Class GeoRaster

  • public class GeoRaster
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeoRaster

        public GeoRaster​(double[] longitudes,
                         double[] latitudes,
                         String lonVariableName,
                         String latVariableName,
                         int rasterWidth,
                         int rasterHeight,
                         double rasterResolutionInKm)
        Constructs a geoRaster; convenience constructor for pixel geolocation raster with the center pixel as reference location. Sets subsampling to 1.0 and offset to 0.5 for x- and y-axis. It also sets sceneWidth and height to rasterWidth and height.
        longitudes - the longitude data
        latitudes - the latitude data
        lonVariableName - variable name of data origin for longitude data
        latVariableName - variable name of data origin for latitude data
        rasterWidth - width of the data raster
        rasterHeight - height of the data raster
        rasterResolutionInKm - ground resolution of pixels
      • GeoRaster

        public GeoRaster​(double[] longitudes,
                         double[] latitudes,
                         String lonVariableName,
                         String latVariableName,
                         int rasterWidth,
                         int rasterHeight,
                         int sceneWidth,
                         int sceneHeight,
                         double rasterResolutionInKm,
                         double offsetX,
                         double offsetY,
                         double subsamplingX,
                         double subsamplingY)
        Constructs a geoRaster
        longitudes - the longitude data
        latitudes - the latitude data
        lonVariableName - variable name of data origin for longitude data
        latVariableName - variable name of data origin for latitude data
        rasterWidth - width of the data raster
        rasterHeight - height of the data raster
        sceneWidth - width of the scene raster
        sceneHeight - height of the scene raster
        rasterResolutionInKm - ground resolution of pixels
        offsetX - offset along x-axis
        offsetY - offset along y-axis
        subsamplingX - subsampling along x-axis
        subsamplingY - subsampling along y-axis
    • Method Detail

      • getLongitudes

        public double[] getLongitudes()
      • getLatitudes

        public double[] getLatitudes()
      • getLonVariableName

        public String getLonVariableName()
      • getLatVariableName

        public String getLatVariableName()
      • getRasterWidth

        public int getRasterWidth()
      • getRasterHeight

        public int getRasterHeight()
      • getSceneWidth

        public int getSceneWidth()
      • getSceneHeight

        public int getSceneHeight()
      • getRasterResolutionInKm

        public double getRasterResolutionInKm()
      • getOffsetX

        public double getOffsetX()
      • getOffsetY

        public double getOffsetY()
      • getSubsamplingX

        public double getSubsamplingX()
      • getSubsamplingY

        public double getSubsamplingY()
      • dispose

        public void dispose()