Class RegionBoundsInputUI

  • public class RegionBoundsInputUI
    extends Object
    This user interface provides a world map and text fields to define region bounds. The input values from the text fields and from the world map are reflected in the BindingContext, which can be retrieved using getBindingContext().
    • Constructor Detail

      • RegionBoundsInputUI

        public RegionBoundsInputUI()
        Initializes a RegionBoundsInputUI. This constructor creates the user interface and a binding context with default values. The created binding context can be retrieved via getBindingContext().
      • RegionBoundsInputUI

        public RegionBoundsInputUI​(double northBound,
                                   double eastBound,
                                   double southBound,
                                   double westBound)
        Initializes a RegionBoundsInputUI with the given parameters. If the parameters are valid geographic coordinates, they are used to initialize the user interface and to create a binding context. If the values are invalid, default values will be used. The created binding context can be retrieved via getBindingContext().
        northBound - The northern bounding latitude value
        eastBound - The eastern bound longitude value
        southBound - The southern bound latitude value
        westBound - The western bound longitude value
      • RegionBoundsInputUI

        public RegionBoundsInputUI​(com.bc.ceres.swing.binding.BindingContext bindingContext)
        Initializes a RegionBoundsInputUI with the given bindingContext. The bindingContext has to contain four parameters: northBound , southBound, westBound and eastBound. If the bindingContext contains geographic coordinates, these coordinates are used to initialize the user interface.
        bindingContext - The binding context which is needed for initialisation.
    • Method Detail

      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Enables or disables all child components.
        enabled - -
      • getUI

        public JPanel getUI()
        a JPanel which contains the user interface elements
      • getBindingContext

        public com.bc.ceres.swing.binding.BindingContext getBindingContext()
        Returns the binding context which contains property values northBound , southBound, westBound, and eastBound. This method should be used to get the bounds set by the UI components. It is needed when no binding context has been passed to the RegionBoundsInputUI initially.
        the binding context.