Release notes - Sentinel Application Platform - 5.0

New Feature

SNAP-575 Give access to the logging of SNAP

SNAP-592 Allow lazy loading of tie-point grids

SNAP-634 Scene View should create default layers automatically


SNAP-528 Help for removed Product Grabber shall be removed too

SNAP-567 Update bundeled Java JRE

SNAP-573 Reconsider icon sizes for menu items


SNAP-80 Variables are not automatically quoted if needed

SNAP-182 Importing options cause exception

SNAP-190 STA adapters don't uninstall

SNAP-260 Multiple product selection allowed but not working

SNAP-279 When multiple products are selected for closing, only one is closed

SNAP-298 If python is enabled in installer the first start of SNAP may fail

SNAP-345 Cloud probability processing leads to a NullPointerException if the source data file is a reprojected product.

SNAP-349 Title of SNAP does not reflect the product currently in focus

SNAP-368 SNAP main window title not correctly updated

SNAP-373 Export Sentinel-1 data to HDF5 is not working

SNAP-396 Cannot open multiple products if progress dialog is shown

SNAP-416 Time stamp not displayed properly for OLCI L1B products

SNAP-421 Uninstalling STA plugins doesn't work

SNAP-474 STA: operators sometimes can't be started

SNAP-475 STA: Tools don't start if no input product is specified

SNAP-496 Processing time shown by L3 Binning is not correct

SNAP-497 No progress indicator is shown when selecting in processor UI a source product

SNAP-498 Pixel Info View does not always consider the selected view

SNAP-507 Fractional water mask processor fails with NPE for certain regions

SNAP-529 STA: update leads to a NullPointerException

SNAP-532 STA: adapters are not in Graph Builder anymore

SNAP-539 Land-Sea-Mask does not properly consider valid-pixel-expression of source bands

SNAP-543 Allow to invert the mouse zooming

SNAP-549 Resampling operator does not preserve time information of the source product

SNAP-551 Geo-locations are sometimes not correclty shown in status bar

SNAP-556 LandCover mask UI does not update class list with single landcover band

SNAP-559 Can not open multiple products at once

SNAP-584 Subset can duplicate flag codings

SNAP-588 AbstractedMetadataIO not handling file without extension

SNAP-591 Resample and Reprojection are not user friendly in GraphBuilder

SNAP-595 Statistics operator not usable via API

SNAP-600 Drag&Drop for multiple S1 GRD products results in non-correct read of abstracted metadata

SNAP-603 Resampling a product without GeoCoding causes a NPE

SNAP-618 SRTM 1 src DEM offset

SNAP-629 GeoTiff reader fails to read Kompsat-5 Geotiff geocoding

SNAP-636 Graph Builder: Output name does not change when changing input/read image

SNAP-1725 SLSTR 1Km product sometimes has size of tie-point grids

SNAP-1731 Move Proba-V reader into Proba-V Toolbox

SNAP-1773 Meteological tie-points for wind are missing

SNAP-1774 Elements start- and trackoffset can be absent

SNAP-1823 IdePix OperatorMetadata category missing

SNAP-1825 Subsetting a S3 SLSTR WST product is not working

SNAP-1853 RQT 25: Creation of DEM

SNAP-1858 RQT 18: Write Images

SNAP-1865 RQT 28: IdePix Tool for OLCI

SNAP-1869 RQT 32: SLSTR SST Tool

SNAP-1872 RQT 31: ARC Tool for SLSTR

SNAP-1874 RQT 46: Process S-3 Data as fast as Envisat Data

SNAP-1880 RQT 41: Read S-3 Data as fast as Envisat Data

SNAP-1886 Migrate OWT processor to SNAP

SNAP-1900 Concatenation of the SLSTR PDUs

SNAP-1903 Extend IdePix by more sensors

SNAP-1904 Support for Proba-V L2A data

SNAP-1906 Introduce AATSR Regridding Tool

SNAP-1907 Introduce Rayleigh Correction processor for OLCI and MERIS

SNAP-1920 Support http proxy for automated MERIS auxiliary data download

SNAP-1922 Include FUB/WeW Processor

SNAP-1970 Reading Proba-V in 100m should be improved

SNAP-1988 Transfer additional file formats (.tgz) solution for LandsatGeoTiffReader from BEAM to SNAP

SNAP-1991 Extend FLH/MCI processor for OLCI

SNAP-1998 Enable lazy loading of tie-point-grids

SNAP-2021 trackOffset and startOffset should be read as double

SNAP-2022 NetCDF files are not released after closing the product in SNAP

SNAP-2135 View synchronization between bands and index masks does not work properly in Sentinel-2 products

SNAP-2175 RGB image views do not update correctly on Mac OS X or even make OS unresponsive

SNAP-2178 Sen2Three progress is going over 100%

SNAP-2179 SPOT-6 Reader test if failing

SNAP-2184 S2-MSI reader does not load correctly the angles in some products

SNAP-2207 Cloud_Coverage_Assessment not represented in SNAP

SNAP-2214 The cache in memory is not properly cleaned when the user closes a Sentinel-2 product

SNAP-2215 The Mosaic and SC map of Sentinel-2 level3 products are only available at one resolution

SNAP-2321 Extension to diff. Language

SNAP-2322 non-native API Wrapper

SNAP-2324 Other new readers

SNAP-2329 Insitu data

SNAP-2331 Export to JP2,JPG,PNG,TIF

SNAP-2339 Reuse/adapt >=3 existing beam modules

SNAP-2342 Processor L3

SNAP-2347 Processor reflectance to radiance

SNAP-2348 DEM creation

SNAP-2407 Add more RGB profiles

SNAP-2417 Support for reading S2 products with new format (PSD14)

SNAP-2427 Support for opening a granule without needing files from the full product.

SNAP-2428 Tile Index band : rename, group

SNAP-2453 Add a band keeping track of tile ids in L1C/L2A product

SNAP-2462 Sentinel-2 Reader documentation

SNAP-2682 Displacement sign should be updated

SNAP-2684 Phase to Displacement missing help

SNAP-2688 Noisy fringe borders after geocoding

SNAP-2689 Slice Assembly does not work on S1 splited products

SNAP-2716 Parameters not stored to xml for Range Doppler Terrain Correction

SNAP-2724 DateFormat is not thread safe

SNAP-2735 Checking for orbits when building a graph can freeze SNAP for tens of seconds

SNAP-2739 Kompsat-5 A products should be read as Float16

SNAP-2767 ALOS lat lon coefficients can be empty in some SLC products

SNAP-2819 DEM nodata value of NaN causes infinite loop

SNAP-2835 Geocoding in assembled multilooked slices is wrong

SNAP-2836 InSAR processing chain stops when ESD fails in estimating range offset

SNAP-2845 Create stack should validate the resampling method

SNAP-2846 Polarimetric decomposition and classification do not work with ALOS2 product

SNAP-2847 Offset Tracking still fills holes when "Fill Holes" option is not selected

SNAP-2848 Offset Tracking produces empty result if newer image is used as master

SNAP-2851 Stamps cannot read par files properly with windows line endings

SNAP-2852 TOPS Merge error: data is not an istance of String, char[] or byte[] or the length is less than one

SNAP-2859 Gamma writer not handling very large raster data

SNAP-2867 S1 Remove Thermal Noise Operator cannot handle complex sigma0

SNAP-2868 Warp operator cannot handle intensity band in SLC product

SNAP-2880 NaN values in coherence product for calibrated SLC (complex)

SNAP-2885 Remove antenna pattern not validating mission

SNAP-2893 Projects not handling name without extension

SNAP-2896 Retrieve orbit files individually from step auxdata to reduce download times

SNAP-2897 Report better error message when calibration vectors are not found

SNAP-2926 Execption for RESORB shown when applying POEORB

SNAP-2927 TOP Split slider affected by laf

SNAP-2935 Gamma reader not handling tabs

SNAP-2953 Freeman-Durden decomposition produces NaN for some pixels

SNAP-2996 Terrain Correction not handling UTM Auto

SNAP-3201 Offset tracking velocities should be exported as shape files

SNAP-3202 Export ship detections, oil spills and wind fields as shape files

SNAP-3214 Restituted orbits available later than from GS

SNAP-3322 Calibration to handle nodatavalue

SNAP-3323 Add calibration to ocean tools graphs

SNAP-3343 Backgeocoding needs to support more than two input products

SNAP-3383 Wind field estimation shall be exported to file

SNAP-3387 IRM 6: Gamma/Stamps export requires the DEM


SNAP-50 Task Queue: Sound at end of processing

SNAP-63 gpt states that it can't find a product reader for a file which does not exist

SNAP-168 Dialog window sizes nor attributes do not stick

SNAP-339 Sound-effect at the end of a processing-task

SNAP-377 Sound-alert for end-of-processing

SNAP-392 Smart Configurator: results can't be sorted

SNAP-398 Names of operators shall be handeled case insensitive by gpt

SNAP-435 Closing multiple products

SNAP-458 Help button in Plugin window is not working

SNAP-518 Merge project-functionality with session functionality?

SNAP-526 STA Operators have a wrong alias in the Graph Builder

SNAP-533 Date pattern should support also MMM

SNAP-534 Help for tools which do not exist any more should be removed

SNAP-536 Help page for layer menu is not correctly referenced

SNAP-537 An exception is thrown in the background when opening a Landsat 8 product

SNAP-540 Add script for retrieving format names from reader and writer

SNAP-548 LineTimeCoding constructor should not throw IOException

SNAP-552 Extend ProductData for data type long

SNAP-555 GPF should load operator SPIs automatically

SNAP-569 Allow equal minimum and maximum value when creating a mask based on value range

SNAP-576 Make cancelling operators less scary

SNAP-577 Select bands by default in mask creation dialog

SNAP-583 Let user open multiple bands at once

SNAP-585 Update NetBeans dependencies

SNAP-589 Projects and Session Functionalities

SNAP-597 Extent list of known dimension names for NetCDF

SNAP-604 Information dialog should show module name of product reader

SNAP-610 Allow saving session to another file

SNAP-612 Selection doesn't work properly when chosing a predefined CRS

SNAP-619 Usability: Graph Builder slow to open

SNAP-630 CollocateOp does not properly handle flag codings

SNAP-631 NetCDF readers read global attributes, but writers do not write them

SNAP-637 LandMask should include all bands if none selected