Release notes - Sentinel Application Platform - S3TBX-7.0.1
Changes in S3TBX 7.0.1
- [SIIITBX-176] - Rayleigh Correction expects tie-point grids to be present
- [SIIITBX-270] - Wrong bands used for computing the Rhow_OOS
- [SIIITBX-273] - Rayleigh correction does not compute correct values
- [SIIITBX-300] - PPE operator does not copy the masks of the source
New Feature
- [SIIITBX-249] - Coefficient have change for SLSTR S5 and S6
- [SIIITBX-295] - Support new version of SLSTR L1 RBT
- [SIIITBX-296] - Add Reader for SLSTR L2 FRP products
- [SIIITBX-297] - Add Reader for SLSTR SYN L2 products
- [SIIITBX-172] - Use new SRF for Sentinel-2 in Rayleigh Correction processor
- [SIIITBX-269] - OOS thresholds should have different default values
- [SIIITBX-272] - TSM computation shall use new equation
A comprehensive list of all issues resolved in this version of the Sentinel-3 Toolbox can be found in our issue tracking system