Class UIUtils

  • public class UIUtils
    extends Object
    The UIUtils class provides methods frequently used in connection with graphical user interfaces.
    $Revision: 8407 $ $Date: 2010-02-14 12:58:02 +0100 (So, 14 Feb 2010) $
    • Field Detail


        public static final Color COLOR_DARK_RED

        public static final Color COLOR_DARK_BLUE

        public static final Color COLOR_DARK_GREEN
    • Method Detail

      • loadImageIcon

        public static ImageIcon loadImageIcon​(String resourcePath)
        Gets the image icon loaded from the given resource path.

        Note that this method only works for images found in the classpath of the class loader which loaded this UIUtils class. If you are not sure, you should better use getImageURL(String, Class).

        resourcePath - the resource path
        an image icon loaded from the given resource path or null if it could not be found
      • loadImageIcon

        public static ImageIcon loadImageIcon​(String resourcePath,
                                              Class callerClass)
        Gets the image icon loaded from the given resource path.
        resourcePath - the resource path
        callerClass - the class which calls this method and therefore provides the class loader for the requested resource
        an image icon loaded from the given resource path or null if it could not be found
      • getImageURL

        public static URL getImageURL​(String resourcePath)
        Gets the location of the given image resource path as an URL.

        Note that this method only works for images found in the classpath of the class loader which loaded this UIUtils class. If you are not sure, you should better use getImageURL(String, Class).

        resourcePath - the resource path
        an URL representing the given resource path or null if it could not be found
      • getImageURL

        public static URL getImageURL​(String resourcePath,
                                      Class callerClass)
        Gets the location of the given image resource path as an URL.
        resourcePath - the resource path
        callerClass - the class which calls this method and therefore provides the class loader for the requested resource
        an URL representing the given resource path or null if it could not be found
      • getScreenSize

        public static Dimension getScreenSize()
        Returns the (main) screen's size in pixels.
      • getScreenWidth

        public static int getScreenWidth()
        Returns the (main) screen's width in pixels.
      • getScreenHeight

        public static int getScreenHeight()
        Returns the (main) screen's height in pixels.
      • centerComponent

        public static void centerComponent​(Component comp)
        Centers the given component within the screen area.

        The method performs the alignment by setting a newly computed location for the component. It does not alter the component's size.

        comp - the component whose location is to be altered
        IllegalArgumentException - if the component is null
      • centerComponent

        public static void centerComponent​(Component comp,
                                           Component alignComp)
        Centers the given component over another component.

        The method performs the alignment by setting a newly computed location for the component. It does not alter the component's size.

        comp - the component whose location is to be altered
        alignComp - the component used for the alignment of the first component, if null the component is ceneterd within the screen area
        IllegalArgumentException - if the component is null
      • showPopup

        public static void showPopup​(JPopupMenu popup,
                                     MouseEvent event)
        Ensures that the popup menue is allways inside the application frame
      • getRootWindow

        public static Window getRootWindow​(Component component)
      • createGroupBorder

        public static Border createGroupBorder​(String title)
      • getRootFrame

        public static Frame getRootFrame​(Component component)
      • getRootJFrame

        public static JFrame getRootJFrame​(Component component)
      • setRootFrameWaitCursor

        public static Cursor setRootFrameWaitCursor​(Component component)
      • setRootFrameDefaultCursor

        public static Cursor setRootFrameDefaultCursor​(Component component)
      • setRootFrameCursor

        public static Cursor setRootFrameCursor​(Component component,
                                                Cursor newCursor)
      • findMenu

        public static JMenu findMenu​(JMenuBar menuBar,
                                     String name,
                                     boolean deepSearch)
      • findMenuPosition

        public static int findMenuPosition​(JMenuBar menuBar,
                                           String name)
      • findMenuItemPosition

        public static int findMenuItemPosition​(JPopupMenu popupMenu,
                                               String name)
      • createSpinner

        public static JSpinner createSpinner​(org.esa.snap.core.param.Parameter param,
                                             Number spinnerStep,
                                             String formatPattern)
      • createDoubleSpinner

        public static JSpinner createDoubleSpinner​(double value,
                                                   double rangeMinimum,
                                                   double rangeMaximum,
                                                   double stepSize,
                                                   double bigStepSize,
                                                   String formatPattern)