Class MetadataAttribute

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MetadataAttribute
    extends DataNode
    A MetadataAttribute is part of a MetadataElement and represents a key/value pair.
    $Revision$ $Date$
    • Constructor Detail

      • MetadataAttribute

        public MetadataAttribute​(String name,
                                 int type)
      • MetadataAttribute

        public MetadataAttribute​(String name,
                                 int type,
                                 int numElems)
      • MetadataAttribute

        public MetadataAttribute​(String name,
                                 ProductData data,
                                 boolean readOnly)
    • Method Detail

      • acceptVisitor

        public void acceptVisitor​(ProductVisitor visitor)
        Accepts the given visitor. This method implements the well known 'Visitor' design pattern of the gang-of-four. The visitor pattern allows to define new operations on the product data model without the need to add more code to it. The new operation is implemented by the visitor.

        The method simply calls visitor.visit(this).

        Specified by:
        acceptVisitor in class DataNode
        visitor - the visitor