Class BandMathsOp

  • @OperatorMetadata(alias="BandMaths",
                      copyright="(c) 2013 by Brockmann Consult",
                      authors="Marco Zuehlke, Norman Fomferra, Marco Peters",
                      description="Create a product with one or more bands using mathematical expressions.")
    public class BandMathsOp
    extends Operator

    This band maths operator can be used to create a product with multiple bands based on mathematical expression.
    All products specified as source must have the same width and height, otherwise the operator will fail. The geo-coding information and metadata for the target product is taken from the first source product.

    To reference a band of one of the source products within an expression use the following syntax:


    Where # means the index of the source product. The index is zero based.
    The bands of the first source product ($sourceProduct.0) can be referenced without this product identifier. The band name is sufficient.

    When using this operator from the command-line Graph XML file must be provided in order to specify all parameters. Here is some sample XML of how to use a BandMaths node within a graph:

          <node id="bandMathsNode">
                        <expression>radiance_13 / (PI * SOLAR_FLUX_13)</expression>
                        <description>TOA reflectance in channel 13</description>
                        <validExpression>reflec_13 >= 0</validExpression>
                        <expression>radiance_14 / (PI * SOLAR_FLUX_14)</expression>
                        <description>TOA reflectance in channel 14</description>
                        <validExpression>reflec_14 >= 0</validExpression>

    Changes from version 1.0 to 1.1:

    1. Added setter and getter methods for parameters
    2. Changed type of BandDescriptor.noDataValue from String to Double
    3. Deprecated API method 'createBooleanExpressionBand'
    BEAM 4.7
    • Constructor Detail

      • BandMathsOp

        public BandMathsOp()
    • Method Detail

      • computeTile

        public void computeTile​(Band band,
                                Tile targetTile,
                                ProgressMonitor pm)
                         throws OperatorException
        Description copied from class: Operator
        Called by the framework in order to compute a tile for the given target band.

        The default implementation throws a runtime exception with the message "not implemented".

        This method shall never be called directly.

        computeTile in class Operator
        band - The target band.
        targetTile - The current tile associated with the target band to be computed.
        pm - A progress monitor which should be used to determine computation cancellation requests.
        OperatorException - If an error occurs during computation of the target raster.