadata in tabular form.
ProductSceneImage |
ProductSceneView |
The class ProductSceneView is a high-level image display component for color index/RGB images created
from one or more raster datasets of a data product.
ProductSceneView.RGBChannel |
A band that is used as an RGB channel for RGB image views.
ProductSceneViewTopComponent |
A document window which displays images.
ProductSubsetDialog |
A modal dialog used to specify data product subsets.
ProfilePlotTopComponent |
ProgressHandleMonitor |
A progress monitor that notifies a ProgressHandle instance (of the NetBeans Progress API).
ProgressHandler |
ProgressWorker |
Simple graphical progress worker for a runnable task.
ProjectionParamsDialog |
PropagateUncertaintyAction |
PropagateUncertaintyDialog |
PropertyMemberUIWrapper |
PropertyMemberUIWrapper.CallBackAfterEdit |
PropertyMemberUIWrapperFactory |
PropertyUIDescriptor |
QuicklookOptionsController |
Panel for quicklook options.
QuicklookToolView |
RangeFinderAction |
ReadProductInspectorTimerRunnable |
Created by jcoravu on 17/2/2020.
RefreshActionEnabler |
RegexFieldValidator |
Simple validator that checks a regex is compilable.
RegionBoundsInputUI |
This user interface provides a world map and text fields to define region bounds.
RegionSelectableWorldMapPane |
This class wraps a WorldMapPane and extends it by functionality to draw and resize a selection rectangle.
RenderedImageIcon |
An adapter class which supplies a RenderedImage with the Icon interface.
ReopenProductAction |
ReportIssueAction |
This action launches the default browser to display the web page explaining how to best report an issue.
RequiredFieldValidator |
Simple class for validating that a text component has no null or empty input.
RequiredTextComponentAdapter |
Created by jcoravu on 9/23/2016.
RestoredSession |
A restored session comprising products and views.
RgbController |
The controller for RGB product profile preferences.
RGBImageProfilePane |
RoiMaskSelector |
SaveProductAction |
Action which closes a selected product.
SaveProductAsAction |
Action which saves a selected product using a new name.
SaveSessionAction |
SaveSessionAsAction |
ScatterPlotTopComponent |
SelectExportMethodDialog |
SelectionActions |
Global selection actions (action keys).
SelectionSupport<T> |
Utility which allows for registering handlers which are informed about single selection changes.
SelectionSupport.Handler<T> |
Handles single selection changes.
SelectLayerSourceAssistantPage |
Note: This API is not public yet and may significantly change in the future.
SelectToolAction |
SequentialDialog |
Session |
Data container used for storing/restoring BEAM sessions.
Session.LayerRef |
Session.ProblemSolver |
Session.ProductRef |
Session.URIConverter |
Session.URIConverterWrapper |
Session.ViewportDef |
Session.ViewRef |
SessionDomConverter |
SessionIO |
The Session I/O class is used to store and restore sessions.
SessionManager |
A session manager is handling the one and only active session file.
ShapeConverter |
ShapefileLayerSource |
A layer source for ESRI shape files.
ShowGeometryWktAction |
An action that allows users to copy WKT from selected Geometries.
ShowHomePageAction |
This action launches the default browser to display the project web page.
ShowLogInExplorer |
ShowOnlineHelpAction |
This action launches the default browser to display the online help.
ShowTutorialsPageAction |
This action launches the default browser to display the project tutorials.
SimpleDialog |
SimpleFeatureFigure |
SimpleFeatureFigureFactory |
SimpleFeaturePointFigure |
A figure representing point features.
SimpleFeatureShapeFigure |
A figure representing shape features.
SimpleLayerSource |
This layer source uses the given layer type to construct new layer.
SLDUtils |
SliderBoxImageDisplay |
A component representing an image display with a draggable slider box in it.
SliderBoxImageDisplay.SliderBoxChangeListener |
SnapAboutBox |
SnapApp |
The class SnapApp is a facade for SNAP Desktop applications.
SnapApp.ActionContextExtender |
This non-API class is public as an implementation detail.
SnapApp.MaybeStopOp |
This non-API class is public as an implementation detail.
SnapApp.SelectionSourceHint |
SnapApp.ShowingOp |
This non-API class is public as an implementation detail.
SnapApp.StartOp |
This non-API class is public as an implementation detail.
SnapApp.StopOp |
This non-API class is public as an implementation detail.
SnapArgs |
SNAP's command-line arguments.
SnapArgsProcessor |
Extra SNAP Desktop command-line arguments:
--open [<session-file>] [<file-1> <file-2> ...]
--python <python-interpreter> [<snappy-python-module-dir>]
SnapFileChooser |
The general SNAP file chooser.
SnapKeyStoreProvider |
SnapUtils |
Provides various utility functions allowing scripting clients to register actions and windows
for the SNAP Desktop application.
SourceProductList |
Enables clients to create a component for choosing source products.
Spectrum |
SpectrumBand |
SpectrumChooser |
SpectrumShapeProvider |
SpectrumStrokeProvider |
SpectrumTopComponent |
StandardFilters |
Created by Norman on 20.03.2014.
StatisticsTopComponent |
StatisticsUtils |
Utilities for the statistics dialog.
StatisticsUtils.TransectProfile |
StatusbarAction |
SwingUtils |
Created by jcoravu on 10/1/2019.
SyncImageCursorsAction |
SyncImageViewsAction |
SystemDependentVariableEditorDialog |
A simple editor window for system-dependent variables
TableModelCsvEncoder |
This simple TableModelCsvEncoder writes the table model content encoded
as CSV to a given writer.
TableModelFactory |
TableViewPagePanel |
TemplateParameterEditorDialog |
Form for displaying and editing details of a tool adapter parameter of File Template type.
TestProducts |
Creates product instances for testing.
TextFieldValidator |
Base validator for text-input components
ThirdPartyLicense |
Holder providing a description of a third party license as used in SNAP.
ThirdPartyLicensesCsvTable |
Holder for Third Party Licenses Table as provided from csv file.
ThirdPartyLicensesTableModel |
Table model for 3rd party licenses displayed in AboutBox
ThumbnailPanel |
Displays a panel of thumbnails
TileCacheMonitor |
TileCacheMonitorTopComponent |
Displays the state of SNAP's global image tile cache.
TitledSeparator |
ToolAction |
Tool actions are used to interact with a FigureEditor ,
such as the VISAT product scene view.
ToolAdapterActionRegistrar |
Helper class for creating menu entries for tool adapter operators.
ToolAdapterActionRegistrar.StartOp |
Startup class that performs menu initialization to be invoked by NetBeans.
ToolAdapterActionRegistrar.StopOp |
ToolAdapterEditorDialog |
A dialog window used to edit an operator, or to create a new operator.
ToolAdapterExecutionDialog |
Form dialog for running a tool adapter operator.
ToolAdapterOptionsController |
Options controller for Standalone Tool Adapter.
ToolAdaptersManagementDialog |
Dialog that allows the management (create, edit, remove and execute) of external
tool adapters
ToolAdapterTabbedEditorDialog |
A tabbed dialog window used to edit an operator, or to create a new operator.
ToolButtonFactory |
The ToolButtonFactory can be used to create tool bar buttons which have a consistent look and feel.
ToolParameterEditorDialog |
Form for displaying and editing details of a tool adapter parameter.
ToolTopComponent |
A base class for the implementation of SNAP tool windows.
TrackLayerEditor |
TrackLayerType |
A special layer type that is used to create layers for VectorDataNode s that
have a special feature type.
TrackLayerType.TrackLayer |
TrackLayerTypeFactory |
TransientAction |
A proxy action which can be used to programmatically register delegate actions which will *not* be serialized
into the NetBeans filesystem.
TransientTopComponent |
The TransientTopComponent is a convenience base class for SNAP Desktop
windows that are registered through scripts.
TypedValueValidator |
Created by kraftek on 5/5/2015.
UiBehaviorController |
Preferences tab for handling the UI behavior preferences.
UIDefaults |
A utility class which creates GUI componants with default settings.
UIUtils |
The UIUtils class provides methods frequently used in connection with graphical user interfaces.
UncertaintyVisualisationTopComponent |
The uncertainty visualisation manipulation tool window.
UndoableProductNodeDeletion<T extends ProductNode> |
An undoable insertion of a ProductNode .
UndoableProductNodeEdit<T extends ProductNode> |
An undoable edit of a ProductNode .
UndoableProductNodeInsertion<T extends ProductNode> |
An undoable deletion of a ProductNode .
UserInputHistory |
UserInputHistory is a fixed-size array for String entries edited by a user.
ValidateTextComponentAdapter |
Created by jcoravu on 9/28/2016.
VariableChangedListener |
Created by dmihailescu on 06/04/2016.
VariablesTable |
VectorDataCollectionLayer |
VectorDataCollectionLayerType |
VectorDataFigureEditor |
A figure editor for vector data nodes.
VectorDataLayer |
A layer for vector data nodes.
VectorDataLayerEditor |
VectorDataLayerEditorFactory |
VectorDataLayerFilterFactory |
VectorDataLayerType |
VectorDataNodeImporter |
VectorDataNodeImporter.VectorDataNodeReader |
VerticalScrollablePanel |
Created by jcoravu on 23/9/2019.
VFSOptionsController |
A controller for VFS Remote File Repositories.
WindFieldLayer |
Experimental wind field layer.
WindFieldLayerSource |
WindFieldLayerType |
WmsLayerSource |
WmsLayerType |
Layer type for layer that displays images coming from an OGC WMS.
WorldMapImageLoader |
This utility class is responsible for loading the world map image.
WorldMapLayerController |
Panel handling world map layer preferences.
WorldMapPane |
WorldMapPane.DefaultPanSupport |
WorldMapPane.PanSupport |
WorldMapPane.ZoomListener |
WorldMapPaneDataModel |
WorldMapTopComponent |
WriteOptionsController |
Panel for write options.
WriteProductOperation |
XStreamSessionIO |
A Session I/O implementation which uses XStream to marshall and unmarshall Session instances
to and from XML.
XYImagePlot |
An X/Y plot that uses a buffered image to display its data.
XYPlotMarker |
XYPlotMarker.Listener |
XYPlotToolTipGenerator |
ZoomToolAction |