Class ComponentGeoCoding

    • Field Detail


        public static final String SYSPROP_SNAP_PIXEL_CODING_FRACTION_ACCURACY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComponentGeoCoding

        public ComponentGeoCoding​(GeoRaster geoRaster,
                                  ForwardCoding forwardCoding,
                                  InverseCoding inverseCoding)
        Constructs a GeoCoding with given GeoRaster, ForwardCoding and InverseCoding. No geoChecks will be performed during initialize phase. Defaults to WGS84 CRS. Forward and/or Inverse coding can be null.
        geoRaster - the GeoRaster
        forwardCoding - the ForwardCoding, can be null
        inverseCoding - the InverseCoding, can be null
      • ComponentGeoCoding

        public ComponentGeoCoding​(GeoRaster geoRaster,
                                  ForwardCoding forwardCoding,
                                  InverseCoding inverseCoding,
                                  GeoChecks geoChecks)
        Constructs a GeoCoding with given GeoRaster, ForwardCoding, InverseCoding and GeoCheck definition to be executed during initialize phase. Defaults to WGS84 CRS. Forward and/or Inverse coding can be null.
        geoRaster - the GeoRaster
        forwardCoding - the ForwardCoding, can be null
        inverseCoding - the InverseCoding, can be null
        geoChecks - definition of GeoChecks to be executed during initialization
      • ComponentGeoCoding

        public ComponentGeoCoding​(GeoRaster geoRaster,
                                  ForwardCoding forwardCoding,
                                  InverseCoding inverseCoding,
        Constructs a GeoCoding with given GeoRaster, ForwardCoding, InverseCoding and CRS. No GeoChecks will be performed during initialize phase. Forward and/or Inverse coding can be null.
        geoRaster - the GeoRaster
        forwardCoding - the ForwardCoding, can be null
        inverseCoding - the InverseCoding, can be null
        geoCRS - the CRS
      • ComponentGeoCoding

        public ComponentGeoCoding​(GeoRaster geoRaster,
                                  ForwardCoding forwardCoding,
                                  InverseCoding inverseCoding,
                                  GeoChecks geoChecks,
        Constructs a GeoCoding with given GeoRaster, ForwardCoding, InverseCoding, GeoChecks to be performed during initialization and CRS. Forward and/or Inverse coding can be null.
        geoRaster - the GeoRaster
        forwardCoding - the ForwardCoding, can be null
        inverseCoding - the InverseCoding, can be null
        geoChecks - definition of GeoChecks to be executed during initialization
        geoCRS - the CRS
    • Method Detail

      • isCrossingMeridianAt180

        public boolean isCrossingMeridianAt180()
        Description copied from interface: GeoCoding
        Checks whether or not the longitudes of this geo-coding cross the +/- 180 degree meridian.
        true, if so
      • canGetPixelPos

        public boolean canGetPixelPos()
        Description copied from interface: GeoCoding
        Checks whether or not this geo-coding can determine the pixel position from a geodetic position.
        true, if so
      • canGetGeoPos

        public boolean canGetGeoPos()
        Description copied from interface: GeoCoding
        Checks whether or not this geo-coding can determine the geodetic position from a pixel position.
        true, if so
      • getPixelPos

        public PixelPos getPixelPos​(GeoPos geoPos,
                                    PixelPos pixelPos)
        Description copied from interface: GeoCoding
        Returns the pixel co-ordinates as x/y for a given geographical position given as lat/lon.
        geoPos - the geographical position as lat/lon in the coordinate system determined by GeoCoding.getGeoCRS()
        pixelPos - an instance of Point to be used as return value. If this parameter is null, the method creates a new instance which it then returns.
        the pixel co-ordinates as x/y
      • getGeoPos

        public GeoPos getGeoPos​(PixelPos pixelPos,
                                GeoPos geoPos)
        Description copied from interface: GeoCoding
        Returns the latitude and longitude value for a given pixel co-ordinate.
        pixelPos - the pixel's co-ordinates given as x,y
        geoPos - an instance of GeoPos to be used as return value. If this parameter is null, the method creates a new instance which it then returns.
        the geographical position as lat/lon in the coordinate system determined by GeoCoding.getGeoCRS()
      • transferGeoCoding

        public boolean transferGeoCoding​(Scene srcScene,
                                         Scene destScene,
                                         ProductSubsetDef subsetDef)
        Transfers the geo-coding of the srcScene to the destScene with respect to the given subsetDef.
        Specified by:
        transferGeoCoding in class AbstractGeoCoding
        srcScene - the source scene
        destScene - the destination scene
        subsetDef - the definition of the subset, may be null
        true, if the geo-coding could be transferred.
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Description copied from interface: GeoCoding
        Releases all of the resources used by this object instance and all of its owned children. Its primary use is to allow the garbage collector to perform a vanilla job.

        This method should be called only if it is for sure that this object instance will never be used again. The results of referencing an instance of this class after a call to dispose() are undefined.

      • getDatum

        public Datum getDatum()
        use the datum of the associated map CRS.
        Gets the datum, the reference point or surface against which GeoPos measurements are made.
        the datum
      • initialize

        public void initialize()
      • getGeoChecks

        public GeoChecks getGeoChecks()
      • getGeoRaster

        public GeoRaster getGeoRaster()