Class DimapProductReaderPlugIn

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ProductIOPlugIn, ProductReaderPlugIn

    public class DimapProductReaderPlugIn
    extends Object
    implements ProductReaderPlugIn
    The DimapProductReaderPlugIn class is an implementation of the ProductReaderPlugIn interface exclusively for data products having the BEAM-DIMAP product format.

    XMLDecoder plug-ins are used to provide meta-information about a particular data format and to create instances of the actual reader objects.

    The BEAM-DIMAP version history is provided in the API doc of the DimapProductWriterPlugIn.

    $Revision$ $Date$
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • DimapProductReaderPlugIn

        public DimapProductReaderPlugIn()
        Constructs a new BEAM-DIMAP product reader plug-in instance.
    • Method Detail

      • getFormatNames

        public String[] getFormatNames()
        Returns a string array containing the single entry "BEAM-DIMAP".
        Specified by:
        getFormatNames in interface ProductIOPlugIn
        the names of the product formats handled by this product I/O plug-in, never null
      • getDefaultFileExtensions

        public String[] getDefaultFileExtensions()
        Gets the default file extensions associated with each of the format names returned by the getFormatNames() method.

        The string array returned shall always have the same length as the array returned by the getFormatNames() method.

        The extensions returned in the string array shall always include a leading colon ('.') character, e.g. ".hdf"

        Specified by:
        getDefaultFileExtensions in interface ProductIOPlugIn
        the default file extensions for this product I/O plug-in, never null
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription​(Locale name)
        Gets a short description of this plug-in. If the given locale is set to null the default locale is used.

        In a GUI, the description returned could be used as tool-tip text.

        Specified by:
        getDescription in interface ProductIOPlugIn
        name - the local for the given description string, if null the default locale is used
        a textual description of this product reader/writer
      • getDecodeQualification

        public DecodeQualification getDecodeQualification​(Object object)
        Checks whether the given object is an acceptable input for this product reader and if so, the method checks if it's content has the BEAM-DIMAP format.

        BEAM-DIMAP product readers accept java.lang.String - a file path or a - an abstract file path.

        Specified by:
        getDecodeQualification in interface ProductReaderPlugIn
        object - the input object
        true if the given input is an object referencing a physical BEAM-DIMAP data source.
      • getInputTypes

        public Class[] getInputTypes()
        Returns an array containing the classes that represent valid input types for an BEAM-DIMAP product reader.

        Instances of the classes returned in this array are valid objects for the setInput method of the DimapProductReader class (the method will not throw an InvalidArgumentException in this case).

        Specified by:
        getInputTypes in interface ProductReaderPlugIn
        an array containing valid input types, never null
      • createReaderInstance

        public ProductReader createReaderInstance()
        Creates an instance of the actual BEAM-DIMAP product reader class.
        Specified by:
        createReaderInstance in interface ProductReaderPlugIn
        a new instance of the DimapProductReader class