Interface ParamEditor

    • Method Detail

      • getParameter

        Parameter getParameter()
        Gets the parameter to which this editor belongs to.
      • getLabelComponent

        JLabel getLabelComponent()
        Gets the label component.
      • setLabelComponent

        void setLabelComponent​(JLabel label)
        Sets the label component.
      • getPhysUnitLabelComponent

        JLabel getPhysUnitLabelComponent()
        Gets the physical unit label component.
      • setPhysUnitLabelComponent

        void setPhysUnitLabelComponent​(JLabel label)
        Sets the physical unit component.
      • getEditorComponent

        JComponent getEditorComponent()
        Gets the component used to edit the parameter's value.
        the UI editor component
      • getComponent

        JComponent getComponent()
        Gets the component used in the GUI. This component is not necessarily the same as the one returned by the getEditorComponent() method. For example, the editor component could be a JTextArea, whereas the actual component used in the GUI is a JScrollPane which decorates the text area field. In most cases this method will simply return the editor component.
        the editor component or the editor component wrapped
        See Also:
      • isEnabled

        boolean isEnabled()
        Checks whether or not the editor is enabled,
      • setEnabled

        void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Enables/disables this editor.
      • updateUI

        void updateUI()
        Tells the UI to update it's state.
      • reconfigureUI

        void reconfigureUI()
        Tells the UI to reconfigure itself, since the parameter's properties have changed.
      • getExceptionHandler

        ParamExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler()
        Returns an optional exception handler for this editor.