Class DimapProductWriterPlugIn

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ProductIOPlugIn, ProductWriterPlugIn

    public class DimapProductWriterPlugIn
    extends Object
    implements ProductWriterPlugIn
    The DimapProductWriterPlugIn class is the plug-in entry-point for the BEAM-DIMAP product writer.

    Version history:

    1.0 initial version BEAM version 1.0
    1.0.1 product.description now saved to <DATASET_COMMENTS> inside <Dataset_use>
    1.0.2 MapInfo modified:
    SceneWidth and SceneHeight added
    affected tag:
    <MAP_INFO> inside <Geocoding_Map> inside <Coordinate_Reference_System>
    1.1.0 Band modified:
    ScalingFactor, ScalingOffset and Log10Scaled properties added
    affected tag:
    <Spectral_Band_Info> inside <Image_Interpretation>
    new tags added:
    1.1.1 Supports now VirtualBand.
    affected tag:
    <Spectral_Band_Info> inside <Image_Interpretation>
    new tags added if Band was a VirtualBand:
    1.1.2 Supports now cyclic TiePointGrid.
    affected tag:
    <Tie_Point_Grid_Info> inside <Tie_Point_Grids>
    new tag added:
    1.2.0 Now supports Pin.
    new tag added:
    and inside:
    1.3.0 Now supports GAMMA for contrast stretch.
    affected tag:
    <Band_Statistics> inside <Image_Display>
    new tags added:

    Now supports ValidMasks for bands.
    affected tag:
    <Spectral_Band_Info> inside <Image_Interpretation>
    new tags added:
    1.4.0 Now the MapGeocoding was written in a new style
       <GEO_TABLES version="1.0">CUSTOM</GEO_TABLES> // notMandatory
         <HORIZONTAL_CS_NAME>" + projectionName + "</HORIZONTAL_CS_NAME> // notMandatory
           <GEOGRAPHIC_CS_NAME>" + projectionName + "</GEOGRAPHIC_CS_NAME> // notMandatory
               <ELLIPSOID_NAME>" + ellipsoidName + "</ELLIPSOID_NAME>
                 <ELLIPSOID_MAJ_AXIS unit="M">" + semiMajor + "</ELLIPSOID_MAJ_AXIS>
                 <ELLIPSOID_MIN_AXIS unit="M">" + semiMinor + "</ELLIPSOID_MIN_AXIS>
           <NAME>" + projectionName + "</NAME>
             <PROJECTION_CT_NAME>" + projectionTypeId + "</PROJECTION_CT_NAME>
               <!-- one or more <Projection_Parameter> elements -->
                 <PROJECTION_PARAMETER_NAME>" + paramName + "</PROJECTION_PARAMETER_NAME> // notMandatory
                 <PROJECTION_PARAMETER_VALUE unit="" + parameterUnit + "">" + parameterValues + "</PROJECTION_PARAMETER_VALUE>
         <MAP_INFO>" + mapInfo.toString + "</MAP_INFO>
         <!-- mapInfo.toString looks linke this: -->
         <!-- projectionName, pixelX, pixelY, easting, northing, pixelSizeX, pixelSizeY, datumName, units=mapUnit, sceneWidth, sceneHeight -->
         <!-- For example -->
         <!-- Lambert Conformal Conic, 0.0, 0.0, -1654216.0, 2025576.8, 5000.0, 5000.0, WGS-84, units=meter, 625, 1023 -->
    1.4.1 Now supports SceneRasterSensingStart and SceneRasterSensingStop of product.
    Affected tag:
    new tags added:
    1.4.2 Since BEAM version 3.2 RasterDataNode supports the NoDataValue.
    Affected tag:
    <Spectral_Band_Info> inside of <Image_Interpretation>
    Following tags are replaced:
    <INVALID_VALUE> replaced by <NO_DATA_VALUE>
    2.0.0 Since version 3.5 BEAM supports FXYGeoCoding.
    New tags:
     <!-- Tha tag BAND_INDEX is only used if the geo-coding is writen per band -->
     <BAND_INDEX> index <BAND_INDEX>
          <ULXMAP unit="M"> referencePixelX </ULXMAP>
          <ULYMAP unit="M"> referencePixelY </ULYMAP>
          <XDIM unit="M"> pixelSizeX </XDIM>
          <YDIM unit="M"> pixelSizeY </YDIM>
          <Direct_Location_Model order="orderOfPolynom">
                  <lc index="i"> lonCoefficients[i] </lc>
                  <pc index="i"> latCoefficients[i] </pc>
          <Reverse_Location_Model order="orderOfPolynom">
                  <ic index="i"> iCoefficients[i] </ic>
                  <jc index="i"> jCoefficients[i] </jc>
    Since version 3.5 BEAM supports MapInfo.setOrientation(float) Affected tag:
    <Map_Info> it is now written as follows:
        <PIXEL_X value="referencePixelX" />
        <PIXEL_Y value="referencePixelY" />
        <EASTING value="easting" />
        <NORTHING value="northing" />
        <ORIENTATION value="orientation" />
        <PIXELSIZE_X value="pixelSizeX" />
        <PIXELSIZE_Y value="pixelSizeY" />
        <NODATA_VALUE value="noDataValue" />
        <MAPUNIT value="mapUnit" />
        <ORTHORECTIFIED value="orthorectified" />
        <ELEVATION_MODEL value="elevModelName" />
        <SCENE_FITTED value="sceneFitted" />
        <SCENE_WIDTH value="sceneWidth" />
        <SCENE_HEIGHT value="sceneHeight" />
        <RESAMPLING value="resamplingName" />
    2.1.0 Since version 3.6 BEAM supports GeneralFilterBand and ConvolutionFilterBand.
    Affected Tag:
    The tag Spectral_Band_Info can now have the following new tags New tags:
      <Filter_Band_Info bandType="ConvolutionFilterBand">
     <Filter_Band_Info bandType="GeneralFilterBand">
    2.2.0 After a bugfixing in the ProductData classes, the DIMAP Product Format
    have canged the output of uInt8, uInt16, uInt32 and UTC Values.
    • Now the unsigned values are written as unsigned Values.
      Formally the large unsigned values was written as complementary
      negative values.
    • Now the UTG Value was written as human readable text.
      The UTC Value formally was written as a sequence of three values
      which defines the date, the seconds an the microseconds fraction.
    In this Version it ist possible to open older formats too.
    2.3.0 Since version 4.1 BEAM supports ground control points (GCPs), though the management of pins was redesgined. Pins and GCPs are stored in seperate groups.
    New tags:
    To harmonize the structure of the xml tree the Bitmask_Definition tag was moved to to a new surrounding tag. New tag:
    2.4.0 Since version BEAM 4.2, we have
      <NO_DATA_COLOR red="234" green="25" blue="0" alpha="255" />
    2.5.0 Since BEAM 4.5, the width and height tags within the GeneralFilterBand element are replaced by a size tag:
     These two tags
     are replaced by
    2.6.0 Since BEAM 4.5.1 the band statistics tag is extended to beside the mininum and maximum value also the mean value and the standard deviation:
     These two tags are 
    2.6.1 No longer supporting
    2.7.0 Since version BEAM 4.6.2 BEAM-DIMAP supports PixelGeoCoding.
            <LATITUDE_BAND> latBandName </LATITUDE_BAND>
            <LONGITUDE_BAND> lonBandName </LONGITUDE_BAND>
            <SEARCH_RADIUS> searchRadius </SEARCH_RADIUS>
                <!-- GeoCoding of the pixel position estimator -->
    2.8.0 Since version BEAM 4.7 BEAM-DIMAP supports CrsGeoCoding.
    In addition, the persistence of BitmaskDefs is obsolete, because BitmaskDefs have been marked as deprecated and replaced with Masks.
    2.9.0 For BEAM 4.8, the element BAND_GROUPING has been introduced.
    In addition, the persistence of BitmaskDefs is obsolete, because BitmaskDefs have been marked as deprecated and replaced with Masks.
    2.10.0 For BEAM 4.9, the element Geoposition_Points has been introduced.
    In addition, the persistence of the TiePointGeoCoding is now written into the Geoposition element.
    2.11.0 Since BEAM 4.10, Pins and Ground Control Points are written into the "vector_data" directory. The XML elements "Pin_Group" and "GCP_Group" with their "Placemark" children are not used anymore.
    Since BEAM 4.10, the XML elements "ROI", "ROI_Definition", and "ROI_ONE_DIMENSIONS" are not used anymore.
    Since SNAP 2.0, crs geocodings can be written per band.
    2.13.0 The use of XML based DimapPersistables was replaced by a new markup language independent Persistence framework.
    See the abstract class PersistenceConverter and its extenders.
    $Revision$ $Date$
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • DimapProductWriterPlugIn

        public DimapProductWriterPlugIn()
        Constructs a new BEAM-DIMAP product writer plug-in instance.
    • Method Detail

      • getFormatNames

        public String[] getFormatNames()
        Returns a string array containing the single entry "BEAM-DIMAP".
        Specified by:
        getFormatNames in interface ProductIOPlugIn
        the names of the product formats handled by this product I/O plug-in, never null
      • getDefaultFileExtensions

        public String[] getDefaultFileExtensions()
        Gets the default file extensions associated with each of the format names returned by the getFormatNames() method.

        The string array returned shall always have the same lenhth as the array returned by the getFormatNames() method.

        The extensions returned in the string array shall always include a leading colon ('.') character, e.g. ".hdf"

        Specified by:
        getDefaultFileExtensions in interface ProductIOPlugIn
        the default file extensions for this product I/O plug-in, never null
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription​(Locale locale)
        Gets a short description of this plug-in. If the given locale is set to null the default locale is used.

        In a GUI, the description returned could be used as tool-tip text.

        Specified by:
        getDescription in interface ProductIOPlugIn
        locale - the locale name for the given decription string, if null the default locale is used
        a textual description of this product reader/writer
      • createWriterInstance

        public ProductWriter createWriterInstance()
        Creates an instance of the actual BEAM-DIMAP product writer class.
        Specified by:
        createWriterInstance in interface ProductWriterPlugIn
        a new instance of the DimapProductWriter class