Class UnconstrainedLSU

    • Constructor Detail

      • UnconstrainedLSU

        public UnconstrainedLSU​(double[][] endmembers)
        Constructs a new instance of this class.
        endmembers - the endmembers, where number of rows = number of spectral channels number of cols = number of endmember spectra
    • Method Detail

      • getEndmembers

        public double[][] getEndmembers()
        Returns the endmembers.
        endmembers the endmembers, where number of rows = number of spectral channels number of cols = number of endmember spectra
      • unmix

        public double[][] unmix​(double[][] spectra)
        Description copied from interface: SpectralUnmixing
        Performs a linear spectral unmixing of a set of spectra.
        Specified by:
        unmix in interface SpectralUnmixing
        spectra - the spectra, where number of rows = number of spectral channels number of cols = number of spectra
        the abundances, where number of rows = number of endmembers number of cols = number of spectra
      • mix

        public double[][] mix​(double[][] abundances)
        Description copied from interface: SpectralUnmixing
        Calculates the spectra for a set of abundances.
        Specified by:
        mix in interface SpectralUnmixing
        abundances - the abundances, where number of rows = number of endmembers number of cols = number of spectra
        the resulting spectra, where number of rows = number of spectral channels number of cols = number of spectra