Class GeoPos

  • public class GeoPos
    extends Object
    The GeoPos class represents a geographical position measured in longitudes and latitudes.
    $Revision$ $Date$
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      double lat
      The geographical latitude in decimal degree, valid range is -90 to +90.
      double lon
      The geographical longitude in decimal degree, valid range is -180 to +180.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Constructs a new geo-position with latitude and longitude set to zero.
      GeoPos​(double lat, double lon)
      Constructs a new geo-position with the given latitude and longitude values.
      GeoPos​(GeoPos geoPos)
      Constructs a new geo-position with latitude and longitude set to that of the given geo-position.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static boolean areValid​(GeoPos[] gepPositions)
      Tests whether or not all given geo-positions are valid.
      boolean equals​(Object obj)
      Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
      double getLat()
      Gets the latitude value.
      String getLatString()
      Returns a string representation of the latitude value.
      String getLatString​(boolean compassFormat, boolean decimalFormat)
      Returns a string representation of the latitude value.
      static String getLatString​(double lat)
      Returns a string representation of the given latitude value.
      static String getLatString​(double lat, boolean compassFormat, boolean decimalFormat)
      Returns a string representation of the given latitude value.
      double getLon()
      Gets the longitude value.
      String getLonString()
      Returns a string representation of the latitude value.
      String getLonString​(boolean compassFormat, boolean decimalFormat)
      Returns a string representation of the longitude value.
      static String getLonString​(double lon)
      Returns a string representation of the given longitude value.
      static String getLonString​(double lon, boolean compassFormat, boolean decimalFormat)
      Returns a string representation of the given longitude value.
      int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code value for the object.
      boolean isValid()
      Tests whether or not this geo-position is valid.
      void normalize()
      Normalizes this position so that its longitude is in the range -180 to +180 degree.
      static double normalizeLon​(double lon)
      Normalizes the given longitude so that it is in the range -180 to +180 degree and returns it.
      void setInvalid()
      Sets the lat/lon fields so that isValid() will return false.
      void setLocation​(double lat, double lon)
      Sets the geographical location of this point.
      String toString()
      Returns a string representation of the object.
    • Field Detail

      • lat

        public double lat
        The geographical latitude in decimal degree, valid range is -90 to +90.
      • lon

        public double lon
        The geographical longitude in decimal degree, valid range is -180 to +180.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeoPos

        public GeoPos()
        Constructs a new geo-position with latitude and longitude set to zero.
      • GeoPos

        public GeoPos​(GeoPos geoPos)
        Constructs a new geo-position with latitude and longitude set to that of the given geo-position.
        geoPos - the geo-position providing the latitude and longitude, must not be null
      • GeoPos

        public GeoPos​(double lat,
                      double lon)
        Constructs a new geo-position with the given latitude and longitude values.
        lat - the geographical latitude in decimal degree, valid range is -90 to +90
        lon - the geographical longitude in decimal degree, valid range is -180 to +180
    • Method Detail

      • getLat

        public double getLat()
        Gets the latitude value.
        the geographical latitude in decimal degree
      • getLon

        public double getLon()
        Gets the longitude value.
        the geographical longitude in decimal degree
      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(double lat,
                                double lon)
        Sets the geographical location of this point.
        lat - the geographical latitude in decimal degree, valid range is -90 to +90
        lon - the geographical longitude in decimal degree, valid range is -180 to +180
      • isValid

        public final boolean isValid()
        Tests whether or not this geo-position is valid.
        true, if so
      • areValid

        public static boolean areValid​(GeoPos[] gepPositions)
        Tests whether or not all given geo-positions are valid.
        true, if so
      • setInvalid

        public final void setInvalid()
        Sets the lat/lon fields so that isValid() will return false.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
        equals in class Object
        obj - the reference object with which to compare.
        true if this object is the same as the obj argument; false otherwise.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash code value for the object.
        hashCode in class Object
        a hash code value for this object.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the toString method returns a string that "textually represents" this object.
        toString in class Object
        a string representation of the object.
      • normalize

        public void normalize()
        Normalizes this position so that its longitude is in the range -180 to +180 degree.
      • normalizeLon

        public static double normalizeLon​(double lon)
        Normalizes the given longitude so that it is in the range -180 to +180 degree and returns it. Note that -180 will remain as is, although -180 is equivalent to +180 degrees.
        lon - the longitude in degree
        the normalized longitude in the range
      • getLatString

        public String getLatString()
        Returns a string representation of the latitude value.
        a string of the form DDD°[MM'[SS"]] [N|S].
      • getLonString

        public String getLonString()
        Returns a string representation of the latitude value.
        a string of the form DDD°[MM'[SS"]] [W|E].
      • getLatString

        public static String getLatString​(double lat)
        Returns a string representation of the given latitude value.
        lat - the geographical latitude in decimal degree
        a string of the form DDD°[MM'[SS"]] [N|S].
      • getLatString

        public static String getLatString​(double lat,
                                          boolean compassFormat,
                                          boolean decimalFormat)
        Returns a string representation of the given latitude value.
        lat -
        compassFormat - true: "[degrees] [N|S]" false: "+/- [degrees]"
        decimalFormat - true: "degrees in decimal" false: "degrees in DDD°[MM'[SS"]]"
        a formatted string representing latitude
        Sept 2018
      • getLonString

        public static String getLonString​(double lon)
        Returns a string representation of the given longitude value.
        lon - the geographical longitude in decimal degree
        a string of the form DDD°[MM'[SS"]] [W|E].
      • getLonString

        public static String getLonString​(double lon,
                                          boolean compassFormat,
                                          boolean decimalFormat)
        Returns a string representation of the given longitude value.
        lon -
        compassFormat - true: "[degrees] [N|S]" false: "+/- [degrees]"
        decimalFormat - true: "degrees in decimal" false: "degrees in DDD°[MM'[SS"]]"
        a formatted string representing latitude
        Sept 2018
      • getLatString

        public String getLatString​(boolean compassFormat,
                                   boolean decimalFormat)
        Returns a string representation of the latitude value.
        compassFormat - true: "[degrees] [N|S]" false: "+/- [degrees]"
        decimalFormat - true: "degrees in decimal" false: "degrees in DDD°[MM'[SS"]]"
        a formatted string representing latitude
        Sept 2018
      • getLonString

        public String getLonString​(boolean compassFormat,
                                   boolean decimalFormat)
        Returns a string representation of the longitude value.
        compassFormat - true: "[degrees] [N|S]" false: "+/- [degrees]"
        decimalFormat - true: "degrees in decimal" false: "degrees in DDD°[MM'[SS"]]"
        a formatted string representing longitude
        Sept 2018