Interface GeoCoding

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean canClone()
      Check if geocoding can be cloned.
      boolean canGetGeoPos()
      Checks whether or not this geo-coding can determine the geodetic position from a pixel position.
      boolean canGetPixelPos()
      Checks whether or not this geo-coding can determine the pixel position from a geodetic position.
      GeoCoding clone()
      Creates a shallow clone of this geocoding.
      void dispose()
      Releases all of the resources used by this object instance and all of its owned children.
      Datum getDatum()
      use the datum of the associated map CRS. getGeoCRS()  
      GeoPos getGeoPos​(PixelPos pixelPos, GeoPos geoPos)
      Returns the latitude and longitude value for a given pixel co-ordinate. getImageCRS()  
      org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform getImageToMapTransform() getMapCRS()  
      PixelPos getPixelPos​(GeoPos geoPos, PixelPos pixelPos)
      Returns the pixel co-ordinates as x/y for a given geographical position given as lat/lon.
      boolean isCrossingMeridianAt180()
      Checks whether or not the longitudes of this geo-coding cross the +/- 180 degree meridian.
    • Method Detail

      • isCrossingMeridianAt180

        boolean isCrossingMeridianAt180()
        Checks whether or not the longitudes of this geo-coding cross the +/- 180 degree meridian.
        true, if so
      • canGetPixelPos

        boolean canGetPixelPos()
        Checks whether or not this geo-coding can determine the pixel position from a geodetic position.
        true, if so
      • canGetGeoPos

        boolean canGetGeoPos()
        Checks whether or not this geo-coding can determine the geodetic position from a pixel position.
        true, if so
      • getPixelPos

        PixelPos getPixelPos​(GeoPos geoPos,
                             PixelPos pixelPos)
        Returns the pixel co-ordinates as x/y for a given geographical position given as lat/lon.
        geoPos - the geographical position as lat/lon in the coordinate system determined by getGeoCRS()
        pixelPos - an instance of Point to be used as return value. If this parameter is null, the method creates a new instance which it then returns.
        the pixel co-ordinates as x/y
      • getGeoPos

        GeoPos getGeoPos​(PixelPos pixelPos,
                         GeoPos geoPos)
        Returns the latitude and longitude value for a given pixel co-ordinate.
        pixelPos - the pixel's co-ordinates given as x,y
        geoPos - an instance of GeoPos to be used as return value. If this parameter is null, the method creates a new instance which it then returns.
        the geographical position as lat/lon in the coordinate system determined by getGeoCRS()
      • getDatum

        Datum getDatum()
        use the datum of the associated map CRS.
        Gets the datum, the reference point or surface against which GeoPos measurements are made.
        the datum
      • dispose

        void dispose()
        Releases all of the resources used by this object instance and all of its owned children. Its primary use is to allow the garbage collector to perform a vanilla job.

        This method should be called only if it is for sure that this object instance will never be used again. The results of referencing an instance of this class after a call to dispose() are undefined.

      • getImageCRS getImageCRS()
        The image coordinate reference system (CRS). It is usually derived from the base CRS by including a linear or non-linear transformation from base (geodetic) coordinates to image coordinates.
      • getMapCRS getMapCRS()
        The map coordinate reference system (CRS). It may be either a geographical CRS (nominal case is "WGS-84") or a derived projected CRS, e.g. "UTM 32 - North".
      • getGeoCRS getGeoCRS()
        The geographical coordinate reference system (CRS). It may be either "WGS-84" (nominal case) or any other geographical CRS.
      • getImageToMapTransform

        org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform getImageToMapTransform()
        The math transformation used to convert image coordinates to map coordinates.
      • clone

        GeoCoding clone()
        Creates a shallow clone of this geocoding. Geolocation raster data is shared.
        the cloned geocoding
      • canClone

        boolean canClone()
        Check if geocoding can be cloned.
        if so or not