Class XmlMetadata

  • public abstract class XmlMetadata
    extends GenericXmlMetadata
    Base metadata class that exposes helper methods for easier access of interesting metadata values.
    • Field Detail

      • width

        protected int width
      • height

        protected int height
      • numBands

        protected int numBands
    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlMetadata

        public XmlMetadata​(String name)
        Constructs an instance of metadata class and assigns a name to the root MetadataElement.
        name - The name of this instance, and also the initial name of the root element.
    • Method Detail

      • getNumBands

        public abstract int getNumBands()
        Returns the number of bands of the product. This getter should be overridden in all derived classes because each metadata type may have a different hierarchy of nodes for getting this value.
        the number of bands
      • getProductName

        public abstract String getProductName()
        Returns the name of the product, as found in metadata. This getter should be overridden in all derived classes because each metadata type may have a different hierarchy of nodes for getting this value.
        The name of the product
      • getFormatName

        public abstract String getFormatName()
        Returns the name of the raster format (for example: TIFF, NITF, etc).

        This getter should be overridden in all derived classes because each metadata type may have a different hierarchy of nodes for getting this value.

        The raster format name/code.
      • getRasterWidth

        public abstract int getRasterWidth()
        Returns the width of the product, in pixels. This getter should be overridden in all derived classes because each metadata type may have a different hierarchy of nodes for getting this value.
        The width (in pixels) of the product.
      • getRasterHeight

        public abstract int getRasterHeight()
        Returns the height of the product, in pixels. This getter should be overridden in all derived classes because each metadata type may have a different hierarchy of nodes for getting this value.
        The height (in pixels) of the product.
      • getRasterFileNames

        public abstract String[] getRasterFileNames()
        Returns the names of raster files for the product. This getter should be overridden in all derived classes because each metadata type may have a different hierarchy of nodes for getting this value.
        An array of raster file names.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String value)
        Sets the name of this metadata (and also the name of the root element).
        setName in class GenericXmlMetadata
        value - The name of the metadata file.
      • getProductStartTime

        public abstract ProductData.UTC getProductStartTime()
        Returns the product start time in UTC format. This method has to be implemented by subclasses since the value may be or may not be present in metadata, or may be in different formats for different products.
        the product start time
      • getProductEndTime

        public abstract ProductData.UTC getProductEndTime()
        Returns the product end time in UTC format. This method has to be implemented by subclasses since the value may be or may not be present in metadata, or may be in different formats for different products.
        the product end time
      • getCenterTime

        public abstract ProductData.UTC getCenterTime()
        Returns the product center time in UTC format. This method has to be implemented by subclasses since the value may be or may not be present in metadata, or may be in different formats for different products.
        the product center time.
      • getProductDescription

        public abstract String getProductDescription()
        Returns the product description, preferably from metadata
        the product description
      • asFloatArray

        protected float[] asFloatArray​(String value,
                                       String separator)
        Converts the value to a float array.
        value - The string list of values
        separator - The items separator
        An array of float values
      • asFloat

        protected float asFloat​(String value)
        Silently converts a string to a float (i.e. without throwing exception for unconvertible values)
        value - The value to be converted
        The float value or Float.NaN if the conversion cannot be performed.
      • asInt

        protected int asInt​(String value)
        Silently converts a string to a int (i.e. without throwing exception for unconvertible values)
        value - The value to be converted
        The int value or 0 if the conversion cannot be performed.