Interface ProductWriter

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void close()
      Closes all output streams currently open.
      void deleteOutput()
      Complete deletes the physical representation of the given product from the file system.
      void flush()
      Writes all data in memory to the data sink(s) associated with this writer.
      Object getOutput()
      Retrives the current output destination object.
      ProductWriterPlugIn getWriterPlugIn()
      Returns the plug-in which created this product writer.
      boolean isIncrementalMode()
      Returns whether this product writer writes only modified product nodes.
      void removeBand​(Band band)
      Physically deletes a Band in a product writer's output.
      void setFormatName​(String formatName)
      Sets selectable product format for writers which handle multiple formats.
      void setIncrementalMode​(boolean enabled)
      Enables resp.
      boolean shouldWrite​(ProductNode node)
      Returns whether the given product node is to be written.
      void writeBandRasterData​(Band sourceBand, int sourceOffsetX, int sourceOffsetY, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, ProductData sourceBuffer, ProgressMonitor pm)
      Writes raster data from the given in-memory source buffer into the data sink specified by the given source band and region.
      void writeProductNodes​(Product product, Object output)
      Writes the in-memory representation of a data product.
    • Method Detail

      • getWriterPlugIn

        ProductWriterPlugIn getWriterPlugIn()
        Returns the plug-in which created this product writer.
        the product writer plug-in, should never be null
      • getOutput

        Object getOutput()
        Retrives the current output destination object. Thie return value might be null if the setOutput has not been called so far.
        the output
      • writeProductNodes

        void writeProductNodes​(Product product,
                               Object output)
                        throws IOException
        Writes the in-memory representation of a data product.

        Whether the band data - the actual pixel values - is written out immediately or later when pixels are flushed, is up to the implementation.

        product - the in-memory representation of the data product
        output - an object representing a valid output for this writer, might be a ImageOutputStream or other Object to use for future decoding.
        IllegalArgumentException - if output is null or it's type is not one of the supported output sources.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • writeBandRasterData

        void writeBandRasterData​(Band sourceBand,
                                 int sourceOffsetX,
                                 int sourceOffsetY,
                                 int sourceWidth,
                                 int sourceHeight,
                                 ProductData sourceBuffer,
                                 ProgressMonitor pm)
                          throws IOException
        Writes raster data from the given in-memory source buffer into the data sink specified by the given source band and region.

        Source band

        The source band is used to identify the data sink in which this method transfers the sample values given in the source buffer. The method does not modify the pixel data of the given source band at all.

        Source buffer

        The first element of the source buffer corresponds to the given sourceOffsetX and sourceOffsetY of the source region. These parameters are an offset within the band's raster data and not an offset within the source buffer.
        The number of elements in the buffer must be exactly be sourceWidth * sourceHeight. The pixel values to be writte are considered to be stored in line-by-line order, so the raster X co-ordinate varies faster than the Y.

        Source region

        The given destination region specified by the sourceOffsetX, sourceOffsetY, sourceWidth and sourceHeight parameters is given in the source band's raster co-ordinates. These co-ordinates are identical with the destination raster co-ordinates since product writers do not support spectral or spatial subsets.
        sourceBand - the source band which identifies the data sink to which to write the sample values
        sourceOffsetX - the X-offset in the band's raster co-ordinates
        sourceOffsetY - the Y-offset in the band's raster co-ordinates
        sourceWidth - the width of region to be written given in the band's raster co-ordinates
        sourceHeight - the height of region to be written given in the band's raster co-ordinates
        sourceBuffer - the source buffer which provides the sample values to be written
        pm - a monitor to inform the user about progress
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
        IllegalArgumentException - if the number of elements source buffer not equals sourceWidth * sourceHeight or the source region is out of the band's raster
        See Also:
        AbstractBand.getRasterWidth(), AbstractBand.getRasterHeight()
      • flush

        void flush()
            throws IOException
        Writes all data in memory to the data sink(s) associated with this writer.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • close

        void close()
            throws IOException
        Closes all output streams currently open. A concrete implementation should call flush before performing the actual close-operation.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • shouldWrite

        boolean shouldWrite​(ProductNode node)
        Returns whether the given product node is to be written.
        node - the product node
        true if so
      • isIncrementalMode

        boolean isIncrementalMode()
        Returns whether this product writer writes only modified product nodes.
        true if so
      • setIncrementalMode

        void setIncrementalMode​(boolean enabled)
        Enables resp. disables incremental writing of this product writer. By default, a reader should enable progress listening.
        enabled - enables or disables progress listening.
      • deleteOutput

        void deleteOutput()
                   throws IOException
        Complete deletes the physical representation of the given product from the file system.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • removeBand

        void removeBand​(Band band)
        Physically deletes a Band in a product writer's output.
        band - The band to delete.
      • setFormatName

        void setFormatName​(String formatName)
        Sets selectable product format for writers which handle multiple formats.
        formatName - The name of the file format.