Interface Extension

  • public interface Extension
    An extension declared in a module.

    If declared in a module manifest (module.xml), an extension has the following syntax:

        <extension point="point">
           configuration element 1
           configuration element 2

    An extension can also have an optional identifier which makes it possible to retrieve it via the Module.getExtension(String) method:

        <extension id="id" point="point">
    This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
    • Method Detail

      • getPoint

        String getPoint()
        Gets the name of the extension point which is extended by this extension.
        The name of the extension point.
      • getId

        String getId()
        Gets the (optional) identifier.
        The identifier, can be null.
      • getConfigurationElement

        ConfigurationElement getConfigurationElement()
        Gets the configuration element of this extension.
        The configuration element.
      • getDeclaringModule

        Module getDeclaringModule()
        Gets the module in which this extension is declared.
        The declaring module.
      • getExtensionPoint

        ExtensionPoint getExtensionPoint()
        Gets the extension point which is extended by this extension.
        The extension point or null if the declaring module is yet neither registered nor resolved.