The Idepix Processor provides a pixel classification into properties such as clear/cloudy, land/water, snow, ice etc. The processing options/parameters as well as the underlying classification algorithms are instrument-dependent. The Idepix Processor provided with the current SNAP version supports MODIS and Landsat-8.
The ARC Processor is aimed to enable the user to calculate the sea-surface temperature and Saharan Dust Index from (A)ATSR brightness temperatures.
The new SLSTR L1B PDU Stitching Tool stitches multiple SLSTR L1B product dissemination units (PDUs) of the same orbit to a single product
A new client tool has been developed for accessing online in-situ databases. In the current version this tool has the purpose of a demonstrator and is limited in functionality. Currently the In-Situ Client gives limited access to the MERMAID In-Situ Database hosted by ACRI-ST. Two datasets are available, namely BOUSSOLE and AERONET-OC.
The Fractional Land/Water Mask Processor creates a new product based on the source product and computes a land/water mask. For each pixel, it contains the fraction of water; a value of 0.0 indicates land, a value of 100.0 indicates water, and every value in between indicates a mixed pixel.
A comprehensive list of all issues resolved in this version of the Sentinel-3 Toolbox can be found in our issue tracking system