Class GenericXmlMetadata

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class GenericXmlMetadata
    extends Object
    Base class that encapsulates metadata read from XML file.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GenericXmlMetadata

        public GenericXmlMetadata​(String name)
        Constructs an instance of metadata class and assigns a name to the root MetadataElement.
        name - The name of this instance, and also the initial name of the root element.
    • Method Detail

      • CopyChildElements

        public static void CopyChildElements​(MetadataElement source,
                                             MetadataElement target)
        Helper method that copies the child nodes of a metadata element as child nodes of another metadata element.
        source - The metadata element holding the nodes to be copied
        target - The destination metadata element
      • getRootElement

        public MetadataElement getRootElement()
        Returns the root node of this metadata file.
        The root metadata element
      • getFileName

        public abstract String getFileName()
        Gets the name of the metadata file used to obtain this instance.
        A string representing the name of the file used to obtain the instance.
      • setFileName

        public void setFileName​(String actualName)
        Sets the name of the file used to obtain this instance.
        actualName - The name of the file
      • getMetadataProfile

        public abstract String getMetadataProfile()
        Returns the metadata profile (for example: L1A, etc.) This getter should be overridden in all derived classes because each metadata type may have a different hierarchy of nodes for getting this value.
        The metadata profile
      • getPath

        public Path getPath()
        Returns the path of the metadata file.
        The path of the metadata file.
      • setPath

        public void setPath​(Path value)
        Sets the path of the metadata file.
        value - The path of the file.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String value)
        Sets the name of this metadata (and also the name of the root element).
        value - The name of the metadata file.
      • getAttributeValue

        public String getAttributeValue​(String attributePath,
                                        String defaultValue)
        Returns the value of the attribute (or the default value) specified by its XPath expression.
        attributePath - the XPath location of the attribute
        defaultValue - the default value if the attribute is not found or has a null value
        The attribute (or default) value
      • getAttributeValue

        public String getAttributeValue​(String attributePath,
                                        int attributeIndex,
                                        String defaultValue)
        Returns the value of the attribute (or the default value) specified by its XPath expression and the given index, when multiple such attributes are present at the same XPath location.
        attributePath - the XPath location of the attribute
        attributeIndex - the index of the attribute in the attribute array
        defaultValue - the default value if the attribute is not found or has a null value
        The attribute (or default) value
      • getAttributeValues

        public String[] getAttributeValues​(String attributePath)
      • getAttributeSiblingValue

        public String getAttributeSiblingValue​(String attributePath,
                                               String attributeValue,
                                               String siblingPath,
                                               String defaultSiblingValue)
        Returns the value of the attribute (or the default value) specified by its XPath expression, and whose sibling value is equal to a certain value.
        attributePath - The path of the attribute to be tested
        attributeValue - The test value
        siblingPath - The path of the attribute whose value we want to retrieve
        defaultSiblingValue - The default value if the attribute does not exist or the condition of the sibling value is not met.
        The attribute (or default) value.
      • warn

        protected void warn​(String message,
                            String argument)
      • ensureAttributeTagPresent

        protected String ensureAttributeTagPresent​(String path)
      • create

        public static <T extends GenericXmlMetadata> T create​(Class<T> clazz,
                                                              Path inputFile)
        Factory method for creating instances of classes that (at least) extend XmlMetadata class.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Generic type of the metadata class.
        clazz - The actual class of the metadata. It should extend XmlMetadata.
        inputFile - The File object that points to the file to be parsed.
        An instance of T type.