Class ImageInfo

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ImageInfo
    extends Object
    implements Cloneable
    This class contains information about how a product's raster data node is displayed as an image.
    $Revision$ $Date$
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImageInfo

        public ImageInfo​(ColorPaletteDef colorPaletteDef)
        Constructs a new image information instance.
        colorPaletteDef - the color palette definition
      • ImageInfo

        public ImageInfo​(RGBChannelDef rgbChannelDef)
        Constructs a new RGB image information instance.
        rgbChannelDef - the RGB channel definition
    • Method Detail

      • getColorPaletteDef

        public ColorPaletteDef getColorPaletteDef()
        Gets the color palette definition as used for images created from single bands.
        The color palette definition. Can be null. In this case getRgbChannelDef() is non-null.
      • getRgbChannelDef

        public RGBChannelDef getRgbChannelDef()
        Gets the RGB(A) channel definition as used for images created from 3 tp 4 bands.
        The RGB(A) channel definition. Can be null. In this case getColorPaletteDef() is non-null.
      • getNoDataColor

        public Color getNoDataColor()
      • setNoDataColor

        public void setNoDataColor​(Color noDataColor)
      • getUncertaintyBandName

        public String getUncertaintyBandName()
      • setUncertaintyBandName

        public void setUncertaintyBandName​(String uncertaintyBandName)
      • isLogScaled

        public boolean isLogScaled()
      • setLogScaled

        public void setLogScaled​(boolean logScaled)
      • getColors

        public Color[] getColors()
      • getColorComponentCount

        public int getColorComponentCount()
        Gets the number of color components the image shall have using an instance of this ImageInfo.
        3 for RGB images, 4 for RGB images with an alpha channel (transparency)
      • clone

        public final ImageInfo clone()
        Creates and returns a copy of this object.
        clone in class Object
        a copy of this object
      • createDeepCopy

        public ImageInfo createDeepCopy()
        Creates and returns a "deep" copy of this object. The method simply returns the value of clone().
        a copy of this object
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Releases all of the resources used by this object instance and all of its owned children. Its primary use is to allow the garbage collector to perform a vanilla job.

        This method should be called only if it is for sure that this object instance will never be used again. The results of referencing an instance of this class after a call to dispose() are undefined.

        Overrides of this method should always call super.dispose(); after disposing this instance.

      • setColors

        public void setColors​(Color[] colors)
        Sets the colours of the colour palette of this image info.
        colors - the new colours
      • setColorPaletteDef

        public void setColorPaletteDef​(ColorPaletteDef colorPaletteDef,
                                       double minSample,
                                       double maxSample,
                                       boolean autoDistribute)
        Transfers the colour palette into this image info.
        colorPaletteDef - another colour palette
        minSample - the minium allowed sample value in the new colour palette
        maxSample - the maximum allowed sample value in the new colour palette
        autoDistribute - if true, points are distributed between minSample/maxSample.
      • setColorPaletteDefInvert

        public void setColorPaletteDefInvert​(ColorPaletteDef colorPaletteDef,
                                             double min,
                                             double max)
      • setColorPaletteDef

        public void setColorPaletteDef​(ColorPaletteDef colorPaletteDef,
                                       double minSample,
                                       double maxSample,
                                       boolean autoDistribute,
                                       boolean isSourceLogScaled,
                                       boolean isTargetLogScaled)
      • setColorSchemeInfo

        public void setColorSchemeInfo​(ColorSchemeInfo colorSchemeInfo)
      • getZoomToHistLimits

        public Boolean getZoomToHistLimits()
      • setZoomToHistLimits

        public void setZoomToHistLimits​(Boolean zoomToHistLimits)