File Format Updates

Flag Descriptor Format

The DDDB flag descriptor file is used to define the set of flags and the display properties of the flags for SMOS data structures that contain flag data. The flag descriptor file is a line based text file (comma separated file) that is using the vertical-bar character ( |) as separator. A line beginning with a number-sign (# ) is treated as comment line. The file extension must be .csv.

The following table lists all properties that may be used to describe a flag.
Name Type Explanation
visible boolean Should the flag appear in the SNAP flag coding(true or false). This property is currently not supported
name string The name of the flag
mask integer The hexadecimal integer that codes the flag bit position
color integer Hexadecimal integer that codes the color of the flag overlay
transparency double Transparency of the flag overlay. 0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent/td>
description string description of the flag

When the value of a property is not known or it is not important for the functionality, the asterisk character (*) can be used to indicate this.

Below is an example of a flag-properties file. This example is taken from the operational resources of the SMOS-Box:

    # visible | name         | mask     | color | transparency | description
      *       | FL_DATA_MISS | 00000001 | *     | *            | Check fall back options
      *       | FL_MVAL0     | 00000002 | *     | *            | Flag to indicate no more retrieval to be done. True if MVAL0< TH_Mmin0