Interface ConfigurationElement

    • Method Detail

      • getSchemaElement

        ConfigurationSchemaElement getSchemaElement()
        Gets the corresponding schema element, if this is an element of an extension configuration.
        The schema element, or null if this is a schema element.
        See Also:
      • getDeclaringExtension

        Extension getDeclaringExtension()
        Gets the declaring extension, if this is an element of an extension configuration.
        The declaring extension, or null if this is a schema element.
        See Also:
      • createExecutableExtension

        <T> T createExecutableExtension​(Class<T> extensionType)
                                 throws CoreException
        Creates and returns a new instance of the executable extension identified by the named attribute of this configuration element. The named attribute value must contain a fully qualified name of a Java class implementing the executable extension.

        The specified class is instantiated using its 0-argument public constructor. If the specified class implements the ConfigurableExtension interface, its ConfigurableExtension.configure(ConfigurationElement) configure} method is called, passing to the object the configuration information that was used to create it.

        extensionType - the expected type of the executable extension instance
        the executable instance
        CoreException - if an instance of the executable extension could not be created for any reason.
        RuntimeException - if this is a schema element