RGB-Image Profile

RGB-Image Profile

In this window you are asked to define the RGB channels for a new RGB Image View. You are able to load defined RGB-Profiles, to create and store new or define only temporarily new profiles.


Selects on of the actual stored RGB-Profiles to use for creation of the new image view.

RGB Channels

Red - Defines the mathematical expression for the red channel.
Green - Defines the mathematical expression for the green channel.
Blue - Defines the mathematical expression for the blue channel.

Each of the color channels can either be used with fixed minimum and maximum values or use automated histogram-based scaling. The checkbox "fixed range" switches the RGB calculation to fixed mode; minimum and maximum values can be entered in the respective text boxes. You can leave either of the values empty to not specify one of the boundaries. For this field the histogram-calculated boundary value is used.

Use the Opens the Band Maths Expression Editor to to edit the expression for the specific channel by using the Maths Expression Editor.

Store RGB Channels

Stores the RGB channels into the current product as virtual bands.

RGB-Profile File

RGB-Profile files must have the extension ".rgb". Multiple default profiles provided by the Sentinel Toolbox in the $S3TBX_INSTALL_DIR$ /auxdata/rgb_profiles.
A RGB-Profile file contains several entries. The syntax of an entry is ' EntryName = EntryValue '. Normally one entry is written in one line, but you can use the '\' character to indicate that the next line also belongs to the value. Empty lines and lines beginning with the '#' character are ignored.
The possible entries for an RGB-Profile are listed in the following table:

Name Type Description
name String The name of the RGB-Profile, if given it is displayed instead of the file name.
internal Boolean The default value is false, if given and set to true it indicates that this RGB-Profile can not be deleted from the user interface (but does not prevent from overwriting the file).
red or r String The band maths expression used to create the red channel. This entry is mandatory.
red_min float The minimum value for the red channel scaling. This entry is optional.
red_max float The maximum value for the red channel scaling. This entry is optional.
green or g String The band maths expression used to create the green channel. This entry is mandatory.
green_min float The minimum value for the green channel scaling. This entry is optional.
green_max float The maximum value for the green channel scaling. This entry is optional.
blue or b String The band maths expression used to create the blue channel. This entry is mandatory.
blue_min float The minimum value for the blue channel scaling. This entry is optional.
blue_max float The maximum value for the blue channel scaling. This entry is optional.

Example: The following profile yields good RGB images from MERIS Level-1b data products. The linear-combinations for the red, green and blue components are based on the colour matching functions of the CIE 1931 color space.

        name = MERIS L1b - High Quality
        internal = true

        red = log(1.0 + 0.35 * radiance_2 + \
        0.60 * radiance_5 + \
        radiance_6 + \
        0.13 * radiance_7)

        green = log(1.0 + 0.21 * radiance_3 + \
        0.50 * radiance_4 + \
        radiance_5 + \
        0.38 * radiance_6)

        blue = log(1.0 + 0.21 * radiance_1 + \
        1.75 * radiance_2 + \
        0.47 * radiance_3 + \
        0.16 * radiance_4)