Class ModelessDialog

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    org.esa.snap.core.gpf.ui.SingleTargetProductDialog, ToolAdaptersManagementDialog

    public class ModelessDialog
    extends AbstractDialog

    A helper class used to implement standard modeless dialogs.

    The dialog can be used directly (which doesn't make much sense) or the class is used as base class in order to override the methods AbstractDialog.onApply(), AbstractDialog.onClose() etc. which are called if a user presses the corresponding button.

    BEAM 4.2
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModelessDialog

        public ModelessDialog​(Window parent,
                              String title,
                              int buttonMask,
                              String helpID)
      • ModelessDialog

        public ModelessDialog​(Window parent,
                              String title,
                              Object content,
                              int buttonMask,
                              String helpID)
      • ModelessDialog

        public ModelessDialog​(Window parent,
                              String title,
                              int buttonMask,
                              Object[] otherButtons,
                              String helpID)
    • Method Detail

      • close

        public void close()
        This method is called, when the user clicks the "close" button of the bottom button row or the "close" button of the top bar of the dialog window. It can also be called directly. The method sets the button identifier to AbstractDialog.ID_CLOSE and calls AbstractDialog.onClose().
        Specified by:
        close in class AbstractDialog