Class Approximator

  • public class Approximator
    extends Object
    A utility class which can be used to find approximation functions for a given dataset.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void approximateFX​(double[][] data, int[] indices, FX[] f, double[] c)
      Solves a linear equation system with each term having the form c * f(x).
      static void approximateFXY​(double[][] data, int[] indices, FXY[] f, double[] c)
      Solves a linear equation system with each term having the form c * f(x,y).
      static double[] computeErrorStatistics​(double[][] data, int[] indices, FXY[] f, double[] c)
      Returns the root mean square error (RMSE) for the approximation of the given data with a function given by z(x,y) = c[0]*f[0](x,y) + c[1]*f[1](x,y) + c[2]*f[2](x,y) + ...
      static double computeRMSE​(double[][] data, int[] indices, FXY[] f, double[] c)
      Returns the root mean square error (RMSE) for the approximation of the given data with a function given by z(x,y) = c[0]*f[0](x,y) + c[1]*f[1](x,y) + c[2]*f[2](x,y) + ...
      static double computeY​(FX[] f, double[] c, double x)
      Computes y(x) = sum(c[i] * f[i](x), i = 0, n - 1).
      static double computeZ​(FXY[] f, double[] c, double x, double y)
      Computes z(x,y) = sum(c[i] * f[i](x,y), i = 0, n - 1).
      static double getRMSE​(double[][] data, int[] indices, FX[] f, double[] c)
      Returns the root mean square error (RMSE) for the approximation of the given data with a function given by y'(x) = c[0]*f[0](x) + c[1]*f[1](x) + c[2]*f[2](x) + ...
      static void solve1​(double[][] a, double[] b, double[] c)
      Solves the matrix equation A * C = B for given A,B by performing the operation C = A.solve(B).
    • Constructor Detail

      • Approximator

        public Approximator()
    • Method Detail

      • approximateFX

        public static void approximateFX​(double[][] data,
                                         int[] indices,
                                         FX[] f,
                                         double[] c)
        Solves a linear equation system with each term having the form c * f(x). The method finds the coefficients c[0] to c[n-1] with n = f.length for an approximation function y'(x) = c[0]*f[0](x) + c[1]*f[1](x) + c[2]*f[2](x) + ... + c[n-1]*f[n-1](x) which approximates the given data vector xi=data[i][0], yi=data[i][1] with i = 0 to data.length-1.
        data - an array of values of the form {{x1,y1}, {x2,y2}, {x3,y3}, ...}
        indices - the co-ordinate indices vector, determining the indices of x,y within data. If null then indices defaults to {0, 1}.
        f - the function vector, each function has the form y=f(x)
        c - the resulting coefficient vector, must have the same size as the function vector
      • approximateFXY

        public static void approximateFXY​(double[][] data,
                                          int[] indices,
                                          FXY[] f,
                                          double[] c)
        Solves a linear equation system with each term having the form c * f(x,y). The method finds the coefficients c[0] to c[n-1] with n = f.length for an approximation function z'(x,y) = c[0]*f[0](x,y) + c[1]*f[1](x,y) + c[2]*f[2](x,y) + ... + c[n-1]*f[n-1](x,y) which approximates the given data vector xi=data[i][0], yi=data[i][1], zi=data[i][2] with i = 0 to data.length-1.
        data - an array of values of the form {{x1,y1,z1}, {x2,y2,z2}, {x3,y3,z3}, ...}
        indices - the co-ordinate indices vector, determining the indices of x,y,z within data. If null then indices defaults to {0, 1, 2}.
        f - the function vector, each function has the form z=f(x,y)
        c - the resulting coefficient vector, must have the same size as the function vector
      • getRMSE

        public static double getRMSE​(double[][] data,
                                     int[] indices,
                                     FX[] f,
                                     double[] c)
        Returns the root mean square error (RMSE) for the approximation of the given data with a function given by y'(x) = c[0]*f[0](x) + c[1]*f[1](x) + c[2]*f[2](x) + ... + c[n-1]*f[n-1](x).
        data - an array of values of the form {{x1,y1}, {x2,y2}, {x3,y3}, ...}
        indices - the co-ordinate indices vector, determining the indices of x,y within data. If null then indices defaults to {0, 1}.
        f - the function vector, each function has the form y=f(x)
        c - the coefficient vector, must have the same size as the function vector
      • computeRMSE

        public static double computeRMSE​(double[][] data,
                                         int[] indices,
                                         FXY[] f,
                                         double[] c)
        Returns the root mean square error (RMSE) for the approximation of the given data with a function given by z(x,y) = c[0]*f[0](x,y) + c[1]*f[1](x,y) + c[2]*f[2](x,y) + ... + c[n-1]*f[n-1](x,y).
        data - an array of values of the form {{x1,y1,z1}, {x2,y2,z1}, {x3,y3,z1}, ...}
        indices - the co-ordinate indices vector, determining the indices of x,y,z within data. If null then indices defaults to {0, 1, 2}.
        f - the function vector, each function has the form z=f(x,y)
        c - the coefficient vector, must have the same size as the function vector
      • computeErrorStatistics

        public static double[] computeErrorStatistics​(double[][] data,
                                                      int[] indices,
                                                      FXY[] f,
                                                      double[] c)
        Returns the root mean square error (RMSE) for the approximation of the given data with a function given by z(x,y) = c[0]*f[0](x,y) + c[1]*f[1](x,y) + c[2]*f[2](x,y) + ... + c[n-1]*f[n-1](x,y).
        data - an array of values of the form {{x1,y1,z1}, {x2,y2,z1}, {x3,y3,z1}, ...}
        indices - the co-ordinate indices vector, determining the indices of x,y,z within data. If null then indices defaults to {0, 1, 2}.
        f - the function vector, each function has the form z=f(x,y)
        c - the coefficient vector, must have the same size as the function vector
      • computeY

        public static double computeY​(FX[] f,
                                      double[] c,
                                      double x)
        Computes y(x) = sum(c[i] * f[i](x), i = 0, n - 1).
        f - the function vector
        c - the coeffcient vector
        x - the x value
        the y value
      • computeZ

        public static double computeZ​(FXY[] f,
                                      double[] c,
                                      double x,
                                      double y)
        Computes z(x,y) = sum(c[i] * f[i](x,y), i = 0, n - 1).
        f - the function vector
        c - the coeffcient vector
        x - the x value
        y - the y value
        the z value
      • solve1

        public static void solve1​(double[][] a,
                                  double[] b,
                                  double[] c)
        Solves the matrix equation A * C = B for given A,B by performing the operation C = A.solve(B).
        a - matrix A
        b - matrix B
        c - result matrix C