Class DefaultOperatorDescriptor

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultOperatorDescriptor

        public DefaultOperatorDescriptor​(String name,
                                         Class<? extends Operator> operatorClass)
    • Method Detail

      • getCopyright

        public String getCopyright()
        Specified by:
        getCopyright in interface OperatorDescriptor
        The copyright notice for the operator code, or null if not declared.
      • isInternal

        public boolean isInternal()
        Specified by:
        isInternal in interface OperatorDescriptor
        If true, this operator is considered for internal use only and thus may not be exposed in user interfaces. The default is false.
      • isAutoWriteDisabled

        public boolean isAutoWriteDisabled()
        Description copied from interface: OperatorDescriptor
        The GPF framework usually writes the target product of either single operators or processing graphs to the file system when executed from the GPT command-line interface or the operator GUI.

        If the autoWriteDisabled property is set, this default behaviour is switched off and hence, the operator or graph is responsible for outputting any computed results.

        Setting this property on an operator will only be useful, if it either does not generate a new target Product and/or if it does its own outputting of non-Product targets to external files.

        Specified by:
        isAutoWriteDisabled in interface OperatorDescriptor
        If true, the framework will prevent automatic writing of the target product to the file system.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Specified by:
        getName in interface ElementDescriptor
        The symbolic name used to unambiguously identify this element. E.g. the fully qualified name of a Java class.
      • getAlias

        public String getAlias()
        Specified by:
        getAlias in interface ElementDescriptor
        A short form of the symbolic name, or null if not declared.
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        Specified by:
        getLabel in interface ElementDescriptor
        A human-readable version of the symbolic name to be used in user interfaces, or null if not declared.
      • fromXml

        public static DefaultOperatorDescriptor fromXml​(URL url,
                                                        ClassLoader classLoader)
        Loads an operator descriptor from an XML document.
        url - The URL pointing to a valid operator descriptor XML document.
        classLoader - The class loader is used to load classed specified in the xml. For example the class defined by the operatorClass tag.
        A new operator descriptor.
      • fromXml

        public static DefaultOperatorDescriptor fromXml​(File file,
                                                        ClassLoader classLoader)
                                                 throws OperatorException
        Loads an operator descriptor from an XML document.
        file - The file containing a valid operator descriptor XML document.
        classLoader - The class loader is used to load classed specified in the xml. For example the class defined by the operatorClass tag.
        A new operator descriptor.
      • fromXml

        public static DefaultOperatorDescriptor fromXml​(Reader reader,
                                                        String resourceName,
                                                        ClassLoader classLoader)
                                                 throws OperatorException
        Loads an operator descriptor from an XML document.
        reader - The reader providing a valid operator descriptor XML document.
        resourceName - Used in error messages
        classLoader - The class loader is used to load classed specified in the xml. For example the class defined by the operatorClass tag.
        A new operator descriptor.
      • toXml

        public String toXml​(ClassLoader classLoader)
        Converts an operator descriptor to XML.
        classLoader - The class loader is used to load classed specified in the xml. For example the class defined by the operatorClass tag.
        A string containing valid operator descriptor XML.