Apply Orbit File Operator
The orbit state vectors provided in the metadata of a SAR
product are generally not accurate and can be refined with the
precise orbit files which are available days-to-weeks after the
generation of the product.
The orbit file provides accurate satellite position and velocity
information. Based on this information, the orbit state vectors in
the abstract metadata of the product are updated.
Orbit Files Supported
The operator currently only supports ASAR, ERS and
Sentinel-1 products.
- For Sentinel-1, Restituted orbit files and Preceise orbit files
may be applied. Precise orbits are produced a few weeks after
acquisition. Orbit files are automatically download from the ESA
- For ASAR product, DORIS precise orbit file generated by the
Centre de Traitement Doris Poseidon (CTDP) and Delft University can
be applied. It provides the satellite positions and velocities
in ECEF coordinates every 60 seconds.
- For ERS product, DELFT precise orbit file generated by Delft
Institute for Earth-Oriented Space Research (DEOS) can be applied.
It provides the satellite ephemeris information (latitude,
longitude, height) every 60 seconds. The operator first converts
the satellite position from (latitude, longitude, height)
to ECEF coordinates, then computes the velocity information
- Also for ERS product, PRARE precise orbit file generated by
Delft University can be applied. It provides the same
information every 30 seconds.
Major Processing Steps
To refine the orbit state vectors, the following steps are
- Get the start time of the source product;
- Find orbit file with user specified type and the
product start time;
- For each orbit state vector in the metadata, get its UTM
- Compute new orbit state vector for the UTM time using
Parameters Used
The following parameters are used by the operator:
- Orbit Type: User can select the type of orbit file for the
application. Currently the following orbit file types are
- SENTINEL-1 Restituted
- SENTINEL-1 Precise