Class ProductSubsetDef

  • public class ProductSubsetDef
    extends Object
    The ProductSubsetDef class describes a subset or portion of a remote sensing data product.

    Subsets can be spatial or spectral or both. A spatial subset is given through a rectangular region in pixels or by geometry. The pixel and geometry regions are mutually exclusive. The spectral subset as a list of band (or channel) names.

    $Revision$ $Date$
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProductSubsetDef

        public ProductSubsetDef()
        Constructs a new and empty subset info.
      • ProductSubsetDef

        public ProductSubsetDef​(String subsetName)
        Constructs a new and empty subset info.
        subsetName - The name of the subset to be created.
    • Method Detail

      • getSubsetName

        public String getSubsetName()
      • setSubsetName

        public void setSubsetName​(String subsetName)
      • setTreatVirtualBandsAsRealBands

        public void setTreatVirtualBandsAsRealBands​(boolean flag)
      • getTreatVirtualBandsAsRealBands

        public boolean getTreatVirtualBandsAsRealBands()
      • getNodeNames

        public String[] getNodeNames()
        Gets the names of all product nodes contained in this subset. A return value of null means all nodes are selected.
        an array of names, or null if the no node subset is given
      • setNodeNames

        public void setNodeNames​(String[] names)
        Sets the names of all product nodes contained in this subset. A value of null means all nodes are selected.
        names - the band names, can be null in order to reset the node subset
      • addNodeName

        public void addNodeName​(String name)
        Adds a new product node name to this subset.
        name - the node's name, must not be empty or null
      • addNodeNames

        public void addNodeNames​(String[] names)
        Adds the given product node names to this subset.
        names - the nodename's to be added
      • addNodeNames

        public void addNodeNames​(Set<String> names)
        Adds the given product node names to this subset.
        names - the nodename's to be added
      • removeNodeName

        public boolean removeNodeName​(String name)
        Removes a band from the spectral subset. If the band is not contained in this subset, the method returns false.
        name - the band's name
        true for success, false otherwise
      • containsNodeName

        public boolean containsNodeName​(String name)
        Checks whether or not a node name is already contained in this subset.
        name - the node name
        true if so
      • isNodeAccepted

        public boolean isNodeAccepted​(String name)
        Checks whether or not a node (a band, a tie-point grid or metadata element) with the given name will be part of the product subset.
        name - the node name
        true if so
      • getRegion

        public Rectangle getRegion()
        Use getSubsetRegion() instead.
        Gets the spatial subset as a rectangular region. Creates a new rectangle each time it is called. This prevents from modifying this subset by modifying the returned region. TODO TO BE removed in future
        the spatial subset as a rectangular region, or null if no spatial region was defined
      • setRegion

        public void setRegion​(Rectangle region)
        Sets the spatial subset as a rectangular region. TODO TO BE removed in future
        region - the spatial subset as a rectangular region, null if no spatial region shall be defined
      • setRegion

        public void setRegion​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int w,
                              int h)
        Sets the spatial subset as a rectangular region. TODO TO BE removed in future
        x - the X-offset in pixels
        y - the Y-offset in pixels
        w - the width of the subset in pixels
        h - the height of the subset in pixels
      • setSubSampling

        public void setSubSampling​(int subSamplingX,
                                   int subSamplingY)
        Gets the sub-sampling in X- and Y-direction (vertical and horizontal).
        subSamplingX - sub-sampling in X-direction, must always be greater than zero
        subSamplingY - sub-sampling in Y-direction, must always be greater than zero
      • getSubSamplingX

        public int getSubSamplingX()
        Gets the sub-sampling in X-direction (horizontal).
        the sub-sampling in X-direction which is always greater than zero
      • getSubSamplingY

        public int getSubSamplingY()
        Gets the sub-sampling in Y-direction (vertical).
        the sub-sampling in Y-direction which is always greater than zero
      • getSceneRasterSize

        public Dimension getSceneRasterSize​(int maxWidth,
                                            int maxHeight)
        Gets the required size for a raster required to hold all pixels for the spatial subset for the given maximum raster width and height.
        maxWidth - the maximum raster width
        maxHeight - the maximum raster height
        the required raster size, never null
      • getSceneRasterSize

        public Dimension getSceneRasterSize​(int maxWidth,
                                            int maxHeight,
                                            String bandName)
      • setIgnoreMetadata

        public void setIgnoreMetadata​(boolean ignoreMetadata)
        Sets the ignore metadata information
        ignoreMetadata - if true, metadata may be ignored during write or read a product.
      • isIgnoreMetadata

        public boolean isIgnoreMetadata()
        Gets the ignore metadata information
      • isEntireProductSelected

        public boolean isEntireProductSelected()
        Checks whether or not this subset definition select the entire product.