BandMathsOp |
This band maths operator can be used to create a product with multiple bands based on mathematical expression.
All products specified as source must have the same width and height, otherwise the operator will fail.
BandMathsOp.BandDescriptor |
Describes a target band to be generated by this operator.
BandMathsOp.Spi |
BandMathsOp.Variable |
ImportVectorOp |
The import vector operator.
ImportVectorOp.Spi |
Operator SPI.
JaiOp |
MergeOp |
The merge operator allows copying raster data from other products to a specified product.
MergeOp.NodeDescriptor |
MergeOp.Spi |
MosaicOp |
Creates a mosaic out of a set of source products.
MosaicOp.Condition |
MosaicOp.Spi |
MosaicOp.Variable |
PassThroughOp |
PassThroughOp.Spi |
ProductSetReaderOp |
ProductSet Operator to be replaced by ReadOp
ProductSetReaderOp.Spi |
The SPI is used to register this operator in the graph processing framework
via the SPI configuration file
META-INF/services/org.esa.beam.core.gpf.OperatorSpi .
ReadOp |
Reads the specified file as product.
ReadOp.Spi |
SubsetOp |
This operator is used to create either spatial and/or spectral subsets of a data product.
SubsetOp.Spi |
WriteOp |
This standard operator is used to store a data product to a specified file location.
WriteOp.Spi |
WriteRGBOp |
WriteRGBOp.Spi |