Class DataNode

    • Constructor Detail

      • DataNode

        public DataNode​(String name,
                        int dataType,
                        long numElems)
        Constructs a new data node with the given name, data type and number of elements.
    • Method Detail

      • getDataType

        public int getDataType()
        Gets the data type of this data node.
        the data type which is always one of the multiple ProductData.TYPE_X constants
      • isFloatingPointType

        public boolean isFloatingPointType()
        Tests whether the data type of this node is a floating point type.
        true, if so
      • getNumDataElems

        public long getNumDataElems()
        Gets the number of data elements in this data node.
      • setData

        public void setData​(ProductData data)
        Sets the data of this data node.
      • getData

        public ProductData getData()
        Gets the data of this data node.
      • setReadOnly

        public void setReadOnly​(boolean readOnly)
      • isReadOnly

        public boolean isReadOnly()
      • setUnit

        public void setUnit​(String unit)
      • getUnit

        public String getUnit()
      • isSynthetic

        public boolean isSynthetic()
      • setSynthetic

        public void setSynthetic​(boolean synthetic)
      • fireProductNodeDataChanged

        public void fireProductNodeDataChanged()
        Fires a node data changed event. This method is called after the data of this data node changed.
      • checkDataCompatibility

        protected void checkDataCompatibility​(ProductData data)
                                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Checks if the data that should be used to access the data is compatible with the data this node can hold.
        data - the data to be checked for compatibility
        IllegalArgumentException - if data is invalid.
      • acceptVisitor

        public abstract void acceptVisitor​(ProductVisitor visitor)
        Accepts the given visitor. This method implements the well known 'Visitor' design pattern of the gang-of-four. The visitor pattern allows to define new operations on the product data model without the need to add more code to it. The new operation is implemented by the visitor.
        Specified by:
        acceptVisitor in class ProductNode
        visitor - the visitor, must not be null
      • getRawStorageSize

        public long getRawStorageSize​(ProductSubsetDef subsetDef)
        Gets the estimated size in bytes of this product node.
        Specified by:
        getRawStorageSize in class ProductNode
        subsetDef - if not null the subset may limit the size returned
        the size in bytes.
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Releases all of the resources used by this object instance and all of its owned children. Its primary use is to allow the garbage collector to perform a vanilla job.

        This method should be called only if it is for sure that this object instance will never be used again. The results of referencing an instance of this class after a call to dispose() are undefined.

        Overrides of this method should always call super.dispose(); after disposing this instance.

        dispose in class ProductNode
      • createCompatibleProductData

        public ProductData createCompatibleProductData​(int numElems)
        Creates product data that is compatible to this dataset's data type. The data buffer returned contains exactly numElems elements of a compatible data type.
        numElems - the number of elements, must not be less than one
        product data compatible with this data node