All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractBand |
The AbstractBand class provides a set of pixel access methods but does not provide an implementation of
the actual reading and writing of pixel data from or into a raster.
AbstractElevationModelDescriptor |
AbstractExpression |
todo - API doc
AbstractExpressionValidator |
Validates boolean and general expressions.
AbstractFigure |
Base class for all Figure implementations.
AbstractGeoCoding |
AbstractGeoCoding is the base class of all geo-coding implementation.
AbstractHandle |
The base class for all Handle implementations.
AbstractInteractor |
AbstractInteractorInterceptor |
AbstractInteractorListener |
AbstractLayerListener |
An (empty) LayerListener implementation.
AbstractMaskPersistenceConverter |
AbstractMatrixMosaicSubsetMultiLevelSource |
Created by jcoravu on 12/12/2019.
AbstractMatrixMosaicSubsetMultiLevelSource.MatrixReadBounds |
AbstractMosaicSubsetMultiLevelSource |
Created by jcoravu on 11/12/2019.
AbstractMultiLevelSource |
AbstractParamEditor |
The AbstractParamEditor acts as a base class for implementations of ParamEditor interface
by providing some default method implementations and several utility methods for common editors.
AbstractParamValidator |
The AbstractParamValidator acts as a base class for implementations of ParamValidator
interface by providing some default method implementations and several utility methods for common validators.
AbstractParamXEditor |
A AbstractParamXEditor is base class for editors which use special purpose editors for editing a
parameter value.
AbstractPlacemarkDescriptor |
AbstractPointFigure |
AbstractProductBuilder |
AbstractProductReader |
The AbstractProductReader class can be used as a base class for new product reader implementations.
AbstractProductWriter |
The AbstractProductWriter class can be used as a base class for new product writer implementations.
AbstractPropertyMap |
AbstractSelection |
A handy base class for implementations of the Selection interface.
AbstractSelectionAction |
An abstract base class for generic actions which depend and operate on the
current selection abstraction.
AbstractSelectionChangeListener |
AbstractSelectionContext |
AbstractShapeFigure |
A figure that is based on a Java AWT shape geometry.
AbstractSubsetRegion |
Created by jcoravu on 13/2/2020.
AbstractSubsetTileOpImage |
Created by jcoravu on 11/12/2019.
AbstractSystemAction |
AbstractTermTransformer |
A basic implementation of a term transformer which recursively clones operation and function call terms.
AbstractTransform2D |
An abstract transform using org.geotools.referencing.operation.transform.AbstractMathTransform
that can be used to implement MathTransform2D .
AbstractUndoAction |
ActionLabel |
A JLabel which fires action events when clicked.
Activator |
AdjustableView |
AdjustableViewScrollPane |
A ViewPane is an alternative to JScrollPane
when you need to scroll an infinite area given in floating-point coordinates.
AffineTransform2D |
A wrapper class for an affine transform where a MathTransform2D is required.
AffineTransformConverter |
AffineTransformDescriptor |
AggregationType |
Aggregator |
AggregatorFactory |
AlbersEqualAreaConicDescriptor |
AndFilter |
AngularDirection |
AnnotationOperatorDescriptor |
AnnotationOperatorDescriptorBody |
Implementation helper class.
AnnotationParameterDescriptor |
AnnotationSourceProductDescriptor |
AnnotationSourceProductsDescriptor |
AnnotationTargetProductDescriptor |
AnnotationTargetPropertyDescriptor |
Approximation |
Approximator |
A utility class which can be used to find approximation functions for a given dataset.
AreaCalculator |
Calculates the size of an specified area in square meter.
Array |
Interface for wrapping primitive arrays.
Array.Double |
Class for wrapping double primitive arrays.
Array.Float |
Class for wrapping float primitive arrays.
ArrayConverter |
ArrayUtils |
A utility class providing a set of static functions frequently used when working with basic Java arrays.
ArrayValidator |
Assert |
Assert is useful for embedding runtime sanity checks
in code.
AssertionFailure |
The AssertionFailure class is an error caused by a failed program assertion.
Attribute<E> |
AttributeContainer |
AwtGeomToJtsGeomConverter |
BackgroundLayer |
A background layer is used to draw a background using a unique Color .
BackgroundLayer.Type |
Band |
A band contains the data for geophysical parameter in remote sensing data products.
BandArithmetic |
Provides band arithmetic utility methods.
BandDescriptorDomConverter |
BandMathsMaskPersistableSpi |
BandMathsMaskPersistenceSpi |
BandMathsOp |
This band maths operator can be used to create a product with multiple bands based on mathematical expression.
All products specified as source must have the same width and height, otherwise the operator will fail.
BandMathsOp.BandDescriptor |
Describes a target band to be generated by this operator.
BandMathsOp.Spi |
BandMathsOp.Variable |
BandMatrixCell |
BandOpImage |
An OpImage which retrieves its data from the product reader associated with the
given RasterDataNode at a given pyramid level.
BandResamplingPreset |
Created by obarrile on 13/04/2019.
BaseElevationModel |
BaseElevationTile |
BasicPixelGeoCoding |
Deprecated. |
BasicPixelGeoCodingPersistenceConverter |
BasicPixelGeoCodingPersistenceSpi |
BilinearInterpolationResampling |
BilinearUpsampler |
Created by obarrile on 19/04/2019.
BilinearUpsampler.Spi |
Binding |
A bi-directional binding between one or more Swing GUI components and a
property in a value container.
BindingContext |
A context used to bind Swing components to properties in a value container.
BindingContext.SilentProblemHandler |
BindingContext.VerbousProblemHandler |
BindingException |
Signals a binding failure.
BindingProblem |
Represents a problem of a Binding which may occur
when transferring data from a Swing component into the the bound
Property .
BindingProblemListener |
A listener used to observe problems which may occur in a BindingContext ,
BinX |
Utility class used to read BinX schema files.
BinXException |
BitRaster |
A pixel mask provides a boolean value for a given pixel position.
BitSetter |
Static function to manipulate bits inside an int or long.
BooleanConverter |
BooleanEditor |
BooleanExpressionConverter |
Empty marker subclass for StringConverter.
BooleanExpressionValidator |
Validates a boolean expression.
BooleanValidator |
BrightBlueImageFilter |
BucketMap<K extends Number,V> |
Created by kraftek on 11/6/2015.
BufferedImageRendering |
A rendering which uses a buffered image as drawing surface.
Bundle |
Descriptor class for a dependency bundle.
BundleInstaller |
Installer class for adapter bundles.
BundleLocation |
BundleType |
Bundle types enumeration.
ByteArrayCodec |
A utility class used to decode/encode primitive Java types from/to a byte buffer using
a specified ByteOrder .
ByteArrayIOHandler |
ByteConverter |
CachingObjectArray |
CachingObjectArray.ObjectFactory |
CanceledException |
An exception which clients can use to signal that a ProgressMonitor requested cancellation
of a running process.
CartographicMapTransform |
CharacterConverter |
CheckThreadViolationRepaintManager |
This class is used to detect Event Dispatch Thread rule violations
See How to Use Threads
for more info
ChoiceExpr |
ClassConverter |
ClassFieldAccessor |
ValueAccessor for values stored in a Field of a plain Java object.
ClasspathFactory |
Used to construct the classpath used by the launcher.
ClassScanner |
Utility class that is used to scan the fields of plain Java objects (POJOs).
ClassScanner.FieldFilter |
CliHandler |
Encapsulates the command line arguments handling.
Code |
A file object used to represent Java source coming from a string.
CodeClassGenerator |
CodeCompiler |
A Java code compiler.
CodeMapper |
CodeMapper.CodeMapping |
CodeMapper.NameMapper |
CollapsiblePane |
CollectionData |
A collection of elements.
CollectionHelper |
Helper class for simplifying lambda expression usage on collections and arrays.
CollectionLayer |
A layer which can contain other layers.
CollectionLayer.Type |
CollectionType |
ColorConverter |
ColoredBandImageMultiLevelSource |
A multi-level source (= level-image source for image pyramids) for visual RGB images derived from
RasterDataNode s.
ColorEditor |
ColoredMaskImageMultiLevelSource |
ColorManipulationDefaults |
Configuration which contains many key parameters with defaults and labels for the color manipulation tool
ColorPaletteDef |
The ColorPaletteDef class represents a curve that is used to transform the sample values of a
geo-physical band into color palette indexes.
ColorPaletteDef.Point |
ColorSchemeInfo |
Contains all info for a color scheme
ColorValidator |
ColumnMajorMatrixFactory |
Matrix factory implementation.
CombinedFXYGeoCoding |
A geo-coding based on a combination of GeoCodings .
CombinedFXYGeoCoding.CodingWrapper |
ComboBoxEditor |
ComboBoxSelectionContext |
A selection provider that wraps a JList .
CommandLineArgs |
The parsed command-line arguments for GPT.
CommandLineContext |
CommandLineTool |
The common command-line tool for the GPF.
ComponentAdapter |
A component adapter provides the GUI components used to edit a bound property value.
ComponentFactory |
ComponentGeoCoding |
ComponentGeoCodingPersistable |
ComponentGeoCodingPersistableSpi |
ComponentGeoCodingPersistenceConverter |
ComponentGeoCodingPersistenceSpi |
Composite |
An enumeration used by Layer .
CompoundData |
A compound of members of any type.
CompoundExpr |
CompoundExpr.Member |
CompoundMember |
CompoundType |
ConcurrentMultiLevelRenderer |
ConfigurableExtension |
A configurable extension.
ConfigurationElement |
A configuration element of an extension.
ConfigurationElementBase<T> |
A configuration element, with its attributes and children,
directly reflects the content and structure of the extension and extension point
sections within the declaring module's manifest (module.xml) file.
ConfigurationSchemaElement |
A configuration element of an extension point (schema).
ConnectionConfigData |
ConnectionConfigPane |
ConnectionConfigPane.ValidtationHandler |
ConstantExpr |
Constants |
Defines all important Ceres constants.
Constants |
ConstantTimeCoding |
Time coding which returns a constant value.
ConstrainedLSU |
Performs a constrained linear spectral unmixing, where the sum
of abundances always is equal to unity.
Container |
ConversionException |
Signals a value conversion failure.
Converter<T> |
A Converter provides a strategy to convert a value of a certain type from
plain text to a Java object and vice versa.
ConverterRegistry |
ConvolutionFilterBand |
A band that obtains its input data from an underlying source band and filters
the raster data using a Kernel .
ConvolutionFilterBandPersistableSpi |
Note that this class is not yet public API.
ConvolutionFilterBandPersistenceConverter |
ConvolutionFilterBandPersistenceSpi |
CoordinateReferenceSystems |
CopyAction |
A generic 'copy' action.
CoreException |
An exception thrown by the core.
CosineDistance |
This class uses the negative cosine of the spherical distance as a distance
measure between two (lon, lat) points.
CrsGeoCoding |
A geo-coding that is based on a well-known coordinate reference system (CRS) and affine transformation used to
locate a product's scene image within the CRS.
CssColorConverter |
CsvReader |
A CsvReader instance is used read text files with CSV (comma separated values) format.
CsvWriter |
CubicConvolutionUpsampler |
Created by obarrile on 19/04/2019.
CubicConvolutionUpsampler.Spi |
CutAction |
A generic 'cut' action.
DataAccessException |
A runtime exception which is used to signal an illegal data access throughout the API.
DataAccessor |
DataAccessorFactory |
DataContext |
The context provides the means to read from or write to a random access stream or file.
DataElementDescriptor |
Metadata used to describe data elements of an operator.
DataFormat |
A binary data format.
DataHolder |
The lazy instantiating DataHolder class supports ProductReader implementers in not having to create large double
arrays multiple times if they are needed multiple times for the instantiation of a GeoRaster.
DataNode |
A DataNode is the base class for all nodes within a data product which carry data.
DataPrinter |
DateFormatConverter |
DateTimeUtils |
This utility class provides some date/time related methods.
Datum |
DatumTransform |
Debug |
The Debug as it name says is a utility class for debugging.
DecodeQualification |
The qualification of a product reader for decoding a given input.
DecompressedImageSupport |
DecompressedTileOpImageCallback<TileDataType> |
Created by jcoravu on 7/1/2020.
DefaultDomConverter |
DefaultDomElement |
DefaultFigureCollection |
DefaultFigureEditor |
A default implementation of a figure editor.
DefaultFigureFactory |
DefaultFigureSelection |
DefaultFigureStyle |
DefaultLayerCanvasModel |
DefaultMapTransformUI |
DefaultModuleManager |
DefaultMultiLevelImage |
DefaultMultiLevelModel |
DefaultMultiLevelRenderer |
DefaultMultiLevelSource |
DefaultOperatorDescriptor |
DefaultOutputConsumer |
Default implementation for process output processing.
DefaultParameterDescriptor |
DefaultPointFigure |
DefaultPropertyAccessor |
A value accessor for values stored as plain Java object.
DefaultPropertyDescriptorFactory |
DefaultPropertyMap |
DefaultPropertySetDescriptor |
The default implementation of a property set descriptor.
DefaultRendering |
A default implementation of the Rendering interface.
DefaultResourceLocator |
The default resource locator.
DefaultSelection<T> |
A default implementation of the Selection interface.
DefaultSelectionContext |
DefaultSelectionManager |
DefaultServiceRegistry<T> |
DefaultShapeFigure |
DefaultSimpleFileSystem |
DefaultSourceProductDescriptor |
DefaultSourceProductsDescriptor |
DefaultSwapSpace |
The default implementation of the SwapSpace interface.
DefaultTargetProductDescriptor |
DefaultTargetPropertyDescriptor |
DefaultUndoContext |
DefaultViewport |
DeleteAction |
A generic 'delete' action.
DensityPlot |
Creates an Densityplot from two given bands.
Dependency |
An dependency declared in a module.
DFTConvolveDescriptor |
An OperationDescriptor describing the "DFTConvolve" operation.
DFTConvolveRIF |
DialogProgressMonitor |
DimapFileFilter |
DimapHeaderWriter |
This class is used to print the DIMAP XML header of the given product to a given writer or file.
DimapHistoricalDecoder |
DimapPersistable |
DimapPersistableSpi |
DimapPersistableSpiRegistry |
DimapPersistence |
DimapProductConstants |
This class defines some frequently used constants for BEAM DIMAP products.
DimapProductHelpers |
This class defines some static methods used to create and access BEAM DIMAP XML documents.
DimapProductReader |
The DimapProductReader class is an implementation of the ProductReader interface
exclusively for data products having the BEAM-DIMAP product format.
DimapProductReader.ReaderExtender |
DimapProductReaderPlugIn |
The DimapProductReaderPlugIn class is an implementation of the ProductReaderPlugIn
interface exclusively for data products having the BEAM-DIMAP product format.
DimapProductWriter |
The product writer for the BEAM-DIMAP format.
DimapProductWriter.WriterExtender |
DimapProductWriterPlugIn |
The DimapProductWriterPlugIn class is the plug-in entry-point for the BEAM-DIMAP product writer.
Discontinuity |
DisplayImage |
DisplayImagePyramid |
DistanceMeasure |
Interface for measuring the distance of a (lon, lat) point to a reference
(lon, lat) point, which is defined by the implementing class.
DomConverter |
A DomConverter provides a strategy to convert a value of a certain type from
an (XML) DOM to a Java value and vice versa.
DomConverterRegistry |
DomElement |
DomElementXStreamConverter |
DoubleConverter |
DoubleDataAggregator |
DoubleDataInterpolator |
DoubleList |
The double list provides a generic access to an ordered list of values of type double .
DoubleList.Byte |
Wraps a DoubleList around an array of primitive bytes.
DoubleList.Double |
Wraps a DoubleList around an array of primitive doubles.
DoubleList.Float |
Wraps a DoubleList around an array of primitive floats.
DoubleList.Int |
Wraps a DoubleList around an array of primitive ints.
DoubleList.Long |
Wraps a DoubleList around an array of primitive longs.
DoubleList.Short |
Wraps a DoubleList around an array of primitive shorts.
DoubleList.UByte |
Wraps a DoubleList around an array of primitive bytes interpreted as unsigned integers.
DoubleList.UInt |
Wraps a DoubleList around an array of primitive ints interpreted as unsigned integers.
DoubleList.ULong |
Wraps a DoubleList around an array of primitive longs interpreted as unsigned integers.
DoubleList.UShort |
Wraps a DoubleList around an array of primitive shorts interpreted as unsigned integers.
DownsamplerSpi |
Created by obarrile on 12/04/2019.
DownsamplerSpiRegistry |
Created by obarrile on 12/04/2019.
DownsamplerSpiRegistryImpl |
Created by obarrile on 12/04/2019.
Downsampling |
Created by obarrile on 12/04/2019.
DummyProductBuilder |
Utility class for creating various Product dummy instances for testing.
DummyProductBuilder.GC |
Geo Coding
DummyProductBuilder.GCOcc |
Occurrence of geo-codings.
DummyProductBuilder.GP |
Geo Position
DummyProductBuilder.I2M |
Image-to-model transformation type.
DummyProductBuilder.Size |
Raster Size
DummyProductBuilder.SizeOcc |
Occurrence of sizes.
EastingNorthingParser |
ElementDescriptor |
Metadata used to describe elements of an operator.
ElevationFile |
Holds information about a dem file.
ElevationModel |
An ElevationModel is used to obtain an elevation above a
specified geographical datum for a given geographical position.
ElevationModelDescriptor |
An ElevationModel is used to obtain an elevation above a
specified geographical datum for a given geographical position.
ElevationModelRegistry |
An ElevationModelRegistry provides access to multiple different
elevation models as described by their ElevationModelDescriptor s.
ElevationTile |
Interface for Elevation tiles
Ellipsoid |
EllipsoidDistance |
Ellipsoids |
Enablement |
An enablement.
Enablement.Condition |
A condition used to determine the new enabled state of components.
EncodeQualification |
The encode qualification of a product writer w.r.t.
EncodeQualification.Preservation |
Enumerates possible information preservation levels.
EngineVersionCheckActivator |
EnumConverter<T extends Enum<T>> |
Class for converting enumeration types.
EnviHeader |
This utility class is used to write ENVI header files.
EPSGCodes |
EuclideanDistance |
Distance measure based on the Euclidean 'flat' distance.
EvalEnv |
Represents an application dependant evaluation environment.
EvalException |
An exception that can be thrown during the evaluation of a
EventDispatchThreadHangMonitor |
Monitors the AWT event dispatch thread for events that take longer than
a certain time to be dispatched.
Expression |
ExpressionBuilder |
ExpressionCode |
ExpressionCodeGenerator |
ExpressionCompilerConfig |
The configuration for the Java expression compiler.
ExpressionCRIF |
A CRIF supporting the "Expression" operation in the rendered
and renderable image layers.
ExpressionDescriptor |
An OperationDescriptor describing the "Expression"
ExpressionEnv |
ExtendedData |
Extensible |
Objects implementing this interface can be dynamically extended.
ExtensibleObject |
Base class for an object that can be dynamically extended.
Extension |
An extension declared in a module.
ExtensionFactory |
A factory providing runtime extensions for a given object.
ExtensionManager |
The ExtensionManager is a service used to register and unregister ExtensionFactory s with a given
type of an extensible object.
ExtensionPoint |
An extension point declared in a module.
FeatureUtils |
Unstable API.
FeatureUtils.FeatureCrsProvider |
Figure |
A figure represents a graphical object.
Figure.Rank |
The rang of a figure.
FigureChangeEvent |
This event occurs, when a figure has been changed.
FigureChangeEvent.Type |
Possible event types.
FigureChangeListener |
A change listener which can be registered with a Figure .
FigureCollection |
A collection of figures.
FigureDeleteEdit |
FigureEditor |
A figure editor is used to insert, delete and modify figures stored in a figure collection.
FigureEditorApp |
FigureEditorAware |
Something that knows about a figure editor.
FigureEditorDemo |
FigureEditorInteractor |
FigureEditorPanel |
FigureFactory |
FigureInsertEdit |
FigureSelection |
A selection of figures.
FigureSelectionContext |
FigureStyle |
A PropertySet that provides style information for figures.
FigureTransferable |
FileChannelIOHandler |
FileConverter |
FileDownloader |
A utility class for downloading files from the internet.
FileEditor |
An editor for parameters of type File .
FileMultiLevelSource |
A file based image pyramid.
FileResource |
A [@link Resource} reading its content from a @{link File}.
FileScanner |
A utility class for scaning directories in the local filesystem.
FileScanner.Handler |
FileScanner.HandlerAdapter |
FileTemplate |
Class for file template holders.
FileTileCache |
A class implementing a caching mechanism for image tiles.
FileUnpacker |
A utility class for unpacking file archives.
FileUtils |
This class provides additional functionality in handling with files.
FileValidator |
FillConstantOpImage |
An image to replace values in the source image controlled by a mask.
FilterBand |
Represents a band that generates its data by using another band as input and performs some kind of operation on this input.
FilterIOHandler |
FirstAggregator |
Created by obarrile on 12/04/2019.
FirstAggregator.Spi |
FlagAndAggregator |
Created by obarrile on 14/04/2019.
FlagAndAggregator.Spi |
FlagCoding |
Provides the information required to decode integer sample values that
are combined of single flags (bit indexes).
FlagMedianAndAggregator |
Created by obarrile on 14/04/2019.
FlagMedianAndAggregator.Spi |
FlagMedianOrAggregator |
Created by obarrile on 14/04/2019.
FlagMedianOrAggregator.Spi |
FlagOrAggregator |
Created by obarrile on 14/04/2019.
FlagOrAggregator.Spi |
FloatConverter |
FocusApp |
Folder |
Marker annotation for File members that should represent a folder.
FontConverter |
ForLoop |
A programmatic, functional for-loop.
ForLoop.Body |
ForwardCoding |
ForwardingSimpleFeature |
Reusable forwarding class delegating to a SimpleFeature instance.
ForwardPlugin |
FracIndex |
The class FracIndex is a simple representation of
an index with an integral and a fractional component.
FtpDownloader |
FtpDownloader.FTPError |
FullyConstrainedLSU |
Performs a fully constrained linear spectral unmixing, where all
abundances are non-negative and their sum is equal to unity.
Function |
A representation of a function.
FX |
Represents a function f(x).
Represents a function f(x,y).
FXYGeoCoding |
A geo-coding based on equations.
FXYGeoCodingPersistenceConverter |
FXYGeoCodingPersistenceSpi |
FXYSum |
The class FXYSum represents a sum of function terms sum(c[i] * f[i](x,y), i=0, n-1)
where the vector c is a double array of constant coefficients and the vector f
is an array of functions of type FXY
in x and y.
FXYSum.BiCubic |
Provides an optimized computeZ method for bi-cubic polynomials (order = 3+3).
FXYSum.BiLinear |
Provides an optimized computeZ method for bi-linear polynomials (order = 1+1).
FXYSum.BiQuadric |
Provides an optimized computeZ method for bi-quadric polynomials (order = 2+2).
FXYSum.Cubic |
Provides an optimized computeZ method for cubic polynomials (order = 3).
FXYSum.Linear |
Provides an optimized computeZ method for linear polynomials (order = 1).
FXYSum.Quadric |
Provides an optimized computeZ method for quadric polynomials (order = 2).
GcpDescriptor |
GcpGeoCoding |
Ground control point (GCP) geo-coding.
GcpGeoCoding.Method |
Class representing the approximation methods used for the GCP geo-coding.
GcpGeoCodingPersistenceConverter |
GcpGeoCodingPersistenceSpi |
GenAUCatalog |
This tool generates the catalog (update.xml/update.xml.gz) for a set of nbm files.
GeneralExpressionConverter |
Empty marker subclass for StringConverter.
GeneralExpressionValidator |
Validates a general expression.
GeneralFilterBand |
A band that obtains its input data from an underlying source raster and filters
its data using a predefined operation type .
GeneralFilterBand.OpType |
Predefined operation types.
GeneralFilterBandPersistableSpi |
Note that this class is not yet public API.
GeneralFilterBandPersistenceConverter |
This PersistenceConverter does not support historical dimap variations of GeneralFilterBand.
GeneralFilterBandPersistenceSpi |
GeneralFilterDescriptor |
An OperationDescriptor describing the "Convolve" operation.
GeneralFilterFunction |
A general filter function.
GeneralFilterFunction.Dilation |
GeneralFilterFunction.Erosion |
GeneralFilterFunction.Max |
GeneralFilterFunction.Mean |
GeneralFilterFunction.Median |
GeneralFilterFunction.Min |
GeneralFilterFunction.StdDev |
GeneralFilterOpImage |
An OpImage class to perform convolution on a source image.
GeneralFilterRIF |
GenericMultiLevelSource |
A GenericMultiLevelSource is a MultiLevelSource computing its
images at a given resolution level from a number of source images of the same level.
GenericPlacemarkDescriptor |
Used as a fallback for the case that
we can't find any suitable PlacemarkDescriptor for a given SimpleFeatureType.
GenericXmlMetadata |
Base class that encapsulates metadata read from XML file.
GeoApproximation |
Approximates the x(lat, lon) and y(lat, lon) functions.
GeoChecks |
GeoCoding |
The GeoCoding interface provides geo-spatial latitude and longitude information for a given X/Y position
of any (two-dimensional) raster.
GeoCoding2GeoTIFFMetadata |
GeoCodingFactory |
GeoCodingMathTransform |
A math transform which converts from grid (pixel) coordinates to geographical coordinates.
GeoCodingPersistenceHelper |
GeodeticDatums |
GeometryDescriptor |
GeometrySubsetRegion |
Created by jcoravu on 13/2/2020.
GeoPos |
The GeoPos class represents a geographical position measured in longitudes and latitudes.
GeoRaster |
GeoTIFFCodes |
GeoTIFFMetadata |
GeoTIFFMetadata.KeyEntry |
GeoTIFFMetadata.TiePoint |
GeoUtils |
GetterSetterAccessor |
ValueAccessor for values stored in a Field of a plain Java object.
The facade for the Graph Processing Framework.
The entry point for the GPF command-line tool (Graph Processing Tool, GPT).
Graph |
Represents a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of Node s.
GraphContext |
GraphException |
A general exception class for all failures that occurs
during the use and execution of Graph s.
GraphIO |
The GraphIO class contains methods for the
serialization/deserialization of XML-based Graph definitions.
GraphOp |
GraphOp.Spi |
GraphProcessingObserver |
This interface can be implemented and added to the GraphProcessor to get informed
about processing steps of a graph.
GraphProcessor |
The GraphProcessor is responsible for executing processing
Graticule |
A geometric representation of a geographical grid measured in longitudes and latitudes.
Graticule.TextGlyph |
Graticule.TextLocation |
GraticuleLayer |
GraticuleLayerType |
Grid |
A panel that contains other components arranged in form of a table.
Grid.DefaultGridSelectionModel |
GridSelectionModel |
GridSelectionModel.Event |
GridSelectionModel.Listener |
Guardian |
This utility class which provides several static assert XXX methods which can be used to internally check
the arguments passed to methods.
Handle |
Handles are shown on figures vertices or boundaries.
Header |
HeaderParameter |
HeaderParameter.Converter |
HeaderSource |
HeaderSource.Converter |
HeaderTarget |
Histogram |
Instances of the Histogram class store histogram data.
HistogramStxOp |
Utility class for the cumulative calculation of histograms from image data.
HistoricalDecoder |
IdentityTransformDescriptor |
IdFilter |
IIOUtils |
IllegalFileFormatException |
A ProductIOException that is thrown by ProductReader s
ImageGeometry |
ImageHeader |
ImageInfo |
This class contains information about how a product's raster data node is displayed as an image.
ImageInfo.HistogramMatching |
Enumerates the possible histogram matching modes.
ImageInfo.UncertaintyVisualisationMode |
Enumerates the possible histogram matching modes.
ImageIOHandler |
ImageLayer |
A multi-resolution capable image layer.
ImageLayer.Type |
ImageLegend |
The ImageLegend class is used to generate an image legend from a ImageInfo
ImageManager |
This class provides most of the new imaging features introduced in BEAM 4.5.
ImageProductReader |
ImageProductReaderPlugIn |
ImageReadBoundsSupport |
ImageSymbol |
A symbol that uses an icon image.
ImageUtils |
A utility class providing a set of static functions frequently used when working with images.
ImportVectorOp |
The import vector operator.
ImportVectorOp.Spi |
Operator SPI.
IndexCoding |
Provides the information required to decode integer sample values that
represent index values (e.g.
IndexValidator |
An interface used as parameter to several methods which perform some actions on data arrays.
InputStreamObserver |
InsertEllipseFigureInteractor |
InsertLineFigureInteractor |
InsertMultiPointFigureInteractor |
InsertPolygonFigureInteractor |
InsertPolylineFigureInteractor |
InsertRectangleFigureInteractor |
InsertRectangularFigureInteractor |
IntegerConverter |
InteractionDispatcher |
InteractiveRendering |
An interactive rendering is used to render graphical data representations on a GUI widget, allowing for
rendering of invalidated regions.
Interactor |
Interactors catch user input to a FigureEditor component and translate them into behaviour.
InteractorAware |
InteractorInterceptor |
Interactor interceptors are used to check whether an interaction can be performed or not.
InteractorListener |
InterpolationContext |
InterpolationType |
Interpolator |
InterpolatorFactory |
InterpolatorFactory |
InterpretationType |
IntervalConverter |
IntervalPartition |
The class IntervalPartition is a representation of an interval partition,
IntervalValidator |
IntMap |
IntMap |
IntReferenceExpr |
InverseCoding |
InversePlugin |
IOHandler |
Provides the mechanism to read and write byte data at a specified position
within a random access data file, stream or memory buffer.
IOUtils |
A utility class for I/O related functionality.
IsinAPI |
IsinAPI.Raster |
IsinPoint |
ISO8601Converter |
Item |
JAIDebug |
JaiOp |
JaiShell |
JAIUtils |
A collection of global JAI functions allowing a type-safe usage of various JAI imaging operators.
JavaTypeConverter |
JdomLanguageSupport |
JsJai |
JsJaiFunction |
JsJaiShell |
JsonLanguageSupport |
JtsGeometryConverter |
Kernel |
The Kernel class defines a matrix that describes how a
specified pixel and its surrounding pixels affect the value
computed for the pixel's position in the output image of a filtering
KmlContainer |
KmlDocument |
KmlFeature |
KmlFolder |
KmlGroundOverlay |
KmlOverlay |
KmlPlacemark |
KmlScreenOverlay |
KmzExporter |
LabelEditor |
An "editor" which is a label component.
LambertConformalConicDescriptor |
Launcher |
A launcher for applications based on the Ceres runtime.
Layer |
A layer contributes graphical elements to a drawing represented by a Rendering .
LayerCanvas |
A Swing component capable of drawing a collection of Layer s.
LayerCanvas.Overlay |
LayerCanvasModel |
LayerCanvasModel.ChangeListener |
LayerContext |
The context in which layers are managed, created and/or rendered, e.g.
LayerFilter |
Used to filter layers.
LayerListener |
A change listener.
LayerType |
A layer type is a factory for layer instances and layer (default) configurations.
LayerTypeMetadata |
An annotation providing metadata for LayerType s.
LayerTypeRegistry |
A registry for layer type instances.
LayerUtils |
LayerUtils.SearchMode |
LayerViewInvalidationListener |
LevelImageSupport |
Supports the development of images, which are returned by implementations of the
MultiLevelSource interface.
LinearAlgebra |
Linear algebra - calculations and utilities for vectors and matrixes.
LinEqSysSolver |
A gauss-based solver for linear equation systems.
LineTimeCoding |
A time-coding based on an Array of modified julian days as double values.
ListControlBar |
ListControlBar.AbstractListController |
ListControlBar.ListController |
ListControlBar.ListModelAdapter |
ListEditor |
An editor which uses a JList .
ListSelectionContext |
A selection provider that wraps a JList .
LogLinearTransform |
Math utils for transforming between log and linear.
LongConverter |
LongDataAccessor |
LongDataAggregator |
LongDataInterpolator |
LookupReference |
LookupTable |
The class LookupTable performs the function of multilinear
interpolation for lookup tables with an arbitrary number of dimensions.
LookupWithDefaultReference |
MapEntryAccessor |
ValueAccessor for values stored in a Map .
MapGeoCoding |
MapInfo |
MappedFileChannelIOHandler |
MapProjection |
MapProjectionRegistry |
MapTransform |
MapTransformDescriptor |
MapTransformFactory |
MapTransformUI |
MapTransformUtils |
MarkupLanguageSupport<T> |
Mask |
A Mask is used to mask image pixels of other raster data nodes.
Mask.BandMathsType |
A mask image type which is based on band math.
Mask.ImageType |
Mask.RangeType |
Mask.VectorDataType |
A mask image type which is based on vector data.
MaskCollectionLayer |
MaskCollectionLayerType |
MaskLayerType |
A layer used to display Mask s.
MaskPersistable |
MathTransform2D |
An extension of the org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform2D interface
which adds a new transformation method for JTS Geometry objects.
MathUtils |
A utility class providing frequently used mathematical functions which are not found in the
java.lang.Math class.
MatrixFactory |
Matrix factory.
MatrixLookupTable |
The class MatrixLookupTable performs the function of
multilinear interpolation for matrix lookup tables with an
arbitrary number of dimensions.
MaxAggregator |
Created by obarrile on 12/04/2019.
MaxAggregator.Spi |
MeanAggregator |
Created by obarrile on 12/04/2019.
MeanAggregator.Spi |
MedianAggregator |
Created by obarrile on 12/04/2019.
MedianAggregator.Spi |
MemoryTemplate |
Class for simple in-memory template holders.
MemoryTile |
Information associated with a cached tile.
MergeOp |
The merge operator allows copying raster data from other products to a specified product.
MergeOp.NodeDescriptor |
MergeOp.Spi |
MetadataAttribute |
A MetadataAttribute is part of a MetadataElement
and represents a key/value pair.
MetadataAware |
MetadataElement |
A MetadataElement is a data node used to store metadata.
MetadataEngineMain |
A default executable class for the metadata engine.
MetadataInspector |
Interface to be implemented by all simple metadata inspectors.
MetadataInspector.Metadata |
MetadataResourceEngine |
A engine for processing text resources using velocity.
MetadataResourceResolver |
Resolves names of resources belonging to sources and target of processings.
MetadataResourceResolver.TargetResourceInfo |
MinAggregator |
Created by obarrile on 12/04/2019.
MinAggregator.Spi |
MissingDependencyInfo |
Module |
Represents a module.
ModuleContext |
The context in which a module lives.
ModuleManager |
ModuleManagerMain |
ModuleManagerPane |
ModuleManagerPane.HelpHandler |
ModuleMetadata |
Provides metadata about a module.
ModuleRuntime |
A runtime for applications composed of multiple modules.
ModuleState |
A module's state.
MosaicMatrix |
Created by jcoravu on 12/12/2019.
MosaicMatrix.MatrixCell |
MosaicOp |
Creates a mosaic out of a set of source products.
MosaicOp.Condition |
MosaicOp.Spi |
MosaicOp.Variable |
MouseEventFilterFactory |
MultiLevelImage |
MultiLevelModel |
The MultiLevelModel class represents a layout model for multi-resolution images such as image pyramids.
MultiLevelRenderer |
An MultiLevelRenderer is used to render images provided
by a MultiLevelSource s at a certain resolution level.
MultiLevelSource |
A source for images at a given resolution level.
MultiSelectionSourceApp |
MultiSelectionSourceApp.PageComponent |
MultiValidator |
NamedSymbol |
A symbol with a (well-known) name.
NameFilter |
Namespace |
Namespaces are used by a Parser
in order
to resolve to symbol references and function calls.
NamingConvention |
Stores tool names and spellings which may differ in packages which implement SNAP
NamingConventionSnap |
Stores tool names and spellings which may differ in packages which implement SNAP
NativeLibraryUtils |
Helper methods for native libraries registration.
NavControl |
A navigation control which appears as a screen overlay.
NavControl.NavControlModel |
NavControl2 |
A navigation control which appears as a screen overlay.
NavControl2.SelectionListener |
NbCodeGenTool |
NbmGenTool |
NearestUpsampler |
Created by obarrile on 11/04/2019.
NearestUpsampler.Spi |
NNCalc |
This class serves for defining a structure containing the output of a NN together
with the corresponding Jacobi matrix.
NNffbpAlphaTabFast |
This class is for using a Neural Net (NN) of type ffbp in a Java program.
NoDataLayerType |
A layer used to display the no-data mask of a raster data node.
NoDataRaster |
A Raster representing a tile with no interpretable data.
Node |
A node in a processing graph.
NodeContext |
NodeSource |
A NodeSource represents a mapping from an nodeId to a
Node instance.
NotEmptyValidator |
NotFilter |
NotNullValidator |
NullInteractor |
NullProgressMonitor |
A default progress monitor implementation suitable for subclassing.
NumberConverter<T extends Number> |
NumberFormatConverter |
NumberUtils |
Utility class.
NumberValidator |
ObjectArray |
ObjectUtils |
This utility class provides several useful Object -related methods.
ObservableFeatureCollection |
The class does not belong to the public API, only for internal Use.
ObservableFeatureCollection.EVENT_TYPE |
ObservableFeatureCollection.Listener |
ObservableInputStream |
An input stream which can be used to observer progress of reading from some other input stream.
Operator |
The abstract base class for all operators intended to be extended by clients.
OperatorCancelException |
OperatorDescriptor |
Operator metadata.
OperatorException |
A general exception class for all failures within an Operator
OperatorMetadata |
Provides metadata for an operator.
OperatorRuntimeReport |
Print a report on a per image basis.
OperatorSpi |
The OperatorSpi class is the service provider interface (SPI) for Operator s.
OperatorSpiRegistry |
A registry for operator SPI instances.
OrFilter |
Orthorectifier |
An Orthorectifier is a GeoCoding which performs an orthorectification algorithm on a base GeoCoding .
Orthorectifier2 |
OSFamily |
PaintDescriptor |
An OperationDescriptor describing the "Paint" operation.
PaintOpImage |
An OpImage class to perform convolution on a source image.
PaintRIF |
The RIF for the "paint" operation.
PanInteractor |
ParamChangeEvent |
A ParamChangeEvent occurs when the value of parameter has changed.
ParamChangeListener |
A ParamChangeListener is notified when the value of parameter has changed.
ParamConstants |
ParamEditor |
A ParamEditor provides a UI component which is used to modify the value of a parameter.
ParamEditorFactory |
The ParamEditorFactory has a single static method which is used to create instances of a
Parameter 's editor.
Parameter |
Marks a processing parameter field of an Operator .
Parameter |
ParameterBlockConverter |
A utility class that converts Java objects with Parameter annotations into XML and vice versa.
ParameterDescriptor |
Target parameter element metadata.
ParameterDescriptorFactory |
ParamException |
ParamExceptionHandler |
The ParamExceptionHandler are an alternative way to handle parameter exceptions.
ParamFormatException |
ParamGroup |
The ParamGroup class represents a ordered list of parameters.
ParamParseException |
ParamProperties |
The ParamProperties class is used to store parameter attributes such as parameter type and description
or validation information such as minimum and maximum values.
ParamValidateException |
ParamValidator |
A ParamValidator is an interface for parameter type specific value-to-text and text-to-value
conversions, data validation and comparision.
ParamValidatorRegistry |
A ParamValidatorRegistry stores the different validators for each of the different parameter types.
ParseException |
An exception thrown by a ParserX.parse() call in order to
signal a parser error.
Parser |
Instances of the Parser interface are used to convert a code
string representing an arithmetic expression in a tree of terms
which can then be executed by using one of the evaluation methods of
the Term
PassThroughOp |
PassThroughOp.Spi |
PasteAction |
A generic 'paste' action.
PatternConverter |
PatternValidator |
Persistence |
PersistenceConverter<T> |
PersistenceDecoder<T> |
PersistenceEncoder<T> |
PersistenceSpi |
PersistenceSpiRegistry |
A registry for markup language independent service provider instances of PersistenceSpi.
PinDescriptor |
PixelForward |
PixelForward.Plugin |
PixelGeoCoding |
PixelGeoIndexInverse |
PixelGeoIndexInverse.Plugin |
PixelInterpolatingForward |
PixelInterpolatingForward.Plugin |
PixelOperator |
A PixelOperator may serve as a handy base class for an operator that computes any number of target samples
from any number of source samples.
PixelPos |
A PixelPos represents a position or point in a pixel coordinate system.
PixelPosEstimator |
A class for estimating the pixel position for a given geo-location.
PixelQuadTreeInverse |
PixelQuadTreeInverse.Plugin |
PixelSubsetRegion |
Created by jcoravu on 13/2/2020.
PixelTimeCoding |
Placemark |
Placemarks are displayed as symbols at the image's pixel position corresponding to their geographical position.
PlacemarkData |
Class bringing a placemark and additional data together
PlacemarkDescriptor |
Placemark descriptors are used to describe and create Placemark s.
PlacemarkDescriptorRegistry |
PlacemarkGroup |
PlacemarkIO |
Utility class, that reads and writes placemarks from and to various plain text formats.
PlacemarkMaskOpImage |
PlacemarkNameFactory |
PlainFeatureFactory |
PointDescriptor |
PointFigure |
A point figure.
PointHandle |
A Handle that can be used to change point positions.
Pointing |
The interface Pointing wraps a GeoCoding and optionally provides more geometry
information such as sun direction, satellite (view) direction and elevation at a given pixel position.
PointingFactory |
A factory which creates instances of a Pointing for a given raster data node.
PointingFactoryRegistry |
PointOperator |
The PointOperator class serves as a base class for operators
that compute single pixels independently of their neighbours and
whose target product and all source products share the same grid and coordinate reference system.
More specifically, the target product and all source products must share the same raster size and
GeoCoding .
PointPlacemarkDescriptor |
PointSymbol |
A symetric point symbol that has its reference point in its center.
PreferencesPropertyMap |
PrintTiffInfo |
PrintWriterConciseProgressMonitor |
A progress monitor which prints progress using a PrintWriter .
PrintWriterProgressMonitor |
A progress monitor which prints progress using a PrintWriter .
PrivilegedAccessor |
ProcessExecutor |
Utility class wrapping the execution of an external process.
ProcessObserver |
An observer that notifies its handlers about lines of characters that have been written
by a process to both stdout and stderr output streams.
ProcessObserver.DefaultHandler |
ProcessObserver.Handler |
A handler that will be notified during the observation of the process.
ProcessObserver.Mode |
The observation mode.
ProcessObserver.ObservedProcess |
The observed process.
ProcessOutputConsumer |
This interface is used to consume the output of a tool, line by line
Product |
Product instances are an in-memory representation of a remote sensing data product.
Product.AutoGrouping |
AutoGrouping can be used by an application to auto-group a long list of product nodes (e.g.
ProductConfigurer |
A ProductConfigurer is used to configure a target product with respect to a current source product
which serves as a template.
ProductData |
The abstract ProductData class represents a generic data buffer used to hold the actual data values
stored in remote sensing data products.
ProductData.ASCII |
The ProductData.ASCII class is a ProductData.Byte specialisation representing textual
ProductData.Byte |
The Byte class is a ProductData specialisation for signed 8-bit integer fields.
ProductData.Double |
The ProductData.Float class is a ProductData specialisation for 64-bit floating point
ProductData.Float |
The ProductData.Float class is a ProductData specialisation for 32-bit floating point
ProductData.Int |
The Int class is a ProductData specialisation for signed 32-bit integer fields.
ProductData.Long |
The Long class is a ProductData specialisation for signed 64-bit integer fields.
ProductData.Short |
The Short class is a ProductData specialisation for signed 16-bit integer fields.
ProductData.UByte |
The UByte class is a ProductData specialisation for unsigned 8-bit integer fields.
ProductData.UInt |
The UInt class is a ProductData specialisation for unsigned 32-bit integer fields.
ProductData.UShort |
The UShort class is a ProductData specialisation for unsigned 16-bit integer fields.
ProductData.UTC |
The ProductData.UTC class is a ProductData.UInt specialisation for UTC date/time
ProductFilter |
A filter for products.
ProductFlipper |
ProductFlipperExt |
Override ProductFlipper
ProductIO |
The ProductIO class provides several utility methods concerning data I/O for remote sensing data
ProductIOException |
A that is thrown by ProductReader s, ProductWriters s and
ProductIO .
ProductIOPlugIn |
The ProductIOPlugIn interface is the base for all data product reader or writer plug-ins.
ProductIOPlugInManager |
The ProductIOPlugInManager class is used to manage all registered reader and writer plug-ins.
ProductLayerContext |
ProductManager |
A type-safe container for elements of the type Product .
ProductManager.Event |
ProductManager.Listener |
A listener for the product manager.
ProductNamespaceExtender |
Extends product namespaces which are used for expression evaluation.
ProductNamespacePrefixProvider |
Used to prefix symbols derived from a product and registered in some Namespace .
ProductNode |
The ProductNode is the base class for all nodes within a remote sensing data product and even the data
product itself.
ProductNodeEvent |
A product node event informs a product change listener about the source of the notification.
ProductNodeFilter<T extends ProductNode> |
A filter for abstract product nodes.
ProductNodeGroup<T extends ProductNode> |
A type-safe container for elements of the type ProductNode .
ProductNodeList<T extends ProductNode> |
A type-safe list for elements of the type ProductNode .
ProductNodeListener |
A listener which listens to internal data product changes.
ProductNodeListenerAdapter |
A listener adapter which listens to product internal changes.
ProductNodeNameValidator |
ProductReader |
Classes implementing the ProductReader interface know how to create an in-memory representation of a
given data product as input source.
ProductReaderListener |
This interface must be implemented by classes that want to trace the progress of a product read operation
ProductReaderPlugIn |
The ProductReaderPlugIn interface is implemented by data product reader plug-ins.
ProductSetReaderOp |
ProductSet Operator to be replaced by ReadOp
ProductSetReaderOp.Spi |
The SPI is used to register this operator in the graph processing framework
via the SPI configuration file
META-INF/services/org.esa.beam.core.gpf.OperatorSpi .
ProductSubsetBuilder |
A special-purpose product reader used to build subsets of data products.
ProductSubsetDef |
The ProductSubsetDef class describes a subset or portion of a remote sensing data product.
ProductUtils |
This class provides many static factory methods to be used in conjunction with data products.
ProductVisitor |
A visitor for a product and all other product nodes.
ProductVisitorAdapter |
A default implementation of the ProductVisitor interface.
ProductWriter |
An interface that supports writing a complete data product tree and single band rasters.
ProductWriterPlugIn |
The ProductWriterPlugIn interface is implemented by data product writer plug-ins.
ProgressBarProgressMonitor |
ProgressDialog |
ProgressListener |
The ProgressListener interface represents a listener for the observation of possibly time consuming
ProgressListenerList |
A utility class for clients interested in the progress made while reading, writing or somehow processing data
ProgressMonitor |
The ProgressMonitor interface is implemented
by objects that monitor the progress of an activity; the methods
in this interface are invoked by code that performs the activity.
ProgressMonitoredOperatorExecutor |
ProgressMonitorInputStreamObserver |
ProgressMonitorList |
ProgressMonitorList.Listener |
ProgressMonitorList.Notification |
ProgressMonitorSwingWorker<T,V> |
A swing worker which may pop-up a progress monitor dialog.
ProgressMonitorWrapper |
An abstract wrapper around a progress monitor which,
unless overridden, forwards IProgressMonitor
and IProgressMonitorWithBlocking methods to the wrapped progress monitor.
Property |
Property<E> |
PropertyAccessor |
An PropertyAccessor provides a strategy to get and set a value.
PropertyAccessorFactory |
A factory for property accessors derived from Java class fields.
PropertyAttributeException |
Specialized exception that can be thrown by methods of ToolParameterDescriptor class.
PropertyChangeEmitter |
Something that emits property change events.
PropertyContainer |
A convenience implementation of the PropertySet interface.
PropertyDescriptor |
Describes a property by its name, type and a set of optional (mutable) attributes.
PropertyDescriptorFactory |
A factory for property descriptors derived from Java class Field s.
PropertyEditor |
A factory for editors that can edit values of a certain type
described by a PropertyDescriptor .
PropertyEditorRegistry |
PropertyMap |
The PropertyMap class can be used instead of the standard JDK java.util.Properties
class.PropertyMap provides a generally more useful interface by adding a couple type conversion methods
for a set of most frequently used data types, such as Boolean , Integer ,
Double , Color and Font .
PropertyPane |
PropertySet |
A loose aggregation of properties.
PropertySetDescriptor |
A provider for property descriptors.
PropertySetDescriptorFactory |
ProxyConfig |
PyramidBuilder |
QualitativeStxOp |
Quantizer |
Quicklook |
Created by luis on 10/01/2016.
QuicklookDB |
If quicklooks cannot be stored with the products then they are stored in the .snap folder and managed by this database
Todo This should be replaced with an actual database to avoid keep all in memory
Created by luis on 25/01/2016.
QuicklookGenerator |
Generates Quicklook images
RadioButtonEditor |
RandomAccessFileIOHandler |
RandomUtils |
Random Utilities to manage seeds and other.
Range |
Instances of the Range class provide a minimum and a maximum value of type double .
RangeTypeMaskPersistable |
RangeTypeMaskPersistableSpi |
RangeTypeMaskPersistenceConverter |
RangeTypeMaskPersistenceSpi |
RangeUncertaintyGenerator |
RasterDataEvalEnv |
Represents an evaluation environment for Terms which are operating on raster data.
RasterDataLoop |
A utility class which is used to iterate over all pixels within a region of a data raster and to evaluate
any number of Term s on each pixel.
RasterDataLoop.Body |
Represents the body to be evaluated for each pixel within the raster.
RasterDataNode |
The RasterDataNode class ist the abstract base class for all objects in the product package that contain
rasterized data.
RasterDataNode.RasterDataProcessor |
A raster data processor which is called for a set of raster lines to be processed.
RasterDataNodeOpImage |
A base class for OpImage s acting as source image for
a RasterDataNode .
RasterDataNodePersistable |
RasterDataNodePersistenceHelper |
RasterDataNodeSampleOpImage |
RasterDataSymbol |
Represents a read-only symbol.
RasterDataSymbol.Source |
Lists possible source image types.
RasterDataSymbolReplacer |
RasterImageLayerType |
RasterUtils |
RationalFunctionModel |
Class for approximating a function of two variables with a rational
ReaderResource |
A [@link Resource} reading its content from a @{link Reader}.
ReadOnly |
Marker for an UI read-only field
ReadOp |
Reads the specified file as product.
ReadOp.Spi |
RectangleConverter |
A converter for Rectangle
RectangleExtender |
Extends a rectangle using a horizontal and vertical extension.
RectificationGrid |
RedoAction |
ReferenceExpr |
ReinterpretDescriptor |
An OperationDescriptor describing the "Reinterpret"
ReinterpretOpImage |
ReinterpretRIF |
Rendering |
A rendering is used to render graphical data representations to a GUI widget, image or another
output device such as a printer.
ReplaceValueOpImage |
This image replaces one value by an other value in the given source image.
ReprojectionOp |
The reprojection operator is used to geo-reference data products.
ReprojectionOp.Spi |
Resample |
Resampler |
An interface for classes that resample a multi-size product to a single-size product.
ResampleUtils |
Resampling |
An interface used to implement different resampling strategies.
Resampling.Index |
An index is used to provide resampling information at a given raster position x,y.
Resampling.Raster |
A raster is a rectangular grid which provides sample values at a given raster position x,y.
ResamplingFactory |
A factory class for creating instances of Resampling
ResamplingMethod |
Created by obarrile on 11/04/2019.
ResamplingOp |
ResamplingOp.Spi |
ResamplingPreset |
Created by obarrile on 13/04/2019.
ResamplingPresetManager |
Created by obarrile on 13/04/2019.
ResamplingScaler |
ResolutionLevel |
Represent a level in a multi-resolution image pyramid.
Resource |
This class encapsulates the content of a resource.
ResourceEngine |
An engine to transform resources using a VelocityEngine .
ResourceInstaller |
Installs resources from a given source to a given target.
ResourceLocator |
Resource locators are service providers used collect resources across multiple code bases in multi-module environments.
ResourceResolver |
The Class ResourceResolver.
Restorable |
An object implementing this interface can create a memento by which it's
state can be restored after the object has been changed.
RestorableEdit |
A very simple UndoableEdit which is acts upon a Restorable
representing the changed object and the memento of that object before it was changed.
RGBChannelDef |
RgbImageLayerType |
RGBImageProfile |
A profile used for the creation of RGB images.
RGBImageProfileManager |
A profile used for the creation of RGB images.
RotateHandle |
A Handle that can be used to rotate figures.
Rotator |
Class for rotating geographical positions.
RsMathUtils |
A utility class providing a set of mathematical functions frequently used in the fields of remote sensing.
RuntimeConfig |
The configuration for a Ceres runtime.
RuntimeConfigException |
Indicates conditions that a reasonable Ceres application might want to catch.
RuntimeContext |
The Ceres Runtime class provides access to the system module, which
can be used to access the runtime's configuration and all of its
current modules.
RuntimeFactory |
A factory for runtime instances.
RuntimeLauncher |
Provides a launch method to launch a runtime.
RuntimeRunnable |
A runnable which is executed by the runtime.
Sample |
A sample represents the (geophysical) value of a RasterDataNode at a certain a certain pixel position.
SampleCoding |
Provides the information required to decode integer sample values that
are combined of single flags (bit indexes).
SampleOperator |
A SampleOperator may serve as a handy base class for an operator that computes a single target sample from
any number of source samples.
ScaleHandle |
A Handle that can be used to scale figures.
Scaling |
The scaling method used for geophysical value transformation in a Band .
ScalingType |
Scene |
Represents a geo-coded scene.
SceneFactory |
This class is not public API yet.
SceneTransformProvider |
Provides various transformations from local RasterDataNode coordinate reference systems
to a Product 's scene coordinate reference systems.
SegmentCoverage |
SelectAllAction |
A generic 'select all' action.
Selection |
Represents a selection of zero, one or more items, e.g.
SelectionChangeEmitter |
SelectionChangeEvent |
An event indicating that a selection or selection context change has occurred.
SelectionChangeListener |
Interface implemented by a class interested in hearing about
selection change events.
SelectionChangeSupport |
SelectionContext |
SelectionExpr |
SelectionExpr.Case |
SelectionExpr.Default |
SelectionInteractor |
Interactor for selecting and moving figures and figure points.
SelectionInteractor.Tool |
SelectionManager |
SelectionSource |
A selection source holds a current selection and reports selection change events
by emitting them to interested selection change listener s.
SequenceData |
A sequence of elements of same type.
SequenceExpr |
SequenceType |
ServiceFinder |
A finder for service provider interface (SPI) registries.
ServiceFinder.Module |
The module containing the services.
ServiceLoader |
This class does not belong to the public API.
ServiceRegistry<T> |
A registry for services of a specific type.
ServiceRegistryListener<T> |
ServiceRegistryManager |
A manager for service registries.
ShapeFigure |
A figure which uses an arbitrary geometry represented by a Java AWT shape.
ShapeLayer |
A shape layer is used to draw Shape s.
ShapeLayer.Type |
ShapeMaskOpImage |
ShapeRasterizer |
Instances of this class are used to rasterize the outline of a java.awt.Shape .
ShapeRasterizer.BresenhamLineRasterizer |
The Bresenham Algorithm is the default algorithm used to rasterize lines.
ShapeRasterizer.LinePixelVisitor |
Visits each pixel of a rasterized line.
ShapeRasterizer.LineRasterizer |
An abstract representation of an algorithm used to rasterize lines.
ShapeSymbol |
A point symbol that is represented by a Java AWT shape geometry.
ShortConverter |
SimpleFileSystem |
An abstraction of the used filesystem.
SimpleSourceProductDescriptor |
Created by kraftek on 1/30/2017.
SimpleType |
SingleBandedOpImage |
A base class for single-band OpImages retrieving data at a given pyramid level.
SingleBandedSampleModel |
This class represents image data which is composed of a single band so that
(a pixel comprises a single sample and occupies one data element of the DataBuffer).
SingleFlagSymbol |
Represents a read-only symbol.
SingleTypeExtensionFactory<T,E> |
SingularMatrixException |
Thrown, if a matrix is singular and processing cannot be continued.
SinusoidalDistance |
Distance measure that takes into account the decrease of the Euclidean
distance with increasing latitude of the reference point.
SnapFileFilter |
A FileFilter with file extensions support.
SnapFileFilter.FileSelectionMode |
File selection modes.
SourceImageScaler |
SourceList |
SourceList.Converter |
SourceProduct |
Marks a source product field of an Operator .
SourceProductDescriptor |
Source product element metadata.
SourceProducts |
Marks a source product array field of an Operator .
SourceProductsDescriptor |
Source products element metadata.
SourceSampleConfigurer |
A SourceSampleConfigurer is used to define the source samples processed by a PointOperator .
SpectralUnmixing |
Linear spectral unmixing interface.
SphericalDistance |
This class computes the spherical distance (in Radian) between two (lon, lat) points.
SplineInterpolator |
SSLUtil |
Created by lveci on 3/28/2017.
StandardUncertaintyGenerator |
Implementation of an UncertaintyGenerator which generates the Standard Combined Uncertainty
according to JCGM 100:2008 (GUM 1995), Chapter 5.
StatusProgressMonitor |
status bar Progress monitor
This is used for showing progress on sub threads within an operator execution
StatusProgressMonitor.Listener |
StatusProgressMonitor.Notification |
StatusProgressMonitor.TYPE |
StereographicDescriptor |
StopWatch |
The StopWatch class is a (very) simple utility class that allows to measure the time passed between two
user defined events.
StoreTiffPyramid |
StoreTiledTiff |
StringArrayValidator |
StringConverter |
StringResource |
A [@link Resource} reading its content from a @{link String}.
StringUtils |
The StringUtils class provides frequently used utility methods dealing with String values
and which are not found in the java.lang.String class.
StringValidator |
Stx |
Provides statistic information for a raster data node at a given image resolution level.
StxFactory |
The factory for Stx instances.
StyleDefaults |
SubProgressMonitor |
A progress monitor that uses a given amount of work ticks
from a parent monitor.
SubsetOp |
This operator is used to create either spatial and/or spectral subsets of a data product.
SubsetOp.Spi |
SummaryStxOp |
Utility class for calculating minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation.
SwappingTileCache |
A tile cache based on Sun Microsystems' reference implementation of the interface.
SwapSpace |
A swap space is used to store, restore and delete tiles swapped by the
SwappingTileCache .
SwingHelper |
Helper class providing some utilities for Swing programming.
Symbol |
The graphical representation of point figures.
Symbol |
Represents a read-only symbol.
SystemDependentVariable |
This class encapsulates a property that has OS-dependent values.
SystemUtils |
A collection of SNAP-system level functions.
SystemUtils.ImageSelection |
This class is used to hold an image while on the clipboard.
SystemVariable |
This class encapsulates an environment (or system) variable
that can be passed to a tool adapter operator.
TableLayout |
A convenient layout manager that allows multiple components to be laid out
in form of a table-like grid.
TableLayout.Anchor |
This parameter is used when the component's display area is larger
than the component's requested size.
TableLayout.Cell |
TableLayout.Fill |
This parameter is used when the component is smaller than its
display area.
TableSelectionContext |
A selection provider that wraps a JTable .
TargetProduct |
Marks the target product field of an Operator .
TargetProductDescriptor |
Target product element metadata.
TargetProperty |
Marks a target property field of an Operator .
TargetPropertyDescriptor |
Target property element metadata.
TargetSampleConfigurer |
A TargetSampleConfigurer is used to define the target samples processed by a PointOperator .
Template |
TemplateContext<C> |
Wrapper for scripting context implementations.
TemplateConverter |
Converter for XML serialization of templates.
TemplateEngine<C> |
A template engine represents an abstraction over concrete scripting engines.
TemplateException |
Specialized class for template parsing exceptions.
TemplateParameterDescriptor |
Specialization class for parameters based on a template, with their own parameters.
TemplateReader |
A template reader replaces any occurences of ${key} or $key
in the underlying stream with the string representations of any non-null value returned by a given
resolver for that key.
TemplateReader.Resolver |
TemplateType |
Enumeration for possible template types
Term |
The abstract Term class is an in-memory representation of an
element within an arbitrary expression tree.
Term.Add |
The numerical ADD operation:
n-term + n-term
Term.AndB |
The logical AND operation:
b-term && b-term
Term.AndI |
The bitwise AND operation:
i-term & i-term
Term.Assign |
The assignment operation
variable-ref-term = term
Term.Binary |
Term.BinaryB |
An abstract binary (= 2 operands) operation.
Term.BinaryI |
An abstract binary (= 2 operands) operation with a return type
of int .
Term.BinaryN |
An abstract binary (= 2 operands) operation with a numeric return type.
Term.Call |
A call of a (or reference to a) Function
Term.Cond |
The conditional operation
b-term ? term : term
Term.Const |
A boolean constant, e.g.
Term.ConstB |
A boolean constant, e.g.
Term.ConstD |
A floating point constant, e.g.
Term.ConstI |
An integer constant, e.g.
Term.ConstS |
Term.Div |
The numerical DIV operation:
n-term / n-term
Term.EqB |
The boolean EQ operation:
b-term == b-term
Term.EqD |
The double EQ operation:
d-term == d-term
Term.EqI |
The integer EQ operation:
i-term == i-term
Term.GeD |
The double GE operation:
d-term >= d-term
Term.GeI |
The integer GE operation:
i-term >= i-term
Term.GtD |
The double GT operation:
d-term > d-term
Term.GtI |
The integer GT operation:
i-term > i-term
Term.LeD |
The double LE operation:
d-term <= d-term
Term.LeI |
The integer LE operation:
i-term <= i-term
Term.LtD |
The double LT operation:
d-term < d-term
Term.LtI |
The integer LT operation:
i-term < i-term
Term.Mod |
The numerical MOD (modulo) operation:
n-term % n-term
Term.Mul |
The numerical MUL operation:
n-term * n-term
Term.Neg |
The numerical NEG operation:
- d-term
Term.NEqB |
The boolean NEQ operation:
b-term != b-term
Term.NEqD |
The double NEQ operation:
d-term != d-term
Term.NEqI |
The integer NEQ operation:
i-term != i-term
Term.NotB |
The logical NOT operation
! b-term
Term.NotI |
The bitwise NOT operation:
~ i-term
Term.Op |
An abstract operation.
Term.OrB |
The logical OR operation:
b-term || b-term
Term.OrI |
The bitwise OR operation:
i-term ¦ i-term
Term.Ref |
Term.Sub |
The numerical SUB operation:
n-term - n-term
Term.Unary |
An abstract unary (= 1 operand) operation.
Term.UnaryB |
An abstract unary (= 1 operand) operation with return type of
boolean .
Term.UnaryI |
An abstract unary (= 1 operand) operation with return type of
int .
Term.UnaryN |
An abstract unary (= 1 operand) operation with a numeric return type.
Term.XOrI |
The bitwise XOR operation:
i-term ^ i-term
TermTransformer |
A term transformer is a term visitor that returns terms.
TermVisitor<T> |
Visitor support for the Term class.
TextFieldEditor |
TextFieldXEditor |
An editor which uses a JTextField or JTextArea
and another JComponent used to invoke an extra editor which lets the
user edit the value in the text field.
ThreadExecutor |
ThreadRunnable |
Thumbnail |
Created by luis on 29/01/2016.
Thumbnail.ThumbnailListener |
TiePointBilinearForward |
TiePointBilinearForward.Plugin |
TiePointGeoCoding |
TiePointGeoCoding.Approximation |
TiePointGeoCodingPersistenceConverter |
TiePointGeoCodingPersistenceSpi |
TiePointGrid |
A tie-point grid contains the data for geophysical parameter in remote sensing data products.
TiePointGridOpImage |
An OpImage which retrieves its data from the product reader associated with the
given RasterDataNode at a given pyramid level.
TiePointGridPointing |
A Pointing which uses tie-point grids to compute the geometry for a given pixel position.
TiePointInverse |
TiePointInverse.Plugin |
TiePointSplineForward |
TiePointSplineForward.Plugin |
Tile |
A tile represents a rectangular region of sample data within the scene rectangle of a data product.
Tile.Pos |
A pixel position within the tile's raster.
TileComputationEvent |
A event that is generated after a tile has been computed.
TileComputationEventLogger |
A printer for tile computation events.
TileComputationObserver |
Gets notified once a new tile has been computed.
TiledFileMultiLevelSource |
TiledFileOpImage |
TileImageDisposer |
Simple class to dispose (close) all TileOpImages.
TileUsageReportGenerator |
A tile observer which produces tile usage reports from Velocity template files.
TileUsageReportGenerator.GroupingComparator |
TileUsageReportGenerator.ImagesComparator |
TileUsageReportGenerator.StartTimeComparator |
TileUsageReportGenerator.Task |
TileUsageReportGenerator.ThreadNamesComparator |
TileUsageReportGenerator.TileIndicesComparator |
TimeCoding |
The TimeCoding interface allows to convert pixel coordinates to time values and vice versa (if possible).
TimeStampExtractor |
Allows to extract time information from file names.
TimeStampExtractor.DateInterpretationPatternValidator |
TimeStampExtractor.FilenameInterpretationPatternValidator |
ToolAdapterActivator |
Registers the installed tool adapters.
ToolAdapterConstants |
Holder interface for tool adapter constants.
ToolAdapterIO |
Utility class for performing various operations needed by ToolAdapterOp.
ToolAdapterListener |
Created by kraftek on 3/4/2016.
ToolAdapterOp |
Tool Adapter operator
ToolAdapterOperatorDescriptor |
Operator descriptor class for ToolAdapterOp.
ToolAdapterOpSpi |
The SPI class for ToolAdapterOp.
ToolAdapterRegistry |
Registry (map) class for mapping ToolAdapterOpSpi-s to adapter names.
ToolParameterDescriptor |
Tools |
Tools.MouseHandler |
TrackPointDescriptor |
Placemark descriptor implementation for handling track data.
TransectProfileData |
A container for data which fully describes a transect profile.
TransectProfileData.Config |
TransectProfileDataBuilder |
TransverseMercatorDescriptor |
TreeCellExtender |
TreeCopier |
A FileVisitor that copies a file tree.
TreeDeleter |
A FileVisitor that deletes a file tree.
TreeNode<T> |
A tree node implementation.
TreeSelectionContext |
A selection provider that wraps a JTree .
Type |
TypeBuilder |
A utility class which fosters the construction of complex type defintions.
TypeParser |
A simple parser which can be used to read type definition units using the following syntax:
unit := compounds
TypeValidator |
UncertaintyGenerator |
Generates the combined uncertainty for a given band maths expression.
UncompressedTileOpImageCallback<TileDataType> |
Created by jcoravu on 8/1/2020.
UnconstrainedLSU |
Performs an unconstrained linear spectral unmixing.
UndoAction |
UndoContext |
A context providing basic undo/redo functionality.
UpsamplerSpi |
Created by obarrile on 11/04/2019.
UpsamplerSpiRegistry |
Created by obarrile on 11/04/2019.
UpsamplerSpiRegistryImpl |
Created by obarrile on 11/04/2019.
Upsampling |
Created by obarrile on 11/04/2019.
UriLabel |
UrlConverter |
UtilConstants |
Stores some constants used in this package.
UTMProjection |
ValidationException |
Signals a value validation failure.
Validator |
A Validator provides the strategy to validate a value with respect to a provided
Property .
ValueItem<E> |
ValueRange |
This class represents a numerical value range.
ValueSet |
A set of values allowed to be assigned to certain types of values.
ValueSetValidator |
Variable |
Represents a variable to which a value can be assigned.
VariableCache |
VariableResolver |
Class that tries to resolve (i.e.
VarSequenceType |
VectorDataMaskOpImage |
VectorDataMaskPersistableSpi |
VectorDataMaskPersistenceConverter |
VectorDataMaskPersistenceSpi |
VectorDataNode |
A container which allows to store vector data in the BEAM product model.
VectorDataNodeIO |
VectorDataNodeReader |
Reader that creates an instance of VectorDataNode for a given CSV (character separated values) input.
VectorDataNodeReader.PlacemarkDescriptorProvider |
VectorDataNodeWriter |
A writer for VectorDataNodes.
VectorLookupTable |
The class VectorLookupTable performs the function of
multilinear interpolation for vector lookup tables with an
arbitrary number of dimensions.
VerboseTileCache |
Version |
Represents a version identifier.
VersionChecker |
VersionChecker.CHECK |
VertexHandle |
A Handle that can be used to change vertex positions.
Viewport |
A Viewport allows to view a certain part of graphical data representations
given in coordinates defined in some model coordinate system.
ViewportAware |
Something which knows about a viewport, most likely a view GUI component.
ViewportInteractor |
ViewportListener |
A change listener which can be added to viewports.
VirtualBand |
A band contains the data for geophysical parameter in remote sensing data products.
VirtualBandOpImage |
An OpImage which retrieves its data from the product reader associated with the
given RasterDataNode at a given pyramid level.
VirtualBandOpImage.Builder |
VirtualDir |
A read-only directory that can either be a directory in the file system or a ZIP-file.
WakefulComponent |
WakefulComponent.VisualState |
WildcardMatcher |
Utility class that can be used to "glob" the filesystem using (extended) Unix-style wildcards:
'**' recursively matches directories and sub-directories;
'*' matches parts or entire path names;
'?' matches single characters;
and character ranges expressed with '[]' will be correctly matched.
However, no tilde expansion is done.
WorldMapLayerType |
A layer used to display world maps.
WritableNamespace |
WritableSample |
A writable sample is a Sample that can change its value.
WriteCache |
WriteOp |
This standard operator is used to store a data product to a specified file location.
WriteOp.Spi |
WriterBasedVectorDataNodeWriter |
A writer for VectorDataNodes.
WriteRGBOp |
WriteRGBOp.Spi |
XmlDescriptor |
An OperationDescriptor describing the "Convolve" operation.
XmlMetadata |
Base metadata class that exposes helper methods for easier access of interesting metadata values.
XmlMetadataInspector |
Deprecated. |
XmlMetadataParser<T extends GenericXmlMetadata> |
SAX parser for XML metadata.
XmlMetadataParserFactory |
This factory class returns instances of XmlMetadataParser s that have been previously
registered with it.
XmlRIF |
XMLSupport |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
XmlWriter |
XPathHandler |
Handles XPath expressions in velocity template files.
XppDomElement |
XStreamDomConverter |
todo - add API doc
XStreamDomElementReader |
todo - add API doc
XStreamDomElementWriter |
todo - add API doc
XYInterpolator |
XYInterpolator.Type |
ZoomInteractor |