Release notes - Sentinel Application Platform - S2TBX-4.0

Changes in S2TBX 4.0

Main features

Sentinel-2 Product Reader

"Long Paths" issue on Windows

Multiple fixes for minimizing the impact of the "Long Paths" issue on Windows OS. As long as you managed to uncompress a Sentinel-2 product on your HDD from the Windows Explorer, it will open correctly inside SNAP.

Only multi-size product reading

The specific 10m, 20m and 60m readers have been removed. They were doing an automatic nearest neighbor resampling of any band to the target resolution, and this work is much better done with the Resampling operator, available via the Raster->Geometric Operations->Resampling menu. The Resampling operator allows for more choices of the target resolution, and allows one to choose the up and downsampling algorithms.

This also has the advantage that products where all granules are in the same UTM zone are read automatically by a single reader, so does not trigger the combo box for choosing the actual reader to use anymore. Products containing granules in several distincts UTM zones still require the user to choose which UTM zone to read.

The Level-2A reader, reading products produced by Sen2Cor, has been updated to provide multi-size products, in line with what is done for L1C products. It chooses the most precise resolution available for each band : L1C products processed by sen2cor up to 20m will have B1 and B9 at 60m, and all other bands at 20m. L1C products processed by sen2cor up to 10m will have B1 and B9 at 60m, B5/B6/B7/B8a/B11/B12 at 20m, and B2/B3/B4/B8 at 10m.

S2 product can be opened using their directory

It is now possible to drag-and-drop the directory containing a S2 product into the Product Explorer window to open them. No need to go find the xml file anymore.

Reflectance scaling

The scale factor of 10000 used to convert reflectance from their raw integer value to a meaningful reflectance value in [0, 1] is applied during product reading.

In the L2A product reader, appropriate scaling factors are applied to AOT and WVP bands to produce physical values.

Metadata improvements

The granule-specific metadata were not easily distinguishable. They now contain the MGRS tile identifier.

L2A Products now compatible with GPT

A small issue prevented L2A products from being used with the GPT. This is now fixed.

Sun and Viewing angles
Product time information

S2 products now include proper time information (Sensing start/stop time).

Masks grouping

Masks are now grouped by category, to avoid the masks folder to be too populated.

##### Level-2A Scene Classification colors

The different indices of the Scene Classification now follow the Sen2Cor documentation. For consistency, the masks generated for each class in the Scene Classification band also follow the same colors.

Level-3 Products support

Added support for the Level-3 products as generated by Sen2Three, the multitemporal synthesis processor, developed by Telespazio Vega Gmbh

Reader optimizations

Spot 6/7 reader

RGB rendering

RGB rendering of Spot 6/7 products appeared overly dark. These has been fixed, by not using the histogram provided in the metadata.

The order of the bands has been fixed for the default profile.

Cache management

The Sentinel-2 Toolbox caches uncompressed regions of the JPEG2000 files read by the Sentinel-2 reader, the generic JP2 reader and the Spot 6/7 reader. Those files are stored in the user home directory and can grow big.

The cache can now be emptied regularly at startup. The frequency of the cache clean up can be tuned in the preferences pane. The default behavior for new installation is to remove from the cache the files that are more-than-a-week old.

New L2B Biophysical Products processor

The Sentinel-2 Toolbox now provides a biophysical products processor, developped by CS and INRA.

The processor computes LAI, FAPAR, FCOVER, CWC, CCC from top-of-canopy reflectances.

New IdePix Processor

The Sentinel-2 Toolbox now includes the Idepix Processor for Sentinel-2, developped by Brockmann Consult Gmbh.

The Idepix Processor provides a pixel classification into properties such as clear/cloudy, land/water, snow, ice etc.

The Sentinel-3 Toolbox provides similar functionnality for MODIS and Landsat-8 data.

New Radiometric Indices Processor

The Sentinel-2 Toolbox now includes an important number of well-known radiometric indices processors, developped by CS-Romania.

The following indices are made available :

List of solved issues


