Class ProductNodeList<T extends ProductNode>

  • public final class ProductNodeList<T extends ProductNode>
    extends Object
    A type-safe list for elements of the type ProductNode.
    $Revision$ $Date$
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProductNodeList

        public ProductNodeList()
        Constructs a new list named nodes.
    • Method Detail

      • size

        public final int size()
        the size of this list.
      • getAt

        public final T getAt​(int index)
        index - the index, must be in the range zero to size()
        the element at the spcified index.
      • getNames

        public final String[] getNames()
        Gets the names of all nodes contained in this list. If this list is empty a zero-length array is returned.
        a string array containing all node names, never null
      • getDisplayNames

        public String[] getDisplayNames()
        Gets the display names of all nodes contained in this list. If this list is empty a zero-length array is returned.
        a string array containing all node display names, never null
        See Also:
      • get

        public final T get​(String name)
        Gets the element with the given name. The method performs a case insensitive search.
        name - the name of the node, must not be null
        the node with the given name or null if a node with the given name is not contained in this list
        IllegalArgumentException - if the name is null
      • getByDisplayName

        public T getByDisplayName​(String displayName)
        Gets the element with the given display name.
        displayName - the display name of the node, must not be null
        the node with the given display name or null if a node with the given display name is not contained in this list
        IllegalArgumentException - if the display name is null
        See Also:
      • contains

        public final boolean contains​(String name)
        Tests if this list contains a node with the given name.
        name - the name of the node, must not be null
        true if this list contains a node with the given name.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the name is null
      • contains

        public final boolean contains​(T node)
        Tests if this list contains the given node.
        node - the node
        true if this list contains the given node.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the node is null
      • add

        public final boolean add​(T node)
        Adds a new node to this list. Note that null nodes are not added to this list.
        node - the node to be added, ignored if null
        true if the node was added, otherwise false.
      • add

        public final void add​(int index,
                              T node)
        Inserts a new node to this list at the given index. Note that null nodes are not added to this list.
        node - the node to be added, ignored if null
        index - the insert index
        ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index was invalid.
      • clearRemovedList

        public void clearRemovedList()
        Clears the internal removed product nodes list.
      • getRemovedNodes

        public Collection<T> getRemovedNodes()
        Gets all removed product nodes.
        a collection of all removed product nodes.
      • remove

        public final boolean remove​(T node)
        Removes the given node from this list. The removed nodes will be added to the internal list of removed product nodes.
        node - the node to be removed, ignored if null
        true if the node is a member of this list and could successfully be removed, false otherwise
      • removeAll

        public final void removeAll()
        Removes all nodes from this list.
      • dispose

        public final void dispose()
        Releases all of the resources used by this object instance and all of its owned children. Its primary use is to allow the garbage collector to perform a vanilla job.

        This method should be called only if it is for sure that this object instance will never be used again. The results of referencing an instance of this class after a call to dispose() are undefined.

      • createSubset

        public ProductNodeList<T> createSubset​(ProductNodeFilter<T> filter)
        Creates a subset of this list using the given filter.
        filter - the product node filter to be used, if null a clone of this list is created
        the subset
      • toArray

        public final ProductNode[] toArray()
        Returns the list of named nodes as an array. If this list is empty a zero-length array is returned.
        a string array containing all node names, never null
      • toArray

        public final T[] toArray​(T[] array)
        Returns the list of named nodes as an array. If this list is empty a zero-length array is returned.
        array - the array into which the elements of the list are to be stored, if it is big enough; otherwise, a new array of the same runtime type is allocated for this purpose.
        an array containing the elements of the list. never null
      • copyInto

        public final void copyInto​(T[] array)
        Copies the product nodes of this product node list into the specified array. The array must be big enough to hold all the product nodes in this product node list, else an IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.
        array - the array into which the product nodes get copied.
        NullPointerException - if the given array is null.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the given array is to small.
      • indexOf

        public final int indexOf​(String name)
        Gets the index of the node with the given name. The method performs a case insensitive search.
        name - the name of the node, must not be null
        the index of the node with the given name or -1 if a node with the given name is not contained in this list
        IllegalArgumentException - if the name is null
      • indexOf

        public final int indexOf​(T node)
        Gets the index of the given node.
        node - the node to get the index, must not be null
        the index of the given node or -1 if the node is not contained in this list
        IllegalArgumentException - if the node is null