Class SnapApp

  • public class SnapApp
    extends Object
    The class SnapApp is a facade for SNAP Desktop applications. There is only a single instance of a SNAP application which is retrieved by
         SnapApp app = SnapApp.getDefault();
    SnapApp is the main entry point for most SNAP Desktop extensions. An extension might want to be informed about selection changes in the application. Here are some examples:
    Or might want to retrieve the currently selected objects:
         Product product = app.getSelectedProduct();
         ProductNode productNode = getSelectedProductNode();
         ProductSceneView view = app.getSelectedProductSceneView();
         // For any other type of selected object, use:
         Figure figure = Utilities.actionsGlobalContext().lookup(Figure.class);

    If you want to alter the behaviour of the default implementation of the SNAP Desktop application, then register your derived class as a service using

         @ServiceProvider(service = MoonApp.class, supersedes = "SnapApp")
         public class MoonApp extends SnapApp {
    See Also:
    SelectionSupport, SelectionSupport.Handler
    • Constructor Detail

      • SnapApp

        public SnapApp()

        As this class is a registered service, the constructor is not supposed to be called directly.

    • Method Detail

      • getDefault

        public static SnapApp getDefault()
        Gets the SNAP application singleton which provides access to various SNAP APIs and resources.

        The the method basically returns

        The SNAP applications global singleton instance.
      • getDocumentWindowManager

        public eu.esa.snap.netbeans.docwin.DocumentWindowManager getDocumentWindowManager()
        Gets SNAP's global document window manager. Use it to open your own document windows, or register a listener to be notified on window events such as opening, closing, selection, deselection.
        SNAP's global document window manager.
      • getProductManager

        public ProductManager getProductManager()
        Gets SNAP's global data product manager. Use it to add your own data product instances, or register a listener to be notified on product addition and removal events.
        SNAP's global product manager.
      • getUndoManager

        public org.openide.awt.UndoRedo.Manager getUndoManager​(Product product)
        SNAP's global undo / redo manager.
      • getMainFrame

        public Frame getMainFrame()
        SNAP's main frame window.
      • setStatusBarMessage

        public void setStatusBarMessage​(String message)
        Sets the current status bar message.
        message - The new status bar message.
      • getInstanceName

        public String getInstanceName()
        The SNAP application's name. The default is "SNAP".
      • getPreferences

        public Preferences getPreferences()
        The user's application preferences.
      • getLogger

        public Logger getLogger()
        The SNAP logger.
      • handleError

        public void handleError​(String message,
                                Throwable t)
        Handles an error.
        message - An error message.
        t - An exception or null.
      • getSelectionSupport

        public <T> SelectionSupport<T> getSelectionSupport​(Class<T> type)
        Provides a SelectionSupport instance for object selections.
        type - The type of selected objects whose selection state to observe.
        A selection support instance for the given object type, or null.
      • getSelectedProductSceneView

        public ProductSceneView getSelectedProductSceneView()
        The currently selected product scene view, or null.
      • getSelectedProduct

        public Product getSelectedProduct​(SnapApp.SelectionSourceHint hint)
        Return the currently selected product.

        The hint defines what is the primary and secondary selection source. Source is either the scene view or the product explorer. If it is set to SnapApp.SelectionSourceHint.AUTO the algorithm tries to make a good guess, checking which component has the focus.

        hint - gives a hint to the implementation which selection source should be preferred.
        The currently selected product or null.
      • getAppContext

        public AppContext getAppContext()
        Gets an AppContext representation of the SNAP application.

        Its main use is to provide compatibility for SNAP heritage GUI code (from BEAM & NEST) which used the AppContext interface.

        An AppContext representation of this SnapApp.
      • onStart

        public void onStart()
        Called if SNAP starts up. The method is not supposed to be called by clients directly.

        Overrides should call super.onStart() as a first step unless they know what they are doing.

      • onStop

        public void onStop()
        Called if SNAP shuts down. The method is not supposed to be called by clients directly.

        Overrides should call super.onStop() in a final step unless they know what they are doing.

      • onShowing

        public void onShowing()
        Called if SNAP is showing on the user's desktop. The method is not supposed to be called by clients directly.

        Overrides should call super.onShowing() as a first step unless they know whet they are doing.

      • onTryStop

        public boolean onTryStop()
        Called if SNAP is about to shut down. The method is not supposed to be called by clients directly.

        Overrides should call super.onTryStop()() unless they know whet they are doing. The method should return immediately false if the super call returns false.

        false if the shutdown process shall be cancelled immediately. true, if it is ok to continue shut down.