Package org.esa.snap.core.util.math
Provides utility classes for mathematical operations.
Interface Summary Interface Description Array Interface for wrapping primitive arrays.DistanceMeasure Interface for measuring the distance of a (lon, lat) point to a reference (lon, lat) point, which is defined by the implementing class.DoubleList The double list provides a generic access to an ordered list of values of typedouble
.FX Represents a function f(x).FXY Represents a function f(x,y).IndexValidator An interface used as parameter to several methods which perform some actions on data arrays.MatrixFactory Matrix factory.SpectralUnmixing Linear spectral unmixing interface. -
Class Summary Class Description Approximator A utility class which can be used to find approximation functions for a given dataset.Array.Double Class for wrappingdouble
primitive arrays.Array.Float Class for wrappingfloat
primitive arrays.ColumnMajorMatrixFactory Matrix factory implementation.ConstrainedLSU Performs a constrained linear spectral unmixing, where the sum of abundances always is equal to unity.CosineDistance This class uses the negative cosine of the spherical distance as a distance measure between two (lon, lat) points.DoubleList.Byte Wraps aDoubleList
around an array of primitive bytes.DoubleList.Double Wraps aDoubleList
around an array of primitive doubles.DoubleList.Float Wraps aDoubleList
around an array of primitive floats.DoubleList.Int Wraps aDoubleList
around an array of primitive ints.DoubleList.Long Wraps aDoubleList
around an array of primitive longs.DoubleList.Short Wraps aDoubleList
around an array of primitive shorts.DoubleList.UByte Wraps aDoubleList
around an array of primitive bytes interpreted as unsigned integers.DoubleList.UInt Wraps aDoubleList
around an array of primitive ints interpreted as unsigned integers.DoubleList.ULong Wraps aDoubleList
around an array of primitive longs interpreted as unsigned integers.DoubleList.UShort Wraps aDoubleList
around an array of primitive shorts interpreted as unsigned integers.EuclideanDistance Distance measure based on the Euclidean 'flat' distance.FracIndex The classFracIndex
is a simple representation of an index with an integral and a fractional component.FullyConstrainedLSU Performs a fully constrained linear spectral unmixing, where all abundances are non-negative and their sum is equal to unity.FXYSum The classFXYSum
represents a sum of function terms sum(c[i] * f[i](x,y), i=0, n-1) where the vector c is adouble
array of constant coefficients and the vector f is an array of functions of type
in x and y.FXY
FXYSum.BiCubic Provides an optimizedcomputeZ
method for bi-cubic polynomials (order = 3+3).FXYSum.BiLinear Provides an optimizedcomputeZ
method for bi-linear polynomials (order = 1+1).FXYSum.BiQuadric Provides an optimizedcomputeZ
method for bi-quadric polynomials (order = 2+2).FXYSum.Cubic Provides an optimizedcomputeZ
method for cubic polynomials (order = 3).FXYSum.Linear Provides an optimizedcomputeZ
method for linear polynomials (order = 1).FXYSum.Quadric Provides an optimizedcomputeZ
method for quadric polynomials (order = 2).Histogram Instances of theHistogram
class store histogram data.IntervalPartition The classIntervalPartition
is a representation of an interval partition, i.e.LinearAlgebra Linear algebra - calculations and utilities for vectors and matrixes.LinEqSysSolver A gauss-based solver for linear equation systems.LogLinearTransform Math utils for transforming between log and linear.LookupTable The classLookupTable
performs the function of multilinear interpolation for lookup tables with an arbitrary number of dimensions.MathUtils A utility class providing frequently used mathematical functions which are not found in thejava.lang.Math
class.MatrixLookupTable The classMatrixLookupTable
performs the function of multilinear interpolation for matrix lookup tables with an arbitrary number of dimensions.Quantizer Range Instances of theRange
class provide a minimum and a maximum value of typedouble
.RsMathUtils A utility class providing a set of mathematical functions frequently used in the fields of remote sensing.SinusoidalDistance Distance measure that takes into account the decrease of the Euclidean distance with increasing latitude of the reference point.SphericalDistance This class computes the spherical distance (in Radian) between two (lon, lat) points.UnconstrainedLSU Performs an unconstrained linear spectral unmixing.VectorLookupTable The classVectorLookupTable
performs the function of multilinear interpolation for vector lookup tables with an arbitrary number of dimensions. -
Exception Summary Exception Description SingularMatrixException Thrown, if a matrix is singular and processing cannot be continued.