Class PixelPosStatusLineElementProvider

    • Constructor Detail

      • PixelPosStatusLineElementProvider

        public PixelPosStatusLineElementProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • getStatusLineElement

        public Component getStatusLineElement()
        Specified by:
        getStatusLineElement in interface org.openide.awt.StatusLineElementProvider
      • pixelPosChanged

        public void pixelPosChanged​(ImageLayer imageLayer,
                                    int pixelX,
                                    int pixelY,
                                    int currentLevel,
                                    boolean pixelPosValid,
                                    MouseEvent e)
        Description copied from interface: PixelPositionListener
        Informs a client that the pixel position within the image has changed.
        Specified by:
        pixelPosChanged in interface PixelPositionListener
        imageLayer - the image layer
        pixelX - the x position within the image in pixel co-ordinates on the given level
        pixelY - the y position within the image in pixel co-ordinates on the given level
        currentLevel - the current level at which the image is displayed
        pixelPosValid - if true, pixel position is valid
      • windowSelected

        public void windowSelected​(eu.esa.snap.netbeans.docwin.DocumentWindowManager.Event<Object,​ProductSceneView> e)
        Specified by:
        windowSelected in interface eu.esa.snap.netbeans.docwin.DocumentWindowManager.Listener<Object,​ProductSceneView>
      • windowDeselected

        public void windowDeselected​(eu.esa.snap.netbeans.docwin.DocumentWindowManager.Event<Object,​ProductSceneView> e)
        Specified by:
        windowDeselected in interface eu.esa.snap.netbeans.docwin.DocumentWindowManager.Listener<Object,​ProductSceneView>