Class LinearAlgebra

  • public class LinearAlgebra
    extends Object
    Linear algebra - calculations and utilities for vectors and matrixes.

    Note that for the purpose of performance the calculation functions do no argument checking.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static double innerProduct​(double[][] a, double[][] b, int i, int j)
      Calculates the inner product of a row in a matrix and a column in another matrix.
      static double innerProduct​(double[] a, double[] b)
      Returns the inner product of two vectors.
      static double innerProduct​(double[] a, double[][] b, int j)
      Calculates the inner product of a vector and a column in a matrix.
      static boolean isMatrix​(double[][] array)
      Tests if a given double[][] array is a matrix.
      static boolean isMatrix​(int rowCount, int colCount, double[][] array)
      Tests if a given double[][] array is a matrix with a prescribed number of rows and columns.
      static double[] multiply​(double[][] a, double[] b)
      Multiplies a matrix by a vector (from the right).
      static double[][] multiply​(double[][] a, double[][] b)
      Multiplies two matrixes.
      static double[][] multiply​(double[][] a, double[][] b, double[][] c)
      Multiplies two matrixes.
      static double[] multiply​(double[][] a, double[] b, double[] c)
      Multiplies a matrix by a vector (from the right).
      static double[] multiply​(double[] b, double c)
      Multiplies a vector by a scalar.
      static double[] multiply​(double[] b, double[][] a)
      Multiplies a matrix by a vector (from the left).
      static double[] multiply​(double[] b, double[][] a, double[] c)
      Multiplies a matrix by a vector (from the left).
      static double[] multiplyAndSubtract​(double[] b, double[][] a, double s)
      Multiplies a matrix by a vector (from the left) and subtracts a scalar.
      static double[] multiplyAndSubtract​(double[] b, double[][] a, double s, double[] c)
      Multiplies a matrix by a vector (from the left) and subtracts a scalar.
      static double[][] outerProduct​(double[] a, double[] b)
      Returns the outer product of two vectors.
      static double[][] outerProduct​(double[] a, double[] b, double[][] c)
      Returns the outer product of two vectors.
      static double[][] subtract​(double[][] a, double[] b, double[] c)
      Subtracts the outer product of two vectors from a matrix.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LinearAlgebra

        public LinearAlgebra()
    • Method Detail

      • isMatrix

        public static boolean isMatrix​(double[][] array)
        Tests if a given double[][] array is a matrix.
        array - the array.
        true if the given array is a matrix, false otherwise.
      • isMatrix

        public static boolean isMatrix​(int rowCount,
                                       int colCount,
                                       double[][] array)
        Tests if a given double[][] array is a matrix with a prescribed number of rows and columns.
        rowCount - the prescribed number of rows. If zero or negative, any number of rows is accepted.
        colCount - the prescribed number of columns. If zero or negative, any number of columns is accepted.
        array - the array.
        true if the given array is a matrix, false otherwise.
      • multiply

        public static double[] multiply​(double[] b,
                                        double c)
        Multiplies a vector by a scalar.
        b - the vector to be multiplied. On return contains the result.
        c - the scalar.
        the result vector.
      • multiply

        public static double[] multiply​(double[][] a,
                                        double[] b)
        Multiplies a matrix by a vector (from the right).
        a - the matrix.
        b - the vector.
        the result vector.
      • multiply

        public static double[] multiply​(double[][] a,
                                        double[] b,
                                        double[] c)
        Multiplies a matrix by a vector (from the right).
        a - the matrix.
        b - the vector.
        c - the result vector.
        the result vector.
      • multiply

        public static double[] multiply​(double[] b,
                                        double[][] a)
        Multiplies a matrix by a vector (from the left).
        b - the vector.
        a - the matrix.
        the result vector.
      • multiply

        public static double[] multiply​(double[] b,
                                        double[][] a,
                                        double[] c)
        Multiplies a matrix by a vector (from the left).
        b - the vector.
        a - the matrix.
        c - the result vector.
        the result vector.
      • multiplyAndSubtract

        public static double[] multiplyAndSubtract​(double[] b,
                                                   double[][] a,
                                                   double s)
        Multiplies a matrix by a vector (from the left) and subtracts a scalar.
        b - the vector.
        a - the matrix.
        s - the scalar.
        the result vector.
      • multiplyAndSubtract

        public static double[] multiplyAndSubtract​(double[] b,
                                                   double[][] a,
                                                   double s,
                                                   double[] c)
        Multiplies a matrix by a vector (from the left) and subtracts a scalar.
        b - the vector.
        a - the matrix.
        s - the scalar.
        c - the result vector.
        the result vector.
      • innerProduct

        public static double innerProduct​(double[] a,
                                          double[] b)
        Returns the inner product of two vectors.
        a - the first vector.
        b - the second vector.
        the inner product.
      • innerProduct

        public static double innerProduct​(double[] a,
                                          double[][] b,
                                          int j)
        Calculates the inner product of a vector and a column in a matrix.
        a - the vector.
        b - the matrix.
        j - the index of a column in b.
        the inner product of a and the ith column in b.
      • innerProduct

        public static double innerProduct​(double[][] a,
                                          double[][] b,
                                          int i,
                                          int j)
        Calculates the inner product of a row in a matrix and a column in another matrix.
        a - the first matrix.
        b - the second matrix.
        i - the index of a row in a.
        j - the index of a column in b.
        the inner product of the ith row in a and the jth column in b.
      • outerProduct

        public static double[][] outerProduct​(double[] a,
                                              double[] b)
        Returns the outer product of two vectors.
        a - the first vector.
        b - the second vector.
        the outer product.
      • outerProduct

        public static double[][] outerProduct​(double[] a,
                                              double[] b,
                                              double[][] c)
        Returns the outer product of two vectors.
        a - the first vector.
        b - the second vector.
        c - the result vector.
        the result vector.
      • multiply

        public static double[][] multiply​(double[][] a,
                                          double[][] b)
        Multiplies two matrixes.
        a - the first matrix.
        b - the second matrix.
        the result matrix.
      • multiply

        public static double[][] multiply​(double[][] a,
                                          double[][] b,
                                          double[][] c)
        Multiplies two matrixes.
        a - the first matrix.
        b - the second matrix.
        c - the result matrix.
        the result matrix.
      • subtract

        public static double[][] subtract​(double[][] a,
                                          double[] b,
                                          double[] c)
        Subtracts the outer product of two vectors from a matrix.
        a - the matrix. On return contains the result matrix.
        b - the first vector.
        c - the second vector.
        the result matrix.