Package org.esa.snap.core.dataio.dimap
This module provides a product reader and writer plug-in for the BEAM-DIMAP product format.
Class Summary Class Description DimapFileFilter DimapHeaderWriter This class is used to print the DIMAP XML header of the given product to a given writer or file.DimapProductConstants This class defines some frequently used constants for BEAM DIMAP products.DimapProductHelpers This class defines some static methods used to create and access BEAM DIMAP XML documents.DimapProductReader TheDimapProductReader
class is an implementation of theProductReader
interface exclusively for data products having the BEAM-DIMAP product format.DimapProductReader.ReaderExtender DimapProductReaderPlugIn TheDimapProductReaderPlugIn
class is an implementation of theProductReaderPlugIn
interface exclusively for data products having the BEAM-DIMAP product format.DimapProductWriter The product writer for the BEAM-DIMAP format.DimapProductWriter.WriterExtender DimapProductWriterPlugIn TheDimapProductWriterPlugIn
class is the plug-in entry-point for the BEAM-DIMAP product writer.EnviHeader This utility class is used to write ENVI header files.