Class ChartPagePanel

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChartPagePanel

        public ChartPagePanel​( parentComponent,
                              String helpId,
                              String titlePrefix,
                              boolean refreshButtonEnabled)
    • Method Detail

      • updateChartData

        protected abstract void updateChartData()
        Asks the chart panel to update its chart data. This involve a (re-)computation of all datasets.
      • updateComponents

        protected void updateComponents()
        Description copied from class: PagePanel
        Updates the panel's sub-components as a reaction to a product node selection change.
        Specified by:
        updateComponents in class PagePanel
      • createUI

        protected void createUI​(org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel chartPanel,
                                JPanel optionsPanel,
                                RoiMaskSelector roiMaskSelector)
        Responsible for creating the UI layout.
        chartPanel - the panel of the chart
        optionsPanel - the options panel for changing settings
        roiMaskSelector - optional ROI mask selector, can be null if not wanted.