Class AbstractParamXEditor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ParamEditor, ParamExceptionHandler
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ColorEditor, TextFieldXEditor

    public abstract class AbstractParamXEditor
    extends AbstractParamEditor
    A AbstractParamXEditor is base class for editors which use special purpose editors for editing a parameter value. For example, the special purpose editor could be a color chooser or file chooser dialog. The special purpose editor is invoked by pressing the "..." button usually located to the right of the value display.
    $Revision$ $Date$
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractParamXEditor

        protected AbstractParamXEditor​(Parameter parameter,
                                       boolean useDefaultVerifier)
        Creates the object with a given parameter.
        parameter - the Parameter to be edited.
        useDefaultVerifier - true if a default verifier should be used
    • Method Detail

      • getEditorComponent

        public JComponent getEditorComponent()
        Gets the UI component used to edit the parameter's value.
        the UI editor component
      • initUI

        protected void initUI()
        Description copied from class: AbstractParamEditor
        Initialized the UI of this editor. Called only once within this editor's constructor.

        The default implementation creates a label component for the parameter's "label" and "physicalUnit" properties.

        initUI in class AbstractParamEditor
      • updateUI

        public void updateUI()
        Tells the UI to update it's state.

        Note: If you override this method, please call the super class version first.

        Specified by:
        updateUI in interface ParamEditor
        updateUI in class AbstractParamEditor
      • initUIChild

        protected abstract void initUIChild()
      • getEditorComponentChild

        public abstract JComponent getEditorComponentChild()
      • invokeXEditor

        protected abstract void invokeXEditor()
      • createXEditorButton

        protected AbstractButton createXEditorButton()
      • getXEditorIcon

        protected Icon getXEditorIcon()
        Gets the "standard" edit icon used for parameter editors.
      • getXEditorTitle

        protected String getXEditorTitle()