Release notes - Sentinel Application Platform - 2.0


SNAP-2 Geo-coding interface shall support double precision

SNAP-199 Allow custom SNAP-Python configurations by manual jpy builds


SNAP-124 Export query list from Product Library

New Feature

SNAP-13 Bisinc Interpolation

SNAP-14 Allow multiple selection when adding new layer

SNAP-15 Support BigTIFF data format

SNAP-20 DensityPlot - allow rasterNodes from different products

SNAP-79 Provide SNAP CPython API

SNAP-81 Add basic module lifecycle service

SNAP-94 Provide command-line option to configure SNAP-Python API

SNAP-96 Provide SNAP installer(s)

SNAP-101 Add uncertainty propagation to band arithmetic

SNAP-165 Allow module updates for beta releases

SNAP-200 Add capability to specify optional sources

SNAP-235 Support drag & drop for product files


SNAP-33 Make 3D view and world-map part of the platform

SNAP-35 Move ElevationModel into SNAP Engine

SNAP-36 Solve compatibility issues between SNAP and S1TBX

SNAP-45 Migrate JIDE Tool Windows To NetBeans Window System

SNAP-47 Migrate preferences dialog from VISAT to SNAP

SNAP-52 Migrate JIDE Status Bar To NetBeans Status Bar

SNAP-53 Migrate BEAM commands to NetBeans action system

SNAP-67 Split off UI-part of engine modules

SNAP-84 Move PlacemarkNameFactory into snap-core

SNAP-197 Duplicate Menus in Graph Builder

SNAP-216 The Smart Configurator should configure cache dir instead of user dir


SNAP-86 Get system caracteristics and disk speed

SNAP-87 Set up of java VM parameters

SNAP-88 Run benchmark on a selected processing chain

SNAP-89 Create HMI

SNAP-90 Integration of the Smart Configurator

SNAP-2498 Check the Multi-Size product feature

SNAP-2499 Synchronize S-2 project with SNAP-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT

SNAP-2500 Adapt the S-2 reader to multi-resolution

SNAP-2501 Read product over severall UTM zones implementation

SNAP-2502 Read GML masks

SNAP-2503 Multi-Resolution support implementation

SNAP-2504 Solar angles should be displayed properly

SNAP-2505 L1B Reader implementation

SNAP-2506 L1C Reader Implementation

SNAP-2507 Copyrights to fix

SNAP-2508 L2A Reader Implementation

SNAP-2509 Hard-code resulution information depending on the bands

SNAP-2510 Update of the readers name


SNAP-41 Median filter gives wrong results

SNAP-55 Calculation of pixel size could be wrong in certain cases

SNAP-57 Subset on product prior to year 2000 gives incorrect time

SNAP-70 ProductData.UTC from MJD conversion is wrong

SNAP-72 Pixel Geo Coding with fractional accuracy is wrong at the dateline

SNAP-74 Product with pole wrapping boundaries should not crash the binner

SNAP-76 Binned product reader should handle time dimension

SNAP-78 Complex geometry WKTs can slow down binner

SNAP-83 Ceres UI - Binding for 'File property' does not consider the value of the property

SNAP-92 Binned Product reader makes errors in sampling to rectangular product image

SNAP-93 Add horizontal scrollbar to Analysis/Information window

SNAP-95 Allow '%3a' as splitter in NetCDF metadata attributes

SNAP-99 OperatorContext sourceProductMap not populated properly via GraphContext

SNAP-100 Preferences for last saved dir not working

SNAP-102 Annoying log output from SNAP console applications

SNAP-106 Rename band maths function 'sqr' to 'sq'

SNAP-108 Product with converted band can not be saved correctly

SNAP-110 gpt fails with NPE if target provided via -T<target>=<file>

SNAP-113 Operators registered twice when using gpt

SNAP-114 Maven puts all previously built JARs into every NBM file

SNAP-115 SNAP's main window title does not display selected objects

SNAP-119 CSV product writer does not write scene raster width

SNAP-120 Missing 'Subset' feature in raster import/export actions

SNAP-123 Band maths with tie-point grids creates new bands with tie-point grid resolution

SNAP-125 Missing license file(s) in installation directory

SNAP-126 Multi-Resolution products cannot be read/written by default product readers/writers

SNAP-127 Can no longer create user-defined filters

SNAP-128 Installer should provide option to set PATH

SNAP-129 Operators shall check for different raster-sizes

SNAP-130 Enable Dimap reader and writer to deal with crs geocodings per band

SNAP-136 Missing user preferences for pixel-info view

SNAP-137 NPE by in pin/GCP managers displaying columns of rasters of different size

SNAP-138 Confusing and untidy user options dialog (Menu/Tools/Options)

SNAP-139 Scatter Plot: Auto min/max will not be updated after ValidationException

SNAP-140 If one pin has an invalid geolocation, all pins listed after it are not displayed in the image view

SNAP-144 World Map can't zoom to selected product

SNAP-150 No possibility to create product subsets at all

SNAP-151 Newly created masks will always have the product's scene raster size

SNAP-152 Product tree update needed if auto grouping property has changed

SNAP-154 Using pins in multi resolution products does not work

SNAP-155 Band Maths/RGB not working with bands from other products

SNAP-157 DimapProductReader throws error when reading the dimap products which were created with BEAM

SNAP-158 BandMaths. It is not possible to open target dimap product in SNAP if source product has a pixel geo-coding.

SNAP-161 Python snappy can't find native libraries of SNAP Java modules

SNAP-170 STA tool is still "ready to be installed" after nmb installation complete

SNAP-172 No error message when and STA tool fails without output

SNAP-173 SNAP can't read older data products having 'BEAM-DIMAP' format

SNAP-175 IllegalArgumentException occured while open data in netCDF(4)-BEAM format. The Product already contains a tie-point grid with the name 'latitude'.

SNAP-181 Changing SNAP performance options breaks startup config

SNAP-185 Fill DEM Hole. Error while band opening in the target product.

SNAP-187 Uninstaller not shown in Windows start menu

SNAP-189 Disapearance of the post-template

SNAP-192 linear to dB conversion error

SNAP-201 SNAP Desktop not properly started with Python configuration enabled

SNAP-204 Empty SNAP about box if no toolbox installed

SNAP-208 Collocation adds unnecessary flag-codings to the target product

SNAP-209 Import product without subset does not have any effect

SNAP-211 Cannot create mask with size different than the scene raster size

SNAP-214 Installer hard-codes user dir even on multi-user installs

SNAP-222 Subset dialog does not open in import dialog

SNAP-225 Spatial Subset from View not functioning in SNAP 2.0 Linux version

SNAP-228 The path to the directory is not remembered by the dialog when importing a subset

SNAP-229 Uninstaller does not delete folder which is created when updating SNAP modules

SNAP-231 ReadOp in graph builder does not allow to choose the format

SNAP-238 jdkhome slashes removed on Linux

SNAP-245 Changing the geometric figure does not lead to the change of WKT

SNAP-250 On Windows, when SNAP was installed as Admin, SC can't change VM params

SNAP-256 Don't use term "WorldWind" in UI

SNAP-257 Spectrum tool window cannot be made smaller

SNAP-259 Save Product on Subset saves original product

SNAP-263 Properties for 'Valid-Pixel Expression' and 'No-Data Value' are missing for tie-point grids

SNAP-267 SNAP Desktop wont restart after module update

SNAP-268 Graph builder reader UI broken when no products are open

SNAP-285 Impove information when VM parameters are disabled

SNAP-286 Smart-Configurator: Only some operators should be benchmarked

SNAP-288 Smart-Configurator: NetBeans progress API should be used

SNAP-291 Image layer in World Wind Analysis view not correctly drawn

SNAP-292 STA: Can't edit system variables once they were set

SNAP-293 STA: The adapters editor is not displayed correctly on MAC OSx

SNAP-294 STA: Operator Descriptor is trucated

SNAP-304 Preference keys inconsistant for writer options

SNAP-305 Strange behavior when saving subsets

SNAP-311 Envisat MERIS L1b "water" mask does not consider "INVALID" flag

SNAP-313 Snychronisation of image views does not work correctly for multi-size products

SNAP-1756 Masks for Landsat 8 do not work properly

SNAP-1782 Radiometric correction operator fails if bands are not in expected order

SNAP-1783 Error displaying RGB composite for Landsat 5 data

SNAP-1788 No appropriate product reader for Proba-V

SNAP-1789 MODIS AQUA SST L3 products have no time information

SNAP-1811 The BandMaths Operator cannot handle $sourceProducts#.bandName

SNAP-1815 Default RGB-Profiles missing for OLCI products

SNAP-1817 Wrong MERIS L1B RGB profile

SNAP-1821 Landsat 8 using wrong scale factors and add offsets

SNAP-1827 RQT 3: Toolbox Wrapper API (In BEAM 5: Python)

SNAP-1828 RQT 4: Stand-Alone Tools Adapter

SNAP-1829 RQT 1: Use BEAM Development Platform

SNAP-1830 RQT 2: Extendible Toolbox

SNAP-1831 RQT 5: Plug-in Repository

SNAP-1834 RQT 51: Processing Graph Builder GUI

SNAP-1835 RQT 48: Display multiple S-3 Datasets simultaneously

SNAP-1837 RQT 52: Configurable Processing Chains

SNAP-1839 RQT 47: S-3 Data Subsets shall be faster

SNAP-1845 RQT 13: Read Subsets

SNAP-1847 RQT 16: Write Subsets

SNAP-1848 RQT 7: Undo/Redo

SNAP-1849 RQT 10: Multiple Operations in Parallel

SNAP-1850 RQT 11: Read Sentinel-3 OLCI & SLSTR

SNAP-1851 RQT 8: Progress Indicator

SNAP-1854 RQT 26: Image Filters

SNAP-1855 RQT 23: Extract Pixel Values

SNAP-1861 RQT 19: Uncertainty Images

SNAP-1863 RQT 36: Intelligent Configuration

SNAP-1873 RQT 45: Fast Random Access to S-3 Data

SNAP-1875 RQT 39: Run Optimiser at any Time

SNAP-1876 RQT 37: Optimiser shall run Benchmarks

SNAP-1877 RQT 38: Interactive Optimiser

SNAP-1878 RQT 43: Fast Display of S-3 Images

SNAP-1996 There shall be preference tab for the toolbox

SNAP-2006 S-3 OLCI and SLSTR readers to use directories as input

SNAP-2024 Allow switching between radiance and reflectance values for landsat data

SNAP-2130 If S2TBX is installed via the plugin manager, S2 MSI Reader does not work

SNAP-2134 Can't open product with "Import->OpticalSensors->Sentinel2->S2-MSI L1C"

SNAP-2137 Multi-resolution reader on graph builder

SNAP-2138 L1C Cloud masks generate NPE

SNAP-2139 OpenJPEG can't decode some 20m bands

SNAP-2143 Handle OpenJPEG decoding errors

SNAP-2144 opening different instances with Sentinel-2 reader does not behave as expected

SNAP-2150 Cannot read latest L1B product

SNAP-2157 Masks are available only for 10m bands in the mask manager

SNAP-2159 Snychronisation of image views does not work correctly for MSI L1C products

SNAP-2160 S2 masks all have the same colour

SNAP-2163 Export of S2 product to GeoTiff and ENVI fails for some combination of bands

SNAP-2165 Sentinel-2 readers have NetBeans dependencies

SNAP-2167 RapidEye reader misreading start time

SNAP-2170 opj_decompress cannot be found if s2tbx is installed after main intallation

SNAP-2172 Check lines 4783 - 4789 with original ATCOR code and correct, if needed

SNAP-2190 NPE occurs in J2kProductReaderPlugin when trying to open file without extension

SNAP-2192 When opening a produt at 20 or 60m, references to 10m remains

SNAP-2236 JP2 reader should use SNAP cache dir

SNAP-2244 L2A bands can't be opened at 10m

SNAP-2245 NPE when reading a L2A product via gpt

SNAP-2247 Band to Scene transform for Multi resolution products

SNAP-2250 L2A reader should read scene classification, WV and AOT bands

SNAP-2251 L2A reader band names

SNAP-2252 S2 masks have too complicated names

SNAP-2254 Missing layer.xml for JP2 reader

SNAP-2255 RGB Combination from generated bands does not work

SNAP-2262 Wrong file filters for S2 products with File --> Open Product

SNAP-2263 Sentinel-2 readers don't all appear in 'File --> Import --> Optical Sensors menu

SNAP-2266 File->Import->Sentinel2 menu does not work anymore

SNAP-2270 Most graph builder operations are not working with S2 products

SNAP-2272 It is not possible anymore to open a single granule.

SNAP-2290 L1B granule width must be dynamically found

SNAP-2294 Masks appear only when they contain polygons

SNAP-2295 MacOSX exception when reading a product in beta8

SNAP-2297 Multi UTM zones support for L2A

SNAP-2298 S2 reader tries to read dimap product

SNAP-2305 S2-L1C tile JP2 file not read correctly by JP2reader

SNAP-2318 CLONE - RQT 87, Smart configurator

SNAP-2319 Standalone tool adapter

SNAP-2320 3rd party plugin

SNAP-2325 Undo/Redo

SNAP-2326 Progress indicator

SNAP-2327 S2 reader

SNAP-2328 Read S2 GML masks

SNAP-2332 Extract pixel value

SNAP-2340 Benchmark by optimizer

SNAP-2341 Processor integrate L2A module

SNAP-2343 Processing preview

SNAP-2344 Optimizer propose setup values

SNAP-2345 Re-running the smart configurator

SNAP-2346 Basic image filtering

SNAP-2349 Predefined processing chains

SNAP-2352 Performance Optimization (2/8)

SNAP-2372 Fix the tests on S2

SNAP-2381 Graph Builder: update the S-2 processors

SNAP-2394 Change the cache dir for S2 readers

SNAP-2418 S2 L1C reader is resampling all bands at 10m

SNAP-2459 JP2 reader architecture update

SNAP-2464 Mix of J2K and JP2 in J2K reader

SNAP-2470 Missing S-2 MSI L1C reader that reads all bands at same size

SNAP-2478 L1B reader should adapt JP2 tiling scheme dynamically

SNAP-2658 S-1 WV SLC not handling multiple bands with same name

SNAP-2661 Zip files in resources not being loaded from jars

SNAP-2666 H-a Alpha plot broken due to netbeans dependency

SNAP-2668 Input validation needed for JLinda modules

SNAP-2692 Add Incidence Angle output to Ellipsoid Correction

SNAP-2717 S-1 Remove GRD Border Noise

SNAP-2729 Ellipsoid Correction GG ignores phase bands

SNAP-2734 Terrain Correction pixel spacing in degrees not calculated from gpt

SNAP-2741 Goldstein Phase Filtering not working

SNAP-2761 GCP Selection fails if like polarizations are not found

SNAP-2762 A shift exists in terrain corrected merged S-1 SLC product

SNAP-2765 ASAR calibrator retrieving metadata from ADS

SNAP-2772 TOPSAR Merge throws -1

SNAP-2797 SNAP crashes when editing graph components prepared from Win OS

SNAP-2803 TOPSSplit broken due to change in ProductUtils.copyBands

SNAP-2804 Polarimetric Speckle Filter ignores user input

SNAP-2809 SARSimTC NPE with apply normalization

SNAP-2834 RS2 SGF products cannot be read

SNAP-2872 Toolbox command line

SNAP-2873 Unable to export to netcdf format

SNAP-2874 Ticket#: 2015050810000046 S1TBx problem with ALOS on Linux 64bit version

SNAP-2875 The histogram of the multi-looked ifg is still bell-shaped

SNAP-2881 Problems linking displays

SNAP-2902 Help still mentions NEST in multiple places

SNAP-2905 Problems opening ALOS/AVNIR2 data products

SNAP-2910 Filter operator no target product set

SNAP-2915 Remove Antenna Pattern not working for ERS

SNAP-2949 Search product Metadata

SNAP-2952 Coherence estimation with/without flat-Earth removal

SNAP-2957 Missing Baseline information when calculating InSAR products

SNAP-2960 RGB profiles missing for calibrated bands

SNAP-2961 Gaps in merged subswaths

SNAP-2963 Thermal noise removal operator cannot handle noise vectors of different lengths

SNAP-2965 S1 Reader is not able to read Stripmap SLC

SNAP-2973 Dimap Reader throws EOF and whole tiles are not shown

SNAP-2974 Dual Pol tools do not handle TOPS Split products

SNAP-2976 Deburst gets array index out of bounds

SNAP-2981 East-west shifts are reported after geocoding of ascending/descending scenes

SNAP-2999 GRD polarization not found in product library

SNAP-3005 Radar Stack Tool

SNAP-3006 Masking Tools - Duplicate operators and performance issues

SNAP-3017 EAP Phase Correction does not work for split product

SNAP-3027 TR-S1SF-332 sensor geometry and geographic projection

SNAP-3028 TR-S1SF-341 Wind speed

SNAP-3029 TR-S1SF-342 Wind direction

SNAP-3031 TR-S1SF-340 OWI Overlay

SNAP-3032 TR-S1SF-330 OCN Visualisation

SNAP-3034 Options missing when right-clicking bands in Product View

SNAP-3036 TR-NEW-130 Phase Correction for IPF processor change

SNAP-3038 TR-NEW-110 S1 GRD border noise removal

SNAP-3043 TR-PO-030 Smart Configurator

SNAP-3044 TR-PO-040 Smart Configurator: benchmarks

SNAP-3049 TR-PO-100 fully exploit all available resources

SNAP-3054 TR-PO-041 Smart Configurator: plug-ins

SNAP-3057 TR-PO-050 Smart Configurator: manual override

SNAP-3058 TR-PO-060 Smart Configurator: rerun optimizer

SNAP-3061 TR-S1SF-060 Subsets

SNAP-3062 TR-S1SF-070 Hightlight subswath boundaries

SNAP-3073 TR-AE-010 Bands of different sizes

SNAP-3105 TR-S1SF-100 Display content of aux data files

SNAP-3127 TR-HUW-020 searchable help

SNAP-3130 TR-HUW-010 Help

SNAP-3136 TR-HUW-090 Website

SNAP-3140 TR-S1SF-351 cross spectra and wave spectra

SNAP-3143 TR-S1SF-355 swtch from one spectra to the next

SNAP-3144 TR-S1SF-356 switch from real and imaginary

SNAP-3147 TR-S1SF-343 Wind direction indicator

SNAP-3156 TR-S1SF-361 popup 2D cross spectra

SNAP-3238 ALOS, ERS Ceos readers to handle zip files

SNAP-3314 Create Stack result should behave as coregistered

SNAP-3315 Link to VMWare player in tutorial

SNAP-3333 GLCM for all selected bands

SNAP-3366 Missing projection selection in EC-Geolocation Grid operator

SNAP-3370 OCN L2 products not supported in zip format

SNAP-3371 TOPSAR Split performance

SNAP-3373 Ellipsoid Correction and subsets

SNAP-3382 Multilook enhancements

SNAP-3402 Rerunning batch processing overwrites all products

SNAP-3404 Allow apply orbit to continue on fail

SNAP-3407 IRM 5: Create Stack should set coregistered flag to true

SNAP-3411 IRM 5: Create Stack GCPs should be renamed Product Geolocation


SNAP-49 Consistent context menus - delete missing from product view context menu

SNAP-64 Product writers should report encoding qualification

SNAP-69 Support MERIS RRG Level_2 products

SNAP-73 GPT should allow setting system properties

SNAP-75 Provide time usage per operator in GPT

SNAP-77 Add tracing to L3 binner

SNAP-104 Unify get/setPixel() and read/writePixel() methods in RasterDataNode API

SNAP-105 Installer shall take care of cleanup of SNAP user directory

SNAP-109 Extend PointOperator API to easily support masks and intermediate results

SNAP-111 Add snap/bin to the PATH environment variable

SNAP-118 CSV product reader ignores lat/lon information

SNAP-121 Missing actual version number in about box

SNAP-122 Missing about box SPI

SNAP-134 Imported pins shall keep their exact geo-location

SNAP-142 Let the SNAP Desktop executable accept file arguments

SNAP-143 Register file associations for .dim and .snap filename suffixes

SNAP-146 Improve format for floating point numbers in pixel-info view

SNAP-163 Extend 'Read' operator to be more specific w.r.t. reader plugin selection

SNAP-164 Only most important toolbars should be initally visible

SNAP-166 Add time-coding to product data model

SNAP-179 Generate and publish Java API + GPT operator docs

SNAP-202 Group source products in operator UI

SNAP-203 Optional source products shall be marked as "(optional)"

SNAP-207 Allow productSets handle folders for use from GPT

SNAP-247 Reorganise/rename SNAP API packages

SNAP-251 Smart configurator's bechmark test values needs defaults

SNAP-252 InSAR Overview cannot be called from Product Library

SNAP-255 Make data model consistent with multi-size requirements

SNAP-272 Modify the message “Lengthy operation in progress…”

SNAP-274 Link WorldWind instances to share resources

SNAP-284 Envisat reader much slower to open products


SNAP-91 Rename package org.esa.beam