Class EnviHeader

  • public class EnviHeader
    extends Object
    This utility class is used to write ENVI header files.
    • Field Detail

    • Method Detail

      • createPhysicalFile

        public static void createPhysicalFile​(File headerFile,
                                              RasterDataNode rasterDataNode,
                                              int width,
                                              int height)
                                       throws IOException
        Writes the header for the RasterDataNode to the File.
        headerFile - - the File destination
        rasterDataNode - the RasterDataNode
        width - the nodes's width in pixels
        height - the nodes's height in pixels
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • createPhysicalFile

        public static void createPhysicalFile​(File headerFile,
                                              RasterDataNode rasterDataNode,
                                              int width,
                                              int height,
                                              int byteorder)
                                       throws IOException
        Writes the header for the RasterDataNode to the File.
        headerFile - - the File destination
        rasterDataNode - the RasterDataNode
        width - the nodes's width in pixels
        height - the nodes's height in pixels
        byteorder - the byte ordering
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs