Class SphericalDistance

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class SphericalDistance
    extends Object
    implements DistanceMeasure
    This class computes the spherical distance (in Radian) between two (lon, lat) points.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SphericalDistance

        public SphericalDistance​(double lon,
                                 double lat)
        Creates a new instance of this class.
        lon - The reference longitude of this distance calculator.
        lat - The reference latitude of this distance calculator.
    • Method Detail

      • distance

        public double distance​(double lon,
                               double lat)
        Returns the spherical distance (in Radian) of a given (lon, lat) point to the reference (lon, lat) point.
        Specified by:
        distance in interface DistanceMeasure
        lon - The longitude.
        lat - The latitude.
        the spherical distance (in Radian) of the given (lon, lat) point to the reference (lon, lat) point.