C2RCC processor integrated - The Case-2 Regional / CoastColour processor. It is a processor for retrieving water constituents in coastal zones. Supports several sensors. Starting from Sentinel-3 OLCI, Sentinel-2 MSI to Landsat-8 OLI and the heritage sensor MERIS. Also supported are MODIS, VIIRS and SeaWiFS.
Support Rayleigh Correction of S2-MSI - The Rayleigh Correction processor has been extended to support the S2-MSI data. Now it supports MERIS, OLCI and MSI.
Support Rad2Refl for SLSTR - The Radiance-to-Reflectance processor can now convert also Sentinel-2 SLSTR data from radiance to reflectance.
Support Landsat data from dataset 'Collection 1' - Landsat data from the 'Collection 1' can now be read
FU Classification extended for S2-MSI, MODIS500 and CZCS - The FU Classification can now be used for the S2-MSI, CZCS and MODIS in 500 meter resolution.
A comprehensive list of all issues resolved in this version of the Sentinel-3 Toolbox can be found in our issue tracking system