Class Bundle

  • public class Bundle
    extends Object
    Descriptor class for a dependency bundle. A bundle is a set of binaries of the adapted tool. It can be either in the form of an archive or an executable installer. It is mandatory to specify the location where the bundle will be installed/extracted. A bundle must have an entry point. In the case of an installer/executable, it is the name of the executable. In the case of an archive, it will be the name of the archive. The source of the bundle can be either local (i.e. from the local filesystem) or remote (i.e. from an URL)
    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentOS

        public static OSFamily getCurrentOS()
      • getBundleType

        public BundleType getBundleType()
        Returns the type of the bundle provided with the adapter. Can be one of BundleType members.
      • setBundleType

        public void setBundleType​(BundleType bundleType)
        Sets the bundle type of the adapter.
        bundleType - The type of the bundle (see BundleType)
      • getLocation

        public BundleLocation getLocation()
        Returns the type of the bundle location.
      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(BundleLocation value)
        Sets the type of the bundle location
        value - The bundle location type
      • getSource

        public File getSource()
        Returns the local source of the bundle
      • setSource

        public void setSource​(File value)
        Sets the local source of the bundle
        value - The file representing an archive or an installer
      • getTargetLocation

        public String getTargetLocation()
        Returns the target location of the bundle (i.e. the location where the bundle is supposed to be either extracted or installed).
      • setTargetLocation

        public void setTargetLocation​(String targetLocation)
        Sets the target location of the bundle (i.e. the location where the bundle is supposed to be either extracted or installed).
      • getDownloadURL

        public String getDownloadURL()
        Returns the download URL for this bundle.
      • setDownloadURL

        public void setDownloadURL​(String url)
        Sets the download URL for this bundle.
      • isLocal

        public boolean isLocal()
        Checks if the bundle location is local or remote.
      • isInstalled

        public boolean isInstalled()
        Checks if the bundle binaries have been installed.
      • getEntryPoint

        public String getEntryPoint()
        Returns the entry point of the bundle.
      • getArgumentsParameter

        public TemplateParameterDescriptor getArgumentsParameter()
        Returns the command line arguments for an installer, if any
      • setArgumentsParameter

        public void setArgumentsParameter​(TemplateParameterDescriptor value)
        Sets the command line arguments for an installer
      • getUpdateVariable

        public String getUpdateVariable()
        Gets the name of the System Variable to be updated after bundle installation. This variable will have as value the location in which the bundle was installed.
      • setUpdateVariable

        public void setUpdateVariable​(String name)
        Sets the name of the System Variable to be updated after bundle installation.
      • setOS

        public void setOS​(OSFamily operatingSystem)
      • getCommandLine

        public String getCommandLine()