Class PagePanel

    • Constructor Detail

      • PagePanel

        protected PagePanel​( parentComponent,
                            String helpId,
                            String title)
    • Method Detail

      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
      • getParentDialog

        public getParentDialog()
      • nodeAdded

        public void nodeAdded​(ProductNodeEvent event)
        Notified when a node was added.
        Specified by:
        nodeAdded in interface ProductNodeListener
        event - the product node which the listener to be notified
      • nodeRemoved

        public void nodeRemoved​(ProductNodeEvent event)
        Notified when a node was removed.
        Specified by:
        nodeRemoved in interface ProductNodeListener
        event - the product node which the listener to be notified
      • getProduct

        protected Product getProduct()
      • isRasterChanged

        protected boolean isRasterChanged()
      • isProductChanged

        protected boolean isProductChanged()
      • isVectorDataNodeChanged

        protected boolean isVectorDataNodeChanged()
      • setVectorDataNode

        protected void setVectorDataNode​(VectorDataNode vectorDataNode)
      • mustHandleSelectionChange

        protected boolean mustHandleSelectionChange()
        true if handleNodeSelectionChanged() shall be called in a reaction to a node selection change.
      • handleLayerContentChanged

        protected void handleLayerContentChanged()
        Called in reaction to a layer content change. The default implementation does nothing.
      • initComponents

        protected abstract void initComponents()
        Initialises the panel's sub-components.
      • updateComponents

        protected abstract void updateComponents()
        Updates the panel's sub-components as a reaction to a product node selection change.
      • getDataAsText

        protected abstract String getDataAsText()
      • handlePopupCreated

        protected void handlePopupCreated​(JPopupMenu popupMenu)
      • checkDataToClipboardCopy

        protected boolean checkDataToClipboardCopy()
      • createCopyDataToClipboardMenuItem

        protected JMenuItem createCopyDataToClipboardMenuItem()
      • copyTextDataToClipboard

        protected void copyTextDataToClipboard()
      • hasAlternativeView

        protected boolean hasAlternativeView()
      • showAlternativeView

        protected void showAlternativeView()
      • setAlternativeView

        protected void setAlternativeView​(PagePanel alternativeView)
      • getAlternativeView

        protected PagePanel getAlternativeView()